Originally Posted by m102404
I'm near 100% sure it never made it to production.
1. They announced it as a prototype
2. There was a lot of poo-pooing about how finiky the PTW hopup was and how unnecessary this was
3. They started to choke the chicken on their hit-and-miss parts (some ok, others were so-so, some were lousy)
Who knows...contact them and see if they have a bucket of prototypes laying around under a bench somewhere.
Personally....I wouldn't bother. Mostly because there are other very good AEG M4 hopups out there....and I don't even own a M4 AEG anymore.
A "universal" fit unit to mod into any AEG/AS gun is going to be a tough order to fill...due to the size/shape variance of all the types.
If you're looking for "drop-in" replacement for bolt guns...you're not only going to have to make it fit, but also likely alter the gun to access the adjustment mech. Some no-hopup shottys have this type of mod where an adjustment screw is drilled and tapped to get some hopup.
I believe noobie's hopup mod did something similar, where he tapped a grub screw through the top of the gun.
I think we can conclude that this never got off the ground, as the new magpul pro line's don't include the ptw hopup (from the picture anyways)