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.25g BB advice


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Old August 21st, 2014, 18:50   #1
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.25g BB advice

Hi all...
New to this forum, and just getting into the airsoft guns. Been basement plinking with steel BB's but have recently bought an airsoft pistol and an AR. My question: I seem to get best results with the .25 in both guns. I bought a bottle of Valken 25g, and had feed problems with every 4th or 5th shot. Then bought a bag of King Arms 25's and have run almost all through without a problem! Just now tried a small bag of BB Bastard 25's and have had 4 feed jams in about 60 rounds. Is it ME?? What is the best brand of 25g bb's?? Is there that much inconsistency between brands, or am I just getting bad batches??

Any help and advice is greatly appreciated.
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Old August 21st, 2014, 18:54   #2
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Cleaned your barrel yet after that many rounds?
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Old August 21st, 2014, 18:59   #3
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Regularly...almost anally!! most of the problems were with the 30rd mag in the AR, not in the barrel...and it was a feed issue. The bb's would hang up part way down in the mag. Almost as of the sizes were so inconsistent that (stacked) they would jam up in the follower "tube" in the mag. Thanks for your reply!
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Old August 21st, 2014, 19:03   #4
Katlyn Cage
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Silicone spray your mag. Bb basteads are very high quality bbs and I have never seen any inconsistencies in there shape or size.
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Old August 21st, 2014, 19:08   #5
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Thanks...the problem was way more noticeable with the Valkens...the BB Bastards I just picked up today...I actually threw away the entire bottle of the Valkens cause it was such a PITA! The King Arms have run through flawlessly, but are almost gone, that's why I tried the BBB's.

What's also weird, is I have some 20g and 28 g Valkens and have had no problems with them, although I don't shoot them too much. I'm perplexed!
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Old August 21st, 2014, 19:10   #6
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Originally Posted by BBBrain View Post
Regularly...almost anally!! most of the problems were with the 30rd mag in the AR, not in the barrel...and it was a feed issue. The bb's would hang up part way down in the mag. Almost as of the sizes were so inconsistent that (stacked) they would jam up in the follower "tube" in the mag. Thanks for your reply!

oh okay your jam is inside the mag not your barrel.

Have you checked for any burrs/dirt on the spring or along the spring path for the bbs?

What brand of gun do you have and the mags the same brand or did you buy a different set?
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Old August 21st, 2014, 19:47   #7
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Originally Posted by Katlyn Cage View Post
Silicone spray your mag.
Do people really do this? I tried it on my mags and I couldn't get any hop because the bbs ended up with silicone on them and ended up having to clean my whole gun before it would shoot properly again. Swore to never lube my mags again... Am I missing something?
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Old August 21st, 2014, 19:50   #8
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I have a S&W SW40F "Sigma" (KWC) co2 pistol and I just bought, a couple of weeks ago - purely on impulse! - a G&G CM16 Raider AR GBBR. I appreciate your advice on checking the follower path in the mags! The Sigma mags will be easy...not sure about how to visually check the AR mags. And yes, they are OEM mags...with both guns.
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Old August 21st, 2014, 19:53   #9
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Originally Posted by brock0 View Post
Do people really do this? I tried it on my mags and I couldn't get any hop because the bbs ended up with silicone on them and ended up having to clean my whole gun before it would shoot properly again. Swore to never lube my mags again... Am I missing something?
It is, in fact, a bad idea.
Yes, it will work in the short run. But silicone spray will attract more dirt and grime. It won't jam your mags, but all that crap is going to end up on your BBs and in your barrel.
Don't lubricate the mags, clean them.
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Old August 21st, 2014, 20:20   #10
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Originally Posted by brock0 View Post
Do people really do this? I tried it on my mags and I couldn't get any hop because the bbs ended up with silicone on them and ended up having to clean my whole gun before it would shoot properly again. Swore to never lube my mags again... Am I missing something?
Ha! I did the same thing when I first started, with the same results.
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Old August 21st, 2014, 20:47   #11
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Ok...I'm putting down the silicone spray...sloowwwly!
This is why I love these much info, so much to learn!
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Old August 21st, 2014, 21:15   #12
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I've borrowed this post from ASM

Originally Posted by Maek|
I've always struggled with midcaps that only like few brands of bb's and refuse to feed with some brands. In some cases they dont work at all. I opened up one of my KAC pdw midcaps for maintenance and started to look at the design and wonder why is it so choosy. Heres what I came up with after a moment of logical thinking:

This is how most midcaps are built. There are even worse designs. Those red smudges marks where the most friction is located, and the arrows point the approximate direction the kinetic energy is transfered. As you can see the desingn isnt really well thought. Like almost anything else in airsoft, "its designed to work, not to work well." As you can see, in the first photo nothing is actually pushing the row of BB's on the right upwards, they just "move along" with the the left row as they move, and thats what causes friction and feeding issues.


and after modification

So I just picked up a file and did some tricks, and trust me it seems to have worked. Some midcaps (l96 mags for example) are built like this already, but there arent many.. Now no matter what BB's I fill the mag with it spits them out without jamming or slowing down significantly.

*edit by HS5*
Fast change magazine modification:,7899.0.html

Some mags might be difficult to open, but sacrificing one mag to attempt to learn how to do this might save you tons of cash in buying new mags. All mags seem to open differently and you may end up breaking something trying to get into it or putting it back together. But you're also not guaranteed to fix your issue by spending more money, so at this point, there's no harm in trying.

don't oil your mags, it might solve the problem short term, but as soon as you start shooting out of that mag the oil gets on your hop up and fouls your hop up rubber until it dries. Then You have that period where they work ok for a bit, then like TC says, the oil attracts all manner of crap into the mag.

Others have also washed BBs before... some have soaked in diet coke for a number of hours and then washed them. There's some weird fixes to get sticky rounds to work.

Choose a method with the least amount of impact and try it out.

Reshaping the follower inside the mag usually fixes all feeding issues out of the mag, even with the most stubborn BBs.
I futz with V2s, V3s and V6s. I could be wrong... but probably, most likely not, as far as I know.
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Old August 21st, 2014, 21:47   #13
Oh we do hate you, just never felt like wasting the time to give you a user title :P
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yup that mod is good for mags, most higher end mags have the angle cut followers. Also if yer mags are dirty to the point of jamming, soap and water, rinse well, then let em dry well (put em in a bowl of rice) to avoid rusting
gbb pistol mags can mostly be done with a damp qtip

and yeah bbbastards are the best, or madbulls. Are u using regular bbbastards or the frag ones? Sometimes in some guns the frag line dont feed well.
Originally Posted by m102404 View Post
Hectic....FFS start writing in coherent sentences!!!
Originally Posted by JDoorn View Post
Thanks Hectic,
While your posts are sometimes a difficult read, you sure are helpfull
Lvl. 3 certified sniper

Last edited by Hectic; August 21st, 2014 at 21:49..
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Old August 22nd, 2014, 07:17   #14
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Thanks for that info! And with my mags, I think that modification will be easy...because the follower in mine actually sitcks up about 1/2" above the feed lips when it has been shot empty! So I don't think I'll have to "experiment" with trying to figure out how to open it up!!

Either that, or I'll just sell the gun...I've only had it for a couple of weeks and as I said earlier, I bought it on an impulse and it really ain't my thing...I'm more into the handguns than the rifle!
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Old August 22nd, 2014, 16:35   #15
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Very cool. I have the S&W SW40F and 4 mags. Two run perfect and two always have issues. I'll bet this is why.

Wonder if its the same issue on my Deagle extended mags?
Nothing says loving, like a head shot!
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