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Old August 10th, 2010, 13:09   #16
Official ASC "Dumb Ass"
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Originally Posted by Koflach View Post
What is illegal about bringing a reciever across the border? I purchased my metal body and RIS off the web when I built my HK51 a few years back. Please keep in mind I recently played my first game in years and I am not up to speed on the current laws regarding airsoft importation. It never use to be a problem to bring a gun in to the country so long as it was roken down and shipped in seperate orders.
So you got lucky and now you think that's the norm, fair enough.

Join date really means squat on this forum lol
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Old August 10th, 2010, 13:59   #17
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wow, I can't belive the sheer amount of hating from people on this forum. yeah, I played a lot in the late 90's/early 2000's but up until this past weekend, I haven't played a single game nor kept up to date on any of the changes since around 2003. Does it really help by making fun of people who have a simple question to ask? no. why not just simply help to educate people rather than hating? What a warm welcome back.
Koflach - Former Team Bad Karma, BCAC MIA
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Old August 10th, 2010, 14:13   #18
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lol no one would be "hating" on you if you took the time to get caught up on the current situation before posting your wrongly assumed ideas on self importation
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Old August 10th, 2010, 14:45   #19
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Originally Posted by Koflach View Post
wow, I can't belive the sheer amount of hating from people on this forum. yeah, I played a lot in the late 90's/early 2000's but up until this past weekend, I haven't played a single game nor kept up to date on any of the changes since around 2003. Does it really help by making fun of people who have a simple question to ask? no. why not just simply help to educate people rather than hating? What a warm welcome back.
All the responses were quite pleasant, if a bit curt, until you started insisting on your outdated understanding of importation norms. You asked a question and people answered. Very few people are willing to help someone who's not willing to help themselves (in this case, helping yourself would mean reading the FAQs and getting up to speed).

I linked the relevant thread in my last post. Perhaps if you read it before asking, your questions will be better received. Or, you know, don't. That would give me an entertaining read at work in the form of this thread.

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Old August 10th, 2010, 15:06   #20
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no one's "hating" here. all these answer's are truth.

smuggling a gun across as parts is illegal, end of.

your just pissed cause your not getting the answer you want....

you know what, go ahead and try that, Let the CBSA, the RCMP, and the Canadian Court, give you the answer instead of us, I suggest you check ahead of time to see if you're allergic to Latex when they bust you for arm's trafficking
Originally Posted by Strelok View Post
Wow, best derailed thread, ever.
Originally Posted by mcguyver View Post
Don't take weapons training from a book. It ranks right up there with people who think they know guns from watching a Chris Costa video.
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Old August 10th, 2010, 15:08   #21
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Originally Posted by Castle View Post
All the responses were quite pleasant, if a bit curt, until you started insisting on your outdated understanding of importation norms. You asked a question and people answered. Very few people are willing to help someone who's not willing to help themselves (in this case, helping yourself would mean reading the FAQs and getting up to speed).

I linked the relevant thread in my last post. Perhaps if you read it before asking, your questions will be better received. Or, you know, don't. That would give me an entertaining read at work in the form of this thread.
I wasn't insitsting on anything regarding importation, I was simply stating what I understood the importation laws to be and was asking for someone to help me get brought up to speed. At least now that I know that if someone asks something that people on this board deem to be common knowledge, it gives them free reign to be dicks.

Also, how do you know that someone who asks a question on these boards has not tried researching their question? My initial question was not regarding importation laws, it was if any retailers in Canada carried a certain product. I researched it as best I could, even emailing a couple retailers and still do not have a satisfactory answer. Thus me asking my question here.

Once people started mentioning the potential legality issues surrounding bringing a reciever into Canada I asked what the laws were (as it was an active thread) and stated what my understanding of them were so that someone could see where I am coming from and try to be helpful. I guess I just asked the wrong people.
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Old August 10th, 2010, 15:09   #22
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Originally Posted by Koflach View Post
wow, I can't belive the sheer amount of hating from people on this forum. yeah, I played a lot in the late 90's/early 2000's but up until this past weekend, I haven't played a single game nor kept up to date on any of the changes since around 2003. Does it really help by making fun of people who have a simple question to ask? no. why not just simply help to educate people rather than hating? What a warm welcome back.
LOL...welcome to the new Gen Y (or whatever) Internet....ain't it sweet?

Hit the classifieds (doubt you'll find it there)...and the retailers (there's a new retailers section). Browse all of them, you'll get a feel for who can get what.
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Old August 10th, 2010, 15:17   #23
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Originally Posted by m102404 View Post
LOL...welcome to the new Gen Y (or whatever) Internet....ain't it sweet?

Hit the classifieds (doubt you'll find it there)...and the retailers (there's a new retailers section). Browse all of them, you'll get a feel for who can get what.
Thanks for the advice. I have looked on the classifieds and came up with nothing. Did a search on the web of any retailers in Canada who carry Echo1 and also went onto the Echo1 site to see what retailers carry their product in Canada (they only had two listed and I contacted both). Came to a dead end and thought I would reach out to the community. It looks like I am SOL.

That being said, of the new companies that are selling their aeg's in Canada, whoich one's seem to have the best track record?
Koflach - Former Team Bad Karma, BCAC MIA

Last edited by Koflach; August 10th, 2010 at 15:20..
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Old August 10th, 2010, 15:39   #24
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TM have the best track record as far as I'm concern, but you just open a new can of worms with that question. People are going to tell you to search on the forum for that

Echo 1 are not in Canada, maybe for good reasons I'm not sure. If it was such a good gun, I'm sure it will exist here in Canada.

I'd suggest contact someone in the AV section about special ordering the gun to Canada.
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Old August 10th, 2010, 15:42   #25
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Thanks bud, i don't know why people get so uptight about asking for opinions on something.
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Old August 10th, 2010, 15:50   #26
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Originally Posted by Koflach View Post
I wasn't insitsting on anything regarding importation, I was simply stating what I understood the importation laws to be and was asking for someone to help me get brought up to speed.

Also, how do you know that someone who asks a question on these boards has not tried researching their question? My initial question was not regarding importation laws, it was if any retailers in Canada carried a certain product. I researched it as best I could, even emailing a couple retailers and still do not have a satisfactory answer. Thus me asking my question here.

Once people started mentioning the potential legality issues surrounding bringing a reciever into Canada I asked what the laws were (as it was an active thread) and stated what my understanding of them were so that someone could see where I am coming from and try to be helpful. I guess I just asked the wrong people.

first bit highlighted: At no point did you do this you question was where to get an E-1 Sr-25 and if not you'd bring it across yourself in piece. had you actually asked exactly what you wrote there we would have happily helped you with no problem at all, but then you started to argue with us even though you've stated you know nothing of the import law's post 2001.

second: We know because you still arguing, had you actually searched and read and understood, it's very easy to understand, it's very obvious and in black and white of what you CAN and CAN'T do, you wouldn't be arguing because you'd have an understanding and the thhread would have shifted to other method's as they usually do when people read up on the import law's it's very easy to find and understand.
You also just contradicted the first part of your statement there get what your trying to say straight,

third: all you did was ask what's wrong, then you went on about what you did in the past and got lucky not actually speeking of any law you knew of. When we told you what was wrong you got sand in your vagina about it.

there ARE sr-25's in the classifieds, I'm looking at one RIGHT now on a seperate tab, it's a much better brand than Echo 1 (in fact E-1 often takes their gun's and rebrands them with their name) and it's only $650 and comes with 5 mag's.

You keep saying you've been searching and researching but you fit the classic profile of someone who just want's to be spoonfed with the answer's they want to hear, we see it all the time

THERE IS IN FACT AN OFFICIAL ECHO 1 DEALER IN CANADA, I've been there and held the gun's.
Originally Posted by Strelok View Post
Wow, best derailed thread, ever.
Originally Posted by mcguyver View Post
Don't take weapons training from a book. It ranks right up there with people who think they know guns from watching a Chris Costa video.
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Old August 10th, 2010, 16:04   #27
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Originally Posted by Assault Pioneer View Post
first bit highlighted: At no point did you do this you question was where to get an E-1 Sr-25 and if not you'd bring it across yourself in piece. had you actually asked exactly what you wrote there we would have happily helped you with no problem at all, but then you started to argue with us even though you've stated you know nothing of the import law's post 2001.

second: We know because you still arguing, had you actually searched and read and understood, it's very easy to understand, it's very obvious and in black and white of what you CAN and CAN'T do, you wouldn't be arguing because you'd have an understanding and the thhread would have shifted to other method's as they usually do when people read up on the import law's it's very easy to find and understand.
You also just contradicted the first part of your statement there get what your trying to say straight,

third: all you did was ask what's wrong, then you went on about what you did in the past and got lucky not actually speeking of any law you knew of. When we told you what was wrong you got sand in your vagina about it.

there ARE sr-25's in the classifieds, I'm looking at one RIGHT now on a seperate tab, it's a much better brand than Echo 1 (in fact E-1 often takes their gun's and rebrands them with their name) and it's only $650 and comes with 5 mag's.

You keep saying you've been searching and researching but you fit the classic profile of someone who just want's to be spoonfed with the answer's they want to hear, we see it all the time

THERE IS IN FACT AN OFFICIAL ECHO 1 DEALER IN CANADA, I've been there and held the gun's.
Dude, holster your hostility. It really doesn't help the situation at all, it just eggs it on.
Koflach - Former Team Bad Karma, BCAC MIA
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Old August 10th, 2010, 16:11   #28
AKA Tsquared
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Originally Posted by Koflach View Post
Dude, holster your hostility. It really doesn't help the situation at all, it just eggs it on.

Quick search, found the following:

Echo 1 is a US dealer for Jing Gong product and is just a rebrand.
JG/ECHO1 Is the manufacturer they clone TM aeg's

Echo one is just a bunch of rebrand, so really you're just paying more money for the name. Just get a JG and call it a day, if you got more coin get a TM.

If you really want Echo 1 in Canada, Check out Capital Airsoft

Its stated right on their site >.<

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Last edited by Thanh; August 10th, 2010 at 16:22..
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Old August 10th, 2010, 16:19   #29
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Originally Posted by Thanh View Post
Tsquared, those rules are for the Newbie thread. This is in general.

Originally Posted by Thanh View Post
Echo 1 is a US dealer for Jing Gong product and is just a rebrand.
And no, Echo1 is not a US dealer for JG.
Once upon a time, Echo1 got their guns produced by a manufacturer in china, which happened to also make the same guns for JG. This saved them from having to do the R&D to clone the guns, and instead just buy them from the manufacturer. As of late, Echo1 has their own R&D Department, and has designed many guns/clones without JG. They are a completely seperate corporate entitity and in direct competition with JG. They are not the same company.

After reading your posts koflach, the attitude displayed was pretty shitty for someone asking for advice, the information you need is out there, and demanding spoonfeeds is not something we enjoy doing for something thats already been asked a thousand times on the boards. Especially with that attitude.

Originally Posted by Koflach View Post
I don't plan on smuggling a gun across, if anything I would be bringing parts across.
Originally Posted by Koflach View Post
Look, I just want to know if anyone sells the Echo1 product line, I did not come here to argue any semantics with you all.
If you had said that to me after asking for my help, I would have told you to fuck off. Internet or not, I dont tolerate that kinda attitude when spending my time to help someone else.

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Last edited by DarkAngel; August 10th, 2010 at 16:24..
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Old August 10th, 2010, 16:22   #30
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Originally Posted by Thanh View Post

Quick search, found the following:

Echo 1 is a US dealer for Jing Gong product and is just a rebrand.
JG/ECHO1 Is the manufacturer they clone TM aeg's

Echo one is just a bunch of rebrand, so really you're just paying more money for the name. Just get a JG and call it a day, if you got more coin get a TM.

If you really want Echo 1 in Canada, Check out Alberta Airsoft

Its stated right on their site >.<

Direct link
I have emailed albertaairsoft and they only carry parts for echo1, they do not carry the actual aeg's. Other than that, thanks for the info on echo1, i was not aware of it.
Koflach - Former Team Bad Karma, BCAC MIA
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