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My Freedom Could Be In Your Hands - Up and Coming Court Case (re: specarms)



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Old November 19th, 2008, 01:13   #1
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My Freedom Could Be In Your Hands - Up and Coming Court Case (re: specarms)

Hey All!

It's Will Wong from the old days of Specarms Airsoft. It's been literally over 2 years since I've seen most of you guys in the local airsoft community (in Vancouver BC that is). I hope you guys are all doing well!! It's great to see that the community here is still going strong after all these years

As you all may or may not know, after my business was shut down late 2006, Canada Customs had laid charges against me in regards to my business. Due to financial strain and personal issues, I was not able to afford to fight the long battle in court and had to plea guilty to several charges.

I am due for sentencing on December 1st and 2nd 2008 (Monday & Tuesday), in about 2 weeks time.

I am posting this thread in hope that the airsoft community that I was a part of, from late 2002 till late 2006, is still around on this board. I'm looking for OP-FOR AIRSOFT CLUB members that were around during that time.


I am looking to get in contact with any Admins, field marshalls, and Players that I shared my airsoft experiences with during that time. My lawyer has requested me to have at least 2 key witnesses that were also a part of our Club that can attest to my contributions as an Airsoft Player, Retailer to our Community locally in Vancouver BC and across Canada, and also as a Field Marshall during our games out at Panther Paintball and NV Paintball.

The reason for this is because I need to show that I was an airsoft player & retailer to the Airsoft Community, and not just some Joe Smoe selling airsoft items to criminals, people that were going to use it for criminal activities. As far as Crown/Prosecution is concerned, that is what they think people use airsoft for, they don't know that it is a sport and that there is an ever growing community of players out there.

I need to show that I was a hobbiest, and any of you guys that were around at that time can really help my case, and really potentially keep me from serving time in prison.

I realize that this plea to the community is on very short notice, so I beg of you all, if you still do keep in contact with any of the 'old school' players out there from OP-FOR Airsoft, please let them know that I am in dire need of your help.

If you are able to be one of the key witnesses in my case, and can attend court with me on December 1st, please get in contact with me as soon as you can. You can make a big difference in my future.

The court date is December 1st and 2nd, but you most likely will only need to be there for December 1st.

Please spread the word if possible.


Last edited by TokyoSeven; May 28th, 2013 at 00:27.. Reason: As per poster request
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Old November 19th, 2008, 01:43   #2
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I'm totally with you, (I'm a Vancouverite myself). If theres any way I can support you shoot me a PM.

But sorry to say, I was too young when the incident happened (I think I wat 16 turning 17 during that time) I was going to buy some stuff off you a year down the road, but I had to move on to the classifieds to get my stuff.

If theres any other way I can help just message me or something. I'm a "member" of Op-For (being from Vancouver and all) but haven't played with them yet.
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Old November 19th, 2008, 06:23   #3
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Good luck Mr. Wong. I wish I could help you in some ways, you definitely have my support.
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Old November 19th, 2008, 09:20   #4
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Keep in mind Will's case will probably be referenced in the future - there are many more such cases coming up. If the crown is successful and gets jail time and is able to characterize Will's retailing activity as supplying criminals with guns, this would be a bad thing for ALL of us, not just Will. There are other cases coming up and I am sure this won't be the only plea for assistance. Today, CBSA is going after retailers, but if the crown gets what it perceives to be a good conviction, they could be coming after YOU tomorrow and you may be making the same plea.

So, in the interests of airsoft as a sport, I would appeal to anyone who played around that time to contact Will and offer their assistance with his case. Nobody should be going to jail for selling what is essentially a TOY. The crown needs to get that message and understand that they are going down a road that will put sports enthusiasts and hobbyists in jail and NOT criminals.

Will, has the crown got criminal witnesses that are going to testify that they used products bought from you to commit crimes and were convicted under the firearms act? If so, you're fucked. If not, this defense strategy your lawyer has suggested may actually work and work in everyone's favor.
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Old November 19th, 2008, 09:59   #5
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Or simply put, if the ruling was that these guns are only being sold to criminals, then the people buying them are criminals. Or so the door being opened to the government would be.

As mentioned by Scarecrow, this could have a very tangible positive or negative impact on the community as a whole, and throwing petty grievances into this right now is symptomatic of childish myopia: just don't.
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Old November 19th, 2008, 10:10   #6
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Are there any CBSA officers on here who would like to step up? I think that if CBSA officers stood up it would put an air of more legitimacy to Will's business.
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Old November 19th, 2008, 10:14   #7
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hell anyone in LE or the military at the time should be there. Since they aren't "bad guys" and would help out alot.
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Old November 19th, 2008, 10:15   #8
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Isn't it CBSA that's got the case against him to begin with?
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Old November 19th, 2008, 10:28   #9
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Well you are right, but I'm sure there are CBSA officers who will step up and help out Will.

Also LE, CF, you name it will probably help, too bad I don't really know too many CF, or LE personnel who play.

I think "Lerch" in Vancouver is in the CF right? Maybe try messaging him.

Also we shouldn't forget the obvious. Teachers, Lawyers, Engineers, Info. Tech. personnel, Doctors, Business people (by that I mean like MBA, BBA, CA, CMA, CGA) etc. Basically any "professional" who plays. Since they're "good guys" and professionals they might help out in pointing out that it's just a game, more than Joe Schmoe from East Van.
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Old November 19th, 2008, 10:40   #10
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I'm not sure if anyone from CBSA would be allowed to testify against their own outfit, even if they wanted to. Plus undermining your boss/peers probably isn't the best career move.

I think the most valuable support would come from anyone in Law Enforcement; countering the allegation that criminals use these guns by having someone from LE say that no, these actually aren't the kinds of guns criminals use.
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Old November 19th, 2008, 10:44   #11
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I agree, i'm a bit new to the sport being 16 and all but, yea i support you 110% good luck will.
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Old November 19th, 2008, 11:00   #12
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Originally Posted by L473ncy View Post
Well you are right, but I'm sure there are CBSA officers who will step up and help out Will.

Also LE, CF, you name it will probably help, too bad I don't really know too many CF, or LE personnel who play.

I think "Lerch" in Vancouver is in the CF right? Maybe try messaging him.

Also we shouldn't forget the obvious. Teachers, Lawyers, Engineers, Info. Tech. personnel, Doctors, Business people (by that I mean like MBA, BBA, CA, CMA, CGA) etc. Basically any "professional" who plays. Since they're "good guys" and professionals they might help out in pointing out that it's just a game, more than Joe Schmoe from East Van.
He needs people specifically who played with him with Op-For 2 years ago.

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Old November 19th, 2008, 11:02   #13
Brian McIlmoyle
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He does not need

100 well wishers... he needs 2 solid people who know him and played with him to step up and give evidence in court.

Although it stands to reason that everyone wishes him the best ... Cluttering this Thread with 100 "yeah +1 dood " messages is useless.

If you can help him .. step up .. this is important.
Brian McIlmoyle
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Old November 19th, 2008, 11:15   #14
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I wasn't even thinking of the ramifications ScareCrow mentioned. I didn't even buy anything from Will when he was in business (another retailer gave us better deals and service), I've plastered this all over the site because as ScareCrow said, "no one should go to jail for selling toys".
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Old November 19th, 2008, 12:13   #15
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couldnt his lawyer refer to this community. since our conversations are text-based, it provides written proof of the existence and intentions of the airsoft community. Not to mention that we are made up of ~2500 active members who are respectful citizens.
Originally Posted by White_knight View Post
your right,when it rains the burger joint across the street does have cats for 4.99$ but that doesnt mean that i can just go get all the grape jelly i want
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