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Old June 25th, 2005, 21:11   #16
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I get REALLY pissy when someone doesn't call a hit, more so when I can see them flinching from the hits.....but.....after a few minutes of biting my tongue I realise life goes on and I shouldn't let it bother me....until next time.....

People not calling hits isn't going to happen at every game and as much as I hate to say's part of the hobby. The only way to ensure hits are called is to use real run out of targets after a bit.
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Old June 26th, 2005, 01:13   #17
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Originally Posted by Cortexburn
is to use real run out of targets after a bit.

Think about all the BBs that could be saved!
Originally Posted by [DI]DeathSniper
Fucking bullshit. I just checked my flyers and I didn't get no 'Cluepons'. Assholes :rrr:
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Old June 27th, 2005, 01:37   #18
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once the game is over people may forget what happens in the game but they will never forget a cheater.(from my grade 5 teacher)
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Old June 27th, 2005, 13:04   #19
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imagine... an airsoft registry... where game promoters could update information and stats on players... including cheating violations and unsportsmanlike conduct.

oh wait, this is airsoft... common sense rarely applies.
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Old June 27th, 2005, 13:18   #20
a.k.a. Fury a.k.a. VipaMave
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Originally Posted by attack-beacer
once the game is over people may forget what happens in the game but they will never forget a cheater.(from my grade 5 teacher)
That is likely the wisest thing you've thing you've said yet.

Originally Posted by Infernal
imagine... an airsoft registry... where game promoters could update information and stats on players... including cheating violations and unsportsmanlike conduct.

oh wait, this is airsoft... common sense rarely applies.
This is not really a wise idea. Sometimes players don't call themselves out simply because they don't feel it, not because they chose to cheat--In fact most players will call themselves out after you correct them.

What if you're rustling through leaves and somebody shoots your gearbox? You won't feel it and you likely won't hear it.

Thats a pretty irresponsible comment you threw out there.
Everyone on the field is expected to make full use of common sense and most of the time people are mature enough to do so.
Airsoft is a potentially dangerous sport, common sense ALWAYS applies.
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Old June 27th, 2005, 13:51   #21
Originally Posted by MadMax
Just like real life. Keep shooting until the target goes down.

Play with ppl you respect and you won't have to overshoot.

thats amazing

people say that we overshoot all the time....HA! we stop shooting when people call hit. Name of the game
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Old June 27th, 2005, 18:30   #22
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Originally Posted by Droc
Originally Posted by MadMax
Just like real life. Keep shooting until the target goes down.

Play with ppl you respect and you won't have to overshoot.

thats amazing

people say that we overshoot all the time....HA! we stop shooting when people call hit. Name of the game
Thats been my position on things too... though I hear some people will yell hit faster if you aim for sensitive areas.
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Old June 27th, 2005, 18:32   #23
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Originally Posted by VipaMave
Originally Posted by attack-beacer
once the game is over people may forget what happens in the game but they will never forget a cheater.(from my grade 5 teacher)
That is likely the wisest thing you've thing you've said yet.
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Old June 27th, 2005, 19:42   #24
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Originally Posted by L473ncy
Well I've heard of people who waste a whole mag on known "cheaters". What you do is just hold the trigger until they call themselves out..
OI've heard and witnessed people who unload a whole mag on a person's vicinity and not hit anything, but yell out to call their hits...

Sometimes you hit them and they don't call it.
Sometimes you MISS and you think you hit them...
Don't assume cause you shot at them, that you actually hit them...

When i did play, i would only call out cheaters if i could actually see my bbs bounce off their body, and then see their reaction (i.e. rub their leg in pain, then move away into cover)
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Old June 27th, 2005, 19:52   #25
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all the little punk kids who think they are too good to be eliminated from a game so they dont call their hits play of the many reasons I airsoft.

And on the only occasion I KNOW I hit someone and they didnt call it, I just hosed them down with half a high cap. Could have sworn he was crying :cheers:
"Whoever appeals to the law against his fellow man is either a fool or a coward. Whoever cannot take care of himself without that law is both. For a wounded man shall say to his assailant,'If I live, I will kill you. If I die, you are forgiven. Such is the rule of honor."
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Old June 27th, 2005, 19:55   #26
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Ya tharkad I too have realized and try to point out that you can spray an area through some cover and it LOOKS like you are hitting them but really you are not. I've been on the recieving end of fire that is flying and bouncing off twigs but nothing hits me. (happened yesterday but he eventually nailed me in the hand)
Enjoy the true freedom that comes from being completely free of the shackles of reality.
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Old June 27th, 2005, 20:12   #27
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Like i was saying just give the guy the benefit of the doubt and play on. Paintball is a sport.. you win you loose.... Airsoft is a hobby, if we have fun we all win. nuff said on this i think.
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Old June 27th, 2005, 20:28   #28
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"if they don't call hit emty em' with a high cap"...or "what the heck here...knife kill that moron" good thing I havent encountered cheaters yet but if this happens I'll alert the field marshall and tell them a player is cheating so that person will be penalized if he/she still cheats.
Team P.I.M.P. Vancouver BC
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Old June 27th, 2005, 20:50   #29
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Originally Posted by Nuck
all the little punk kids who think they are too good to be eliminated from a game so they dont call their hits play of the many reasons I airsoft.

And on the only occasion I KNOW I hit someone and they didnt call it, I just hosed them down with half a high cap. Could have sworn he was crying :cheers:
Then aim for the head.

I'm serious.

If it's "just a game", shouldn't they be playing it as such themselves? If they want to turn the game as if it really matters, into a slightly more life-serious venue... Trust me - first shot to the crotch or to the head will piss them royally. Then you can remind them that's the price of cheating.

Thank god for airsoft. Personally, with such the small community we have... It's utterly stupid to cheat, IMO. You'll be labelled as such dam fast, and soon enough, a fairly large portion of the community will be aware. Then you may be stuck with a grand's worth of gear (at least), and nothing to do but offer it up in the buy/sell cause no one's gonna want to play with you!
Originally Posted by [DI]DeathSniper
Fucking bullshit. I just checked my flyers and I didn't get no 'Cluepons'. Assholes :rrr:
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Old June 28th, 2005, 12:08   #30
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I got reamed by both the paintball and airsoft community in my area for suggesting that airsoft requires honor in order for play to take place whereas paintball doesn't because of the paint.

To me the opportunity to excercise of honor is what makes airsoft a military experience more than the realism of the guns or any amount of kit or props. I wrote an article in response that I posted on several sites. My favorite version is here

The cops in the area apparently feel somewhat the same way. This happened to me not too long ago.

We'd arrived at one of our airsofting areas in a small town nearby. It's next to a gunrange so the ambiance is real nice!
We call it "The Benches" ( As I pull out my gear I note a sherrifs deputy parking, then footing it toward where we play. I can see whats going down already so I decided to approach him.

Here's how it went.

"Excuse me officer!"
"I'm betting you're going down to run off the paintballers?"
"Thats right!"
"Ha! Well I guess I better not bother going down then cause I'm one of 'em!"
"Yeah, a paintball gun is considered a deadly weapon within the city limits and this park area is inside of that."
I had to smile a little at that "Oh so I'm deadly now? Hehe"...(he had a little grin about it as well as I'm 40ish, a little overweight, and about as harmless looking as it gets). Well I understand officer, you don't make the rules but when you lay down the smack it's time to vacate, my apologies. Oh by the way, it's not actually paintaball I'm going to play it's airsoft."
"Well thats different! Airsoft is just fine!"
"Oh I'm sorry, I always tell people paintball cause not too many people know what airsoft is. You're welcome to check out my equipment if you like."
"That won't be necessary. Are you telling me there aren't any paintballers down there?"
"Well sir, all I can say for sure is about 30 of our boys are down there playing airsoft. I don't know if there's any paintballers cause I haven't been down there yet."
(he stands there for a minute looking down the trail and I KNOW he doesn't want to make the climb down into the play area in those shiny shoes so I chime in again)
"I'll tell you what I'll do if you want. I've got a cell phone, give me your number (by this time a city police officer had joined him) and if I SEE a paintballer down there I'll tell them what you said, and if they DON'T vacate I'll give you a call."

He looked me in the eyes for a second...

"Do it." he said. He gave me his phone number and walked off. The city officer did the same.

And THAT is currently a big difference between airsoft and paintball in my area.


Ummm...yeah I meant to say that. Didn't I?
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