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1 or 2 point Sling system


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Old August 9th, 2011, 22:14   #1
KwGeek's Avatar
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1 or 2 point Sling system

I was wondering about Slings and what would sort of Sling system I should get when I order my AEG.

cause I see that there are 2 choices to choose from, the One point, the two point and then there is the
Magpul MS2 Multi Mission Sling System

so I was wondering if you could tell me what type of sling you use and why you like that sort of sling over the other type.

thanks for your time
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Old August 9th, 2011, 22:18   #2
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I use a one point sling because its quite easy to hook on my rifle and take it off quick if need be. I also have it tucked through the shoulder straps on my vest so the weight of my gun isnt pulling on my neck, works great.

The one you linked there is one I plan on getting soon, a bit better then the one I have now.

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Old August 9th, 2011, 22:27   #3
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it completely depends on what aeg you have. you want to be comfortable carrying it in any position.
I used a one point for years and switched to two points recently and I think 2 is more practical overall.
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Old August 9th, 2011, 22:29   #4
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I recently switched to the Magpul MS2 sling... and I love it

I've got one of the cheap clones, so cant say yet weither or not it will hold it's tightness or length settings in use as I haven't owned it long enough yet.

mine stays mostly in 1point ... but the quick 2 point option is nice for slinging weapon snuggly to my back (weapon hit, transiting, or dmr/sniper long arms) ... lets me stay with one sling and use it, make it 2nd nature for all my weapons, instead of the idiosyncrosis of multiple slings for different weapons.
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Old August 9th, 2011, 22:52   #5
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There are a wide range of opinions on what sling works best, but after I've tried three points, single points, I ultimately settled on a traditional two point - well a hybrid sling that gives me the ease to transition from a one point to two point or vice-versa. It took me awhile to find the optimal sling for my AR, I went from a three-point sling, which was a nightmare if you had to switch from your dominate hand to support hand to shoot or the third strap always seem to get in the way while performing a reload, then to a one point because of those problems. But after running with a one point on my AR15, even at the range, which one is pretty much static, the weapon retention was lacking horribly, even though it was great as a shooting sling, easily manipulate the controls of the weapon, shooting ambidextrously with ease, but I found my muzzle would swing around horribly, especially during weapon transitions drills. It was difficult to perform any simple tasks requiring two hands, let alone if someone had to put their hands on a subject, climb a ladder, rope, or do any of that ninja tacticool high speed stuff, without one hand keeping the muzzle still. I tried using Blackhawk's CQD Mark II Weapons Catch, which did the job, but I found it cumbersome and slow to secure the weapon for a weapons transitions or to perform other tasks, not to mention you always would have to have it part of your kit. After getting fed up with it, I finnally went and got a traditional two point.Two commercially available two points on the market for the AR that are highly recommended are Kyle E. Lamb's V-TAC sling or Blue Force Vickers Combat Application Sling. After T&Eing both, the V-Tac is my favorite, even though the VCAS edges over the V-Tac in quality of construction, stitching and overall feel - (also someone mentioned it has a lower IR signature, can't confirm, but I could care less about, just remember reading it somewhere or another), for me the length adjustment is not as easily with the VCAS, can't continually make the sling taut - pulling it closer to your body as you can with a V-Tac. The generation one V-Tac slings had a free running tail which I've comically had go into the mag well during a speed reload, but this is resolved with the gen 2s, Mk2, with an additional velcro nylon assembly that keeps it in the free tail in line with the sling. I also tried the Magpul MS2 sling, which I especially like the quick detach hardware, and the concept of two slings in one, easily go from a one point to two point sling or vice-versa. However, just like the VCAS, the MS2 length of adjustment or the ability to continually make the sling taut was missing feature. So what I ended up doing was making my own hybrid sling, took a V-Tac Mk2 Sling, the hardware from the Magpul MS2 sling. So far, it's running pretty well, and with the hardware, the nice thing is the sling can stay on me, and I can also mount the sling on different guns, like my 870 or any other gun easily - assuming they have the corresponding correct hardware mounted. This is by far the best sling I've used thus far. It utilizes a two point sling setup, which is designed for muzzle down carrying. One can adjust the length of the sling in seconds, allowing the user to perform various tasks quickly, this is accomplished through the use of a free running tail or the quick release lanyard, and when expecting to shoot, the sling can easily be transition with the claw to a one point, giving the flexibility to shoot easily off the left or right shoulders without the straps choking me. The design of the V-Tac sling is simple, tried, true, and tested in combat, combined with the innovation from Magpul theory products, the MS2 hardware, snap hoop and claw, makes for the sling I've used thus far that seems to provide the best of both worlds.

Videos Demonstrating Functionality of Slings

Overview of the Various Features of the VTAC Sling

And here are some videos to show the Magpul MS2 sling functionality.
‪Magpul ShotShow 2009 Part 1‬‏ - YouTube

Pictures for Reference
(VTAC Mk2 + MS2 Sling, VCAS, Gear Sector Single Point, VTAC Mk1)

(VTAC MK2 Mounted to Daniel Defense Heavy Duty QD Sling Mount and Vltor Modstock - Left Side View)

Magpul Sling

(Vickers Combat Applications Sling - VCAS w/ No Free Running Tail)

(VTAC MK2 – Free Tail End Fix, luckily VTAC developed a newer sling, modified so that the free tail end was held in place preventing the earlier issue. )

(Gear Sector – Single Point Sling)

( MS2+MK2 Hybrid – Single Point Sling Setup)

( MS2+MK2 Hybrid – Two Point Sling Mounted to Receiver End Plate)

( MS2+MK2 Hybrid – Two Point Sling Mounted to Vltor Modstock)

Hopefully sharing my experiences will save you some time and money. The last few pictures is the latest iteration of what I am running so far on my AR, I don't have any complaints, well now that I think about it, it can be a little difficult to hook the front end while transitioning from a single point to two point sling, probably best to use a fixed loop opposed to the QD sling swivel on the rail, since by design it can swivel. And if you do go for a V-Tac or VCAS, be sure to spend the extra and get the padded version, definitely makes a world of difference when your out there for long periods of time. Well, that is if your running slick, no 2nd line gear, if you do run a big vest 2nd line or even 3rd line, you can save the $10 and just get the standard, there's no difference on the load carrying ability, but comfort wise, makes a huge difference if your just out there with a 1st line rig.

So here's a shameless plug for Kyle, which developed the VTAC sling:

Sergeant Major Kyle E. Lamb (retired), spent more than 21 years with the United States Army, more than 15 years of which were with the U.S. Army Special Operations. SGM Lamb has conducted combat operations in numerous theatres of operation, including Mogadishu, Somalia (Black Hawk Down Incident), and has served numerous tours in Iraq (the current war as well as Operation Desert Storm) and Bosnia. SGM Lamb is now the Founder and President of Viking Tactics, Inc. as well as the author of “Green Eyes and Black Rifles: The Warriors Guide to the Combat Carbine.” Lamb is a highly sought after military and law enforcement trainer, conducting Leadership Training Seminars, Team Leader Planning Courses, Tactical Commanders Course, Active Shooter Courses, Dynamic Tactical Entry Courses, as well as Carbine and Pistol Courses. For More information, contact
$34.95 USD (34.32 CAD)

Don't know if he ships to Canada though, don't believe it's ITAR controlled.

Oh and I forgot to mention the hardware, on your gun. If you run a basic VTAC sling, you'll need at least a sling swivel on the rail or front of the gun, with a standard M4 telescopic stock you can loop the ends together, and it works to secure the buttstock end, just no quick detach feature. (See the first picture with the ICS M4 on the right hand side.) I prefer the QD, since I can keep the sling on my body in a one point set up. But it's up to you, if you want to keep a sling always on the gun, or would rather have QD. Mounting a two point far from end to end, will allow the weapon to clench onto you better, but makes it more difficult to shoot off the support side, ambi shooting is easier when it's mounted on the end plate/castle nut between the lower receiver and buffer tube, also seems to hang just right in a single point from the end plate rather than stock. So I'd recommend mounting it on the end plate and to the forend for two point, and on one point directly to the end plate. And since this is for airsoft, you might want to check your barrel nut is properly torqued and secured, and that your receiver had handle the weight of your weapon, before you go lugging it around like the real thing. Depending on where you mount it, it can cause enough torque as to work your barrel nut loose, or work your free float or even non free float rail loose, or put a lot of stress and strain on your barrel, if you mount to the front sight base, since airsoft outer barrels aren't exactly cold hammer forged steel.

(Note: If you get a MS2 sling, get the PTS one, the real one doesn't have a swivel joint on the snap hook, not sure why not, but that swivel joint on the snap hook that goes to the rear end, prevents the sling from binding up, as it can with the real MS2 or MS3 sling, there is a swivel joint allowing rotation along the axis of the strap, but only on the claw hook not the snap hook).

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Last edited by Ming_the_Merciless; August 9th, 2011 at 23:16..
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Old August 9th, 2011, 23:22   #6
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I can see that you put a lot of thought into what you have to say about this topic and what I'm about to say is more my problem then it is yours, but the first part of your post is very long and it all seems to run together and I end up loosing my place. ( mostly it's partly due to my learning disorder and long run-on sentence are very difficult for me to read)

so if you would mind editing your post and maybe adding a few paragraph breaks. it would help greatly.

but I can see that you have a lot of experiences with slings and I hope that I can learn some thing from your post.

thanks for you time
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Old August 9th, 2011, 23:51   #7
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Has some VTAC, maybe could get you the sling if you want it. I have a couple Vickers Slings myself and swear by them. On all my carbine type rifles they rock.

That said it does really depend on what you are attaching it to. I use a different sling on my SAW than my MP7.

If you don't have a shooter yet then you are much better off waiting till that is sorted.
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Old August 10th, 2011, 09:32   #8
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imo slings are highly personal preference... some people love 1 or 2 even 3... I would say try them all if you can, they all have advantages and disadvantages and each set of pros and cons may be better or worse for you, don't just go on recommendation of others until you try them.

For instance people told me not to use a 3 point with my m14, but I personally love it, but then again, I don't have a 2pt yet to compare it to, it's in the mail, and I can pick between the 2 later after I try it.

I checked out a bunch of videos to see what can be done with all 3 types and there's a huge variety of 3pts that work differently. What I like about it is that I can use it as a 2pt, and it has a quick release to change it to sort of a 1 point so I can switch strong/weak side for leaning around corners. It's not as fast as a 1pt or no sling, but with the weight of my gun, I'm not going to win any quick draw contests either and I most definitely wouldn't lead a charge, so I can take a bit of time there. One of the drawbacks to my 3pt is that there's a lot of material to get caught on my vest or behind the stock when I transition.

If your gun is smaller or lighter though, you should be considering 1 point or 2 point. If you have something longer or heavier, a 3pt will help with the weight when you lug it around.
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Old August 10th, 2011, 10:06   #9
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my problem is I prefer a 1 point, but often need a 2 point.

problem solved - Magpul MS2
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Old August 10th, 2011, 10:20   #10
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I vote this thread for sticky based on Mings post.

Excellent post man. Exactly what this forum is all about....
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Old August 10th, 2011, 11:48   #11
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As an addition I find 3 point slings to be awful, they'll tangle on your pouches/plate carrier/vest and hang up on the bumpy bits of the weapon. If you hang around the safe zone with just a t-shirt on then maybe.

I cannot imagine carrying something heavy like a SAW that way.
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Old August 10th, 2011, 12:06   #12
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Best way to find "best" type of sling is to try them all. Some people find 2 points best while others, who are the same size, wearing similar gear and similar guns playing the same role, find them too restricting to the point that they are unable to use them.

I prefer 1 points but find 2 points handy(at times), I have a magpul ms2 sling to compromise.
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Old August 10th, 2011, 12:45   #13
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For long rifles, a 2 points sling is needed as it become a 3rd point of contact when shooting standing. But for assault rifles, I agree with the crowd, a 1 or 2 point sling is good. I did not try the magpul sling, but I really dig it's desing. I will probably buy one, or one from another manufacturer that function the same way.

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Old August 10th, 2011, 12:46   #14
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this is true, probably one of the reasons I don't mind it yet, my vest isn't completely stuffed with pouches yet so it's relatively tangle free.

Originally Posted by Danke View Post
As an addition I find 3 point slings to be awful, they'll tangle on your pouches/plate carrier/vest and hang up on the bumpy bits of the weapon. If you hang around the safe zone with just a t-shirt on then maybe.

I cannot imagine carrying something heavy like a SAW that way.
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Old August 10th, 2011, 13:08   #15
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When it comes to slings, I find the expression "LESS IS MORE" very relevant. If you want your AEG to feel snugg and secure to your body, a 3 point sling provides you this in my experience. However, setting it up to your desired lenght of pull can be irritating specially when you have a very complicated sling.
However, if you want the opposite of above and if you want to be able to switch between left and right (peek around corners), which most 3 point slings prevents you from doing when worn, a single point sling is the best.
Believe me on this, as I own Eagle Assualt Slings, Blackhawk Swift 3 point slings, and Specter Gear Sling 101 and sometimes I find the features of these slings to be a nuisance more than anything else.
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