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Super Not Cool: Taking fake "death pics"



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Old August 3rd, 2014, 16:00   #1
Ministry of Peace
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Super Not Cool: Taking fake "death pics"

So I don't trumpet being a vet really ever, but I wanted to bring something up that is in my books, "super not cool".

That being, taking fake "pre deployment photos" dressed as Canadian Forces personnel before attending airsoft games;

As seen in the link above, these two "gentlemen" thought it would be cool to shoot some "predeployment" photos in Canadian gear. Commonly known in the CF as "death photos", these pics are taken of every member deploying overseas. When one stands in front of that camera and poses for that photo, you know it's that photo that will be splashed on the news in the case of your untimely demise, the one your parents, wife, girl whatever will have to stare at on television as the news you're not coming home sinks in.

What these two fellows did was completely without consideration for actual soldiers; remember this is a game, don't take it so seriously that you are posing for these photos or having "promotion ceremonies" (which I have also seen before in airsoft...*sigh).

On a lighter note, these tools couldn't even do it right as the flag is never flown 90 degrees askew...

That's all, /rant. Keep your shots downrange everyone.
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Old August 3rd, 2014, 16:04   #2
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That's kinda silly. It's a game that I refuse to take seriously. Not so for these two mutts, it seems. How about some common decency and thinking before doing? Is that really so difficult?
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Old August 3rd, 2014, 16:05   #3
Ministry of Peace
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Uncensored pics;

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Old August 3rd, 2014, 16:05   #4
Zack The Ripper
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Lol you made a thread literally seconds before me..
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Old August 3rd, 2014, 16:37   #5
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A whole new level of derp. Awesome.
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Old August 3rd, 2014, 16:39   #6
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I realize that part of airsoft is getting into the moment of things, perhaps even larp'ing it up a bit .. but c'mon... this is seriously blurring the line between fantasy and reality. Almost on the level of stolen valor (if it weren't for the flag goof) .. lets keep it real, mmk?
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Old August 3rd, 2014, 16:48   #7
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Their boonie hats look like ass. Choo' guys got chits for those beards?
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Old August 3rd, 2014, 17:00   #8
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Originally Posted by pugs144 View Post
Their boonie hats look like ass. Choo' guys got chits for those beards?
MODT - tu fui ego eris
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Old August 3rd, 2014, 17:02   #9
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ATT Funker FB Followers:

It has come to our attention that some photos we posted have been greatly exaggerated and taken out of context without our consent.

These photos were part of an embedded military simulation exercise that we attended in the United States. Part of the experience was to go through the same in-processing as the military does which includes profile photos. The simulation event itself, was hosted by ACTIVE US ARMY individuals along with retired veterans of several global conflicts. All 160 attendees of this event had photos taken which included approx. 150 Americans, (again both active and retired military).

Let us make it perfectly clear that these photos ARE NOT DeathsHand Airsoft's attempt at a joke or implied disrespect to anyone or friend/family of military KIA, MIA or other. We were simply taking part in a military simulation and these photos were just 1 small element of it which also included blank fire, pyro, and COP construction.

Please be aware that 3 members of DeathsHand airsoft are also retired CF and UK military themselves and have personal connections of their own friends who have been lost on tours in Iraq and Bosnia. We are mindful of real vs. simulation and understand the difference.

We regret any misrepresentation our photos have caused and all 7 members of DeathsHand Airsoft formally apologize for any personal emotions they may have caused. Thank you to our 2000+ followers who know us and how we truly respect the military, and thank you as well to all the new followers and posts to bring this matter to our attention. We will post more carefully going forward.

Kind regards,

-Deathshand Airsoft
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Old August 3rd, 2014, 17:36   #10
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Originally Posted by kolumbo69 View Post
ATT Funker FB Followers:

It has come to our attention that some photos we posted have been greatly exaggerated and taken out of context without our consent.

These photos were part of an embedded military simulation exercise that we attended in the United States. Part of the experience was to go through the same in-processing as the military does which includes profile photos. The simulation event itself, was hosted by ACTIVE US ARMY individuals along with retired veterans of several global conflicts. All 160 attendees of this event had photos taken which included approx. 150 Americans, (again both active and retired military).

Let us make it perfectly clear that these photos ARE NOT DeathsHand Airsoft's attempt at a joke or implied disrespect to anyone or friend/family of military KIA, MIA or other. We were simply taking part in a military simulation and these photos were just 1 small element of it which also included blank fire, pyro, and COP construction.

Please be aware that 3 members of DeathsHand airsoft are also retired CF and UK military themselves and have personal connections of their own friends who have been lost on tours in Iraq and Bosnia. We are mindful of real vs. simulation and understand the difference.

We regret any misrepresentation our photos have caused and all 7 members of DeathsHand Airsoft formally apologize for any personal emotions they may have caused. Thank you to our 2000+ followers who know us and how we truly respect the military, and thank you as well to all the new followers and posts to bring this matter to our attention. We will post more carefully going forward.

Kind regards,

-Deathshand Airsoft
So then I figure this is also just a misunderstanding:

Issuing ranks: check.
Making up and issuing challenge coins: check
Hero pictures: check.
Straight up lack of respect for war and warriors: check.

Kinda like GMR but replace the cocaine with ignorance.

This is why I don't tell folks at work that I play airsoft.

PS: Feel free to post that screenshot to Funker since this shit is going no where near my Facebook.
Views are my own.

Last edited by scottyfox; August 3rd, 2014 at 17:45..
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Old August 3rd, 2014, 18:19   #11
Traveling Man
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DEVILS ADVOCATE HERE: Not to defend their actions by posting these on an Airsoft related website commenting that they were from an American Airsoft Operation they attended and were required to take as part of the game. But why when this was a requirement from an American Airsoft Operaton, ran by American players, with over 160 players in attendance, 150+ of which had these photos taken as a part of the game. Is there so much hate and resentment towards these two? If you feel so strongly, then you should have tracked down the game hosts (Americans some of whom are active and retired from the US military services) should you have not? And asked why they were taking these photos.

My grandparents and several other family members, much like many many others fought in the world wars to defend the freedoms to do what you wish. They fought for the right to burn your nations flag, they fought to keep us safe, they fought to keep hitler and others like him out of power, they fought so that you could sleep soundly in the knowledge that you were safe. So if you can do all that, whats wrong with a photo? Seriously. It is a photo from a game. Hell BF4, COD and not to mention all the fictional movies out there depict this and far worse day in and out over and over again.

Disagree with me if you like, that is your right and freedom to do so.
Was it in good taste to post? Maybe, maybe not.
Was it their right to do so in a free country? Yes.
Was this right given to them by soldiers of the past who have fought for freedom? Yes.
Do you do nothing wrong ever? Probably not, because I have not seen any saints or angels running around.
Would I ever post a photo like this? Honestly I do not know.

Why were these two singled out? Because the member who sent this to funkers hates them personally, and knew the war machine here would lash out and single them out. There is posts and comments in here calling for them to be dragged to combat and killed (not directly but read between the lines and use common sense and that is the gyst of the comments). A soldier who lives by the code of conduct I know my grandfather and his brothers and many other family members who have served would yes possible feel some anger, but at the same time defend their freedom to do so. They did serve to give them that right.

Never forget that.
Saskatchewan Age Verifier! Contact for more Info.
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