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A few starter questions.


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Old February 17th, 2009, 05:20   #1
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A few starter questions.

Hello i am new to airsoft and been reading alot about it, i plan on getting verified pretty soon so i can get into action however i've checked about the first gun i would like to buy and i stopped my choice on the Scar-L. I wanted to get a sniper but i've read on this forum that it is highly not recommended for a beginner so i decided to go for a Rifle instead.

I wanted to know if it would be a great choice for a beginner weapon? I would also know from which company i should get it? I would also know if it has a good acuracy as well some information on clips. since the scar-l seems to have a wheel clip which people seems to pretty much hate so was wondering what are the best clip mechanism.

Thanks in advance!
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Old February 17th, 2009, 06:05   #2
Hash Vapor
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Most people will just tell you to use the search button as all this info is all ready readily available for you to research. We try not to spoonfeed, but I'm bored.

Great choice for a beginner weapon? Dunno, not bad, but wouldn't say great. Depends on a lot of things. Will you be playing outdoor only or mainly? Short of changing the spring or getting a velocity reducer this is a primarily outdoor gun. It's also one of the most expensive options, which leaves less money for other important stuff. Mags, batteries, Chargers, eye protection, and not to mention softgear like vests, BDU's, gloves, & boots. Other overlooked items include a gun case, a bb loader, silicone lube, oh and most guys like to run some sort of optics, so tac on at least another $35 for a half decent red dot. It all adds up, and when you start off with a $600+ gun you'd better have deep enough pockets to be able to actually game it.

A great choice for a beginner weapon would be an AK or Armalite variant. Tons of parts, tons of looks, tons of info on repair, maintenance and upgrades. You can start with something cheap and upgrade to get exactly what you want.

Classic Army Review

G&G Review

VFC Review

Oh and the mags with the windy things on the bottem, they are called Hi-caps for Hi Capacity(Typically around 300bbs) and come with a new gun. There are also Real Caps, low caps and mid caps but I'll let you figure out the math on those, it's not hard. Most people are into low or mids as they can be loaded with as little as a real cap, but have the capacity for more in games without ammo restrictions.
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Old February 17th, 2009, 06:51   #3
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hopefully this might answer some of your questions:
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Old February 17th, 2009, 07:11   #4
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goood choice on not getting the sniper.... i find for airsoft the "look" of the gun is what sells.... the internals can be swapped out if need be so get what you think looks good.

and also who cares what kind of MAG you run.... im a hicapwhore and love it!!!!!!!!

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Old February 17th, 2009, 08:25   #5
Rock 'N' Roll Outlaw
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Good on your for doing some research before making this thread.

I will agree with Hash Vapour on it not being a great first choice given its price. But it all depends on how much cash you are looking to unload into this sport. The SCARs are great guns, I recently traded mine but not because I was unhappy with it. I have a feeling I will return to it eventually. Its a great gun to run with as it is as close to an armalite you can get without an armalite. They use AR mags so thats great, as well as a bunch of other M4/M16 parts at yoru disposal.

As for which company, again it depends on how much cash you wanna throw for one. Naturally I would say VFC, but thats running about $700-$1000. You have Star which is around the same, maybe a bit less. Then you have the lower end ones (G&G, Classic Army, DBoys as of recently) which will be OK at best.
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Originally Posted by Pliskin View Post
This is the equivalent to knocking on deaths door and blowing his head off with a shotgun.
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Old February 17th, 2009, 09:27   #6
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If you're gonna be here for a while then go ahead and shell out $800 but if you're unsure if this is gonna sit in the back of your closet after one season or not; I would suggest getting some of the Cansoft guns for $500 (this includes battery, charger, and hi-cap mag).

There's also the Aftermath Kraken for ~$200. You'll need to do some preventative maintenance (reshim, regrease, etc.) before you run it but it's a pretty good gun.
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Old February 17th, 2009, 10:34   #7
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Originally Posted by Zelos View Post
I wanted to get a sniper but i've read on this forum that it is highly not recommended for a beginner so i decided to go for a Rifle instead.
Ya, sniper ownership isn't good for a noob, they eat a lot, sleep often and drink too much. Not a good pet to have actually. Buying a rifle is a better choice, as long as it's not a sniper rifle. Hehe

SCAR is a good gun, bitch to get the body off to get into the mechbox though.
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Old February 17th, 2009, 10:52   #8
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Originally Posted by CDN_Stalker View Post
SCAR is a good gun, bitch to get the body off to get into the mechbox though.
Agreed, having to disassemble the entire selector set up every freaking time just makes me want to pull my hair out.

Currently only a few companies produce the scar. One of those companies being VFC, and for the most part they are pretty decent quality AEGs.
Classic Army also produces a scar as well, and for the most part Classic army guns are considered to be fairly good quality today as well.

The great thing about the scar is that it uses armalite magazines, many retailers exist that make armalite mags so you have lots to choose from when it comes to brands, colors and capacity.

Another piece of info for you is that it uses the version 2 mechbox, so you will have alot of choices available should the day ever come that you require a replacement part or if you ever wish to upgrade a part.

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Old February 17th, 2009, 16:50   #9
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well thanks you for the information, the black SCAR-L from VFC seems rather good priced its 420$ (from shipping so i guess its around the price of a PS3 with everything calculated. i'll see later if this is my final decision even though i am aware of the other things i have to purchase.

Thanks again for the Help!
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Old February 17th, 2009, 16:52   #10
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Where do you live?
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Old February 17th, 2009, 17:15   #11
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Originally Posted by Zelos View Post
well thanks you for the information, the black SCAR-L from VFC seems rather good priced its 420$ (from shipping so i guess its around the price of a PS3 with everything calculated. i'll see later if this is my final decision even though i am aware of the other things i have to purchase.

Thanks again for the Help!
Unfortunetly you will not be able to order an airsoft gun into Canada on your own. As it stands Canada customs treats airsoft guns as prohibited items and will seize any and all items that resemble a firearm.

As it stands the only way to aquire the scar that you are interested in is to either search this wesbites classifieds when you aquire your age verifacation or seek out one of ASC's private retailers with your age verifacation. Its quite possible that one of them would be able to bring in your item. Please note though, that due to the way airsoft is in Canada there will be a considerable price difference due to the cost that retailers have to endure to bring an airsoft gun in.

Please take the time to fill out your profile as well please.

"Its only a little bit on fire"

Last edited by TokyoSeven; February 17th, 2009 at 17:18..
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