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How to get a Muzzle Velocity Reducer on my Aftermath Broxa


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Old February 6th, 2011, 10:42   #16
L473ncy's Avatar
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Originally Posted by AJ457 View Post
I had another thread asking if it would really be 400 fps and apparently it's really all over the place. One guy said his fired lower than 350 fps and another said his fired around 410 fps.
The spring settles pretty quickly apparently. So if OOTB you're at 390 then expect 360 to 370-ish after a season of play (which is still a respectable FPS, remember 400 (or whatever your local limit is) is a limit not a goal, your goal should be 380-ish so that you're 100% within the game limits all the time even if the chrono is reading a bit high or there's some atmospheric anomaly that makes your BB's shoot slightly faster, hell when my next rifle comes in my aim is 380-390 on .20's and running .30's in it to bring it down to 310 FPS and have the ability to float out BB's across the field). Still it's no excuse for not getting the right spring for indoor CQB (which you're buying).

The only one other way you could lower the velocity to CQB limits is to "snip off" a small portion of the spring and chrono it but if you cut too much then you'll reduce it too much and you can't go back. It's really finnicky and probably not worth your time (since again you can cut too much off and you have to keep assembling and taking apart the gun to cut just a little more off the spring) when a spring swap is 10 minutes of your time and $10+shipping or whatever (plus you've already bought the spring).

Good luck with your rifle.
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Old February 7th, 2011, 16:24   #17
LegioXIII's Avatar
Join Date: Jul 2010
Location: Winnipeg, MB
I had the same problem with my MP5 shooting too hot (400 + FPS) for CQB. I put in the Modify M90 spring and it put me under the 350 FPS limit.
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Originally Posted by Shazee083 View Post
hey duds if i get the so the frame could not be converted to an GBB
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