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Anyone else longing for a shift to real cap mags?



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Old December 13th, 2013, 23:15   #136
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It is your system, seeing as everyone else seems to like real cap and ammo limits.

Not arbitrary capacity limits based out of nothing.

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Old December 14th, 2013, 00:37   #137
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arbitrary mag limits based on just about every main battle rifle of every first world nation army lol
Whens the last time someone went to war with a P90?
AK, AK74, M4, G36, FAMAS, any nato rifle really takes 30 round mags
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Old December 14th, 2013, 00:50   #138
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Ask the Belgian SF who went to Iraq with them back in 1991.

Or the other half a dozen European nations to issue them to military units that went on to be part of the Global war on Terror (mainly SF but also specialized combat units). There are plenty of pictures of troops deployed with the P90 as their primary rifle in Iraq and Afghanistan.

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Old December 14th, 2013, 01:12   #139
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Originally Posted by Dimitri View Post
It is your system, seeing as everyone else seems to like real cap and ammo limits.

Not arbitrary capacity limits based out of nothing.

Um, nope, not a system I've ever used, but one that is used and I discussed, because some players in this thread disagree with its use. I actually use neither system. If you've never seen a game where everyone has has the same ammo capacity, then you do not get out much.

The "vast" majority of games do not require real caps. The most common system I've witnessed is the full abolishment, or severe restriction of high caps, the limitation of mid caps, and no one seems to care how many low or real caps people have.

My standpoint, which I made very very clear, is I support the enforcement of rules by specific game hosts. Also that anyone who wishes to attend said games should be understanding, and conform, or as Thundercactus mentioned, do not attend. But don't stand on an apple box, protesting unfair rules, that don't suit your style or equipment limitations.
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Old December 14th, 2013, 01:14   #140
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So the one guy that shows up 3 times a year to an outdoor game in winnipeg with a P90 would have a special rule so he doesn't feel butt hurt at a 4 hour scrim.

I've never seen the rule be anything but real weapon cap anyway, so don't go getting your knickers in a knot over nothing lol
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Old December 14th, 2013, 01:19   #141
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And don't forget Stargate SG-1!

I've been using Gas guns mostly and I found that with 6 30rd mags I kinda felt under prepared in an outdoor game. That may have been due to a poorly optimized rifle/ cold weather though. Indoors, I'm completely fine with running 5 mags with 30 rd real caps cause that's my only option with my new M4. And since the rifle shoots straight and where I aim it, I only take shots that would confirm me a kill, or if I have to; lay down light cover fire.

The worst thing in CQB and people with high round magazines is in scenarios like attack and defend where the defenders know the rough area where attackers can come through, and with out even identifying targets or knowing someone is there, they'll just drop a rain of random BB fire. That plus more than one person doing it, plus ricochets of BBs just makes it pointless and not scary for the defenders.
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Old December 14th, 2013, 22:37   #142
Brit ter
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Hate to bust your bubbles but the US Army is moving toward high cap style mags for their soldiers allowing them to carry more ammo into the field and lay down more suppressive fire . So 30 rnd mags will be a thing of the past .
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Old December 14th, 2013, 22:42   #143
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Can they even afford them? lol
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Old December 14th, 2013, 22:54   #144
Brit ter
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New US Army high cap mag

The new US Army 100 rnd. mag
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Old December 14th, 2013, 23:07   #145
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Originally Posted by Brit ter View Post
The new US Army 100 rnd. mag
has it been officially adopted? I thought the only acceptable mag currently is the USGI mag. Even P-Mag lost got purged AFAIK
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Old December 14th, 2013, 23:10   #146
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Originally Posted by kullwarrior View Post
has it been officially adopted? I thought the only acceptable mag currently is the USGI mag. Even P-Mag lost got purged AFAIK
Nope, your standard is the USGI aluminum magazine with an enhanced follower- Even the IAR guys aren't getting issued anything different (Whether they are bringing different stuff is a different question)
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Old December 15th, 2013, 01:43   #147
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100 round magazines eh? Well, drum mags and such have been around forever, but there was always the risk of overheating. If a game was running real steel mag limits, then I'd assume you'd have to have the appropriate magazine's airsoft version. As far as real steel goes, polymer, aluminum, or whatever they are made of, they sound heavy.
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Old December 15th, 2013, 02:28   #148
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carry an extra 40 rounds per double mag pouch, gonna get heavy fast lol
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Old December 15th, 2013, 11:30   #149
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I'm all about the realism factor - including reasonable ammo load-outs.

Reasonable to the weapons system being used at the time, that is - not to an "Armalite standard".

If I was to be playing a standard load-out - it would be tied to what the RS weapon system mag capacity is, as far as my own little collection is concerned.

In a theoretical low cap + feed lip loss capacity, my collection stacks up as follows:

M4 - 30 rnd Stanags - 34 rnd theoretical
MP5 - 50 rnd mags - 54 rnd theoretical
M14 - 15 rnd mags - 19 rnd theoretical
AK74 - 30 rnd mags - 34 rnd theoretical
M63 Stoner - 100 rnd box-mag - ?? rnd theoretical

GBB sidearms can be real-capped easily (obviously).

Whichever way you go - LMG type weapons would be the loser in the low-cap scheme - I wouldn't be prepared to run a Stoner in the real-cap field, if that meant purchasing additional box-mags at $125.00 each for additional capacity beyond 100+ ~20 feed-tube rnds...

Last edited by HackD; December 15th, 2013 at 11:38..
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Old December 15th, 2013, 11:45   #150
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Originally Posted by HackD View Post
Whichever way you go - LMG type weapons would be the loser in the low-cap scheme - I wouldn't be prepared to run a Stoner in the real-cap field, if that meant purchasing additional box-mags at $125.00 each for additional capacity beyond 100+ ~20 feed-tube rnds...
Nah, GBB rifles are the loser, at $50-70 a piece. For every BB they carry it's about a two bucks.

The LMG gunner, is only paying about a buck a BB, like a lot of other AEG users.
For example someone carrying a G3, at $20 a piece, for a 20 round mag it turns into about a buck a BB as well.

Most 30rd AEG's would be slightly less then a buck a BB.

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