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Old May 9th, 2013, 15:05   #16
Join Date: Feb 2013
Location: Ingersoll, Ontario
Originally Posted by Brian McIlmoyle View Post
it is a firearm, just an unregulated one

it's a gun.. used for shooting .. let go of your liberal upbringing, violence is not bad, guns are not evil.

you must not act the way you were brought up,
I don't have a political stand point, they're all corrupt and as bad as each other as far as I've seen from how these countries are run. That aside, anything that 'shoots' a projectile is classified a firearm of sorts, that's correct. But because I don't like saying 'gun' for the paintball and airsoft markers, as to me they do not count as a REAL firearm, I say marker. On that note, it pisses me off beyond belief when I hear stories on the radio about some idiot kid being arrested for trying to rob a store using an airsoft gun. I cannot stand the stupidity of people who do paintball drive-by and airsoft robberies. It just ruins the already damaged reputation the sports have, and it's hard enough to go around with your gear without worrying about some jackass cop (no offence to them, they're doing their jobs with protection and whatnot) who breaks a $600 gun because he thinks it's a real gun without allowing you to prove otherwise, or in the case of two of my friends who were simply seen putting the markers in their cars by neighbors and suddenly get pulled over by authorities with their guns drawn. And yes, that actually happened. I don't take chances. Call them what you will, but it's 'markers' to me and they stay in a gun bag or case when they're not in use.
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Old May 9th, 2013, 15:36   #17
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Originally Posted by Reaver_RRTS View Post
I don't have a political stand point, they're all corrupt and as bad as each other as far as I've seen from how these countries are run. That aside, anything that 'shoots' a projectile is classified a firearm of sorts, that's correct. But because I don't like saying 'gun' for the paintball and airsoft markers, as to me they do not count as a REAL firearm, I say marker. On that note, it pisses me off beyond belief when I hear stories on the radio about some idiot kid being arrested for trying to rob a store using an airsoft gun. I cannot stand the stupidity of people who do paintball drive-by and airsoft robberies. It just ruins the already damaged reputation the sports have, and it's hard enough to go around with your gear without worrying about some jackass cop (no offence to them, they're doing their jobs with protection and whatnot) who breaks a $600 gun because he thinks it's a real gun without allowing you to prove otherwise, or in the case of two of my friends who were simply seen putting the markers in their cars by neighbors and suddenly get pulled over by authorities with their guns drawn. And yes, that actually happened. I don't take chances. Call them what you will, but it's 'markers' to me and they stay in a gun bag or case when they're not in use.
So what I'm getting from this is that you're one of those "our government is bad" people? I hate to be a dick, but please..if you do not like the way this country is run, feel free to move to somewhere you feel like it's being run well. Also if they're markers to you.. then why call it a "gun bag" and not a "marker bag"?

Also, with regard to you calling that cop a "jackass" for breaking a $600 dollar gun, as someone who is going into the law enforcement field I can definitely justify the officer doing so. I'm not going to risk my life just because some kid says "officer its fake". If they have guns drawn, it's for a damn good reason. Its your friends' fault for being stupid and exposing the paintball marker. Don't look for someone else to blame for your mistake.

Do yourself a favour, get used to calling it an airsoft gun.
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Last edited by EchoFourTwelve; May 9th, 2013 at 15:39..
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Old May 9th, 2013, 15:44   #18
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Back on topic (not really)

When it comes to the TAR-21, choose Israeli:

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Old May 9th, 2013, 16:03   #19
Brian McIlmoyle
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Originally Posted by Reaver_RRTS View Post
I don't have a political stand point .
relax mate, just poking at you..

agree with below..

if buying real.. buy the real deal made in Israel.

of buying Airsoft, Aries is the way to go..
Brian McIlmoyle
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Old May 9th, 2013, 16:56   #20
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Lol I doubt a cop would attempt to break a real steel rifle

If he thought it was real, he'd be asking for your PAL or arresting you

Last edited by pusangani; May 9th, 2013 at 17:00..
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