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Lower receivers for KWA/KSC MAC-11 (ns2 system)


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Old July 20th, 2015, 14:48   #1
Sentenced2Burn's Avatar
Join Date: Nov 2013
Lower receivers for KWA/KSC MAC-11 (ns2 system)

So after plenty of healthy use and many many games, the rear sight/triangle tab on my KWA MAC-11 is beginning to split/peel off from the back of the lower receiver. As the bolt doesn't actually slam against the plastic itself, rather the metal reinforcements on the inside, it's not a performance-affecting problem (yet); but I want to nip this in the bud and find a more permanent solution than the rubber bands I am currently using to keep it sturdy. One day it's going to break clean off, I'm certain. I've tried superglue but it's just not strong enough to form a permanent bond.

What I'm looking for (and having a hard time finding) is a steel lower receiver or a brand new plastic one to replace it, but for the life of me I can't seem to source something like this. I have the G&P steel kit on mine, but it only came with the upper, mock suppressor and stock -- no lower; not to mention it's getting harder and harder to find complete G&P kits nowadays anyway. Not certain whether or not they're out of production, but it seems that way.

Anyone run into this cracking/splitting issue before? I'd be happy to homebrew a solid fix for it, and it doesn't need to be super pretty if that's what it's going to come down to, but ultimately I would like to replace the lower receiver altogether and preferably with steel.

Any input is appreciated; I can post pics if requested. Cheers.
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Old July 20th, 2015, 16:04   #2
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All parts for the MAC-11 will be super hard to find, you can try calling KWA and see if they got any parts you need in stock.

I know Evike still carriers the steel upper, but the whole kit has been discontinued (G&P) for quite some time.

If you want your luck on buying a G&P steel kit, you'll have to buy it from a collector and most likely pay out the ass for a set.

For cracking and such, usually a little epoxy can fix it for now.
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Old July 21st, 2015, 13:42   #3
Sentenced2Burn's Avatar
Join Date: Nov 2013
Figured about as much. I will try calling KWA and finding out if they offer replacement parts for a price, though. Would be nice to complete this thing with full steel however, I'll keep my eye out for another complete kit and maybe take the lower for myself, then re-sell the remainder.

Thanks for the reply, I'm going to epoxy it tonight to keep it solid while I scour the web for parts.

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