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Looking for advice on an M4 upgrade project


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Old March 4th, 2010, 19:23   #1
formerly GRoy
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Looking for advice on an M4 upgrade project

Hello everyone,

I have a 2009 classic army M4 that I’m planning on upgrading and I am looking for advice from more knowledgeable people than me.

I’m still using the stock mechbox that is shooting around 375 fps with a variation of about 20 FPS. Ultimately I’m looking to increase the performance of my M4 by reducing the FPS variance and to increase trigger response.

So far I’ve planned to install a sector gear clip, Trigger master, and to go lipo for my power source. Should I change anything inside the mechbox or are the stock classic army parts good enough?

Thank you for all your advice.
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Old March 4th, 2010, 20:06   #2
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With a trigger master installed, you can adjust your Rate of fire to whatever you want.

As long as you don't set it to the maximum output of your lipo (I am assuming 11.1v) you should be okay.

Make sure you have a good charger for that lipo

To get more consistent FPS, I would consider investing in a new piston head.

Also, a good shim/grease job is always a good idea when you are working in your mechbox.
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Old March 5th, 2010, 00:08   #3
formerly GRoy
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seen for the piston head. Which brand would you recommand there are so many to choose from.
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Old March 5th, 2010, 00:11   #4
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I think you should be ok with the stock piston head. Although, a good idea maybe if you wanted to change it would be to get the MASK one, or just one that provides proper air seal, and then put a sorbo pad on it. Higher rate of fire setups will cause undue stress on the mechbox. Sorbo helps soften that.

check out Jugglez carries the MASK piston heads
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Old March 5th, 2010, 02:04   #5
a.k.a. Egria
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I would say to increase performance I would upgrade the piston, piston head, cylinder head and maybe the nozzle. That will insure that you get a tight seal and loosing no air. I'm a big fan of the modify stuff on airsoftparts. I installed an upgrade kit and it worked great.


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Old March 5th, 2010, 04:01   #6
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ujiro is right in saying that it's the all around air seal that provides more consistant fps, from the piston and cylinder head to the nozzle, to the hopup unit's seal with the mechbox and mag.
a triggermaster will not crank your gun beyond what is mechanically possible, essentially it can slow down your ROF, but not speed it up.
For light upgrades, I would say a large 9.6, maybe a prommy ms100sp, and a G&P M120 motor, and a modify upper mechbox set (cylinder and piston assembly) the ROF won't be high enough to warrent a sector clip.
if you want to spend more money, add in that triggermaster mk3, maybe prometheus upper mechbox set. BTW, theoretically bearing springguide and piston head should lower variance, although I've never tested it out, I just spent the money brainlessly.
even more than that, well, you're going into the realms of torque up gears, FTKs, and yet more powerful motors.
no matter what upgrades you do, as long as you're not aiming for watergun, I personally stick to a large or mini 8.4, which is plenty.

EDIT:shit my balls, I misread OP, edited to match

Actually, if you want to try it out, give everything a good relube and clearance test, it should drop the variance a tiny bit if it hasn't been done before.
Originally Posted by Deftonius View Post
I'll bet Ronan was the one who sent that email.
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The chinese steal everything. Haven't seen an original idea come out of that country yet.

Last edited by yuhaoyang; March 5th, 2010 at 04:06..
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