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We play airsoft because we can't afford paintball?



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Old October 22nd, 2009, 09:35   #16
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everyone of you knows you cant afford paintball and had to settle for airsoft.

Deep down EVERYONE of you wants to have a hopper and wear those bright colored uniforms so just stop pretending!
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Old October 22nd, 2009, 10:48   #17
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This is funny.

If any of the oldtimers remember the Crosman Spotmarker from way back late 80's those were .50 cal. The Spotmarker revolver was basically the bb CO2 revolver that you can still get at Can Tire with a 6" barrel and drum bored for .50 cal paintballs. If this catches on I can see those old things coming back out for use. Hmm... now that I think about it I think those blowgun paintball doohickeys also use .50 cal.
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Old October 22nd, 2009, 11:13   #18
formerly Lythinca
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See, I like paintball and airsoft. I like airsoft much more, as it doesnt stain my clothes, and its cheaper AND for the most part, its more realistic.

I also dislike the rudeness and immaturity that most paintballers show to airsofters and eachother.

EDIT: Kwok, you can still get that at Crappy Tire? Which location? Price?
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Last edited by Love; October 22nd, 2009 at 11:23..
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Old October 22nd, 2009, 11:35   #19
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Yeah.... Paintball didn't really take off in The Philippines. It's not because paintball is "illegal".

I'm pretty sure paintball wouldn't take off in Japan that well either. People aren't going to buy paintball guns when they already have airsoft guns.

Also what's with that kid asking questions? Is he like a reporter for some paintball magazine?
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Old October 22nd, 2009, 11:37   #20
Ban-Fu Sifu
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Originally Posted by Kwokwai View Post
This is funny.

If any of the oldtimers remember the Crosman Spotmarker from way back late 80's those were .50 cal. The Spotmarker revolver was basically the bb CO2 revolver that you can still get at Can Tire with a 6" barrel and drum bored for .50 cal paintballs. If this catches on I can see those old things coming back out for use. Hmm... now that I think about it I think those blowgun paintball doohickeys also use .50 cal.
Yep there was also a tipman smig (clip fed full auto gun)... the .50 cal was replaced long time ago with the .68, I realy hope for them that they improved it because as I remember they had a tendency to NOT break on contact, I think I still have the scars.......

Originally Posted by Lythinca View Post

EDIT: Kwok, you can still get that at Crappy Tire? Which location? Price?
Well your about 16 years late......
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Last edited by vondnik; October 22nd, 2009 at 11:39..
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Old October 22nd, 2009, 11:42   #21
formerly Lythinca
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Von, I know that. Haha. Thats why I was surprised and asked. (The post mentioned that you could still get it at canadian tire.)
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Old October 22nd, 2009, 11:46   #22
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Originally Posted by Saberwing View Post
Seems to me that some 40 year old man wants those 16 year old kids with $20 to come get covered in his new special rainbow splooge...
fuck me, i nearly spit tea all over my keyboard
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Old October 22nd, 2009, 11:54   #23
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Originally Posted by Lythinca View Post
Von, I know that. Haha. Thats why I was surprised and asked. (The post mentioned that you could still get it at canadian tire.)

The BB gun version is still available iirc at Can Tire; not the Spotmarker which they stopped producing about the late 80s or so.

Heheh. I remember the Tippmann full auto clip fed marker. They also put out a .68 cal version after in a very limited quantity but it never took off nor was it usually allowed on most fields. People were scared of the thing.
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Old October 22nd, 2009, 12:07   #24
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Originally Posted by Kwokwai View Post
The .

Heheh. I remember the Tippmann full auto clip fed marker. They also put out a .68 cal version after in a very limited quantity but it never took off nor was it usually allowed on most fields. People were scared of the thing.
With no reason... the .68 had a tendency to break 1 in 5 rounds down the pipe ( iowned 1 50 and 1 68)... that why the .50 and .62 cals where more usable as the rounds where thicker...
Vondnik, team Bad Karma, PQAC

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Old October 22nd, 2009, 12:23   #25
formerly Lythinca
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Originally Posted by Kwokwai View Post
The BB gun version is still available iirc at Can Tire; not the Spotmarker which they stopped producing about the late 80s or so.

Heheh. I remember the Tippmann full auto clip fed marker. They also put out a .68 cal version after in a very limited quantity but it never took off nor was it usually allowed on most fields. People were scared of the thing.

Know the name and/or price of the BB gun version? I like revolvers, haha. (and I know, By BB gun you mean Airgun.)
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Old October 22nd, 2009, 12:31   #26
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I am a former baller, my first Marker was a VM68, I still have it.

You will never get me to play paintball again. Field Owners spoonfeed ballers. Airsoft Events, are self organized and self regulating.

Ballers never understand that everyone has access to 500 and 1000 rd mags, that everyone can spray and pray. "If I have it, I am going to shoot it", "But if I have 3000 rounds, I am going to shoot it all" They are so caught up in the spray and pray. There is a distinct mindset difference between the two communities. Paintball Personalities expect to be compensated to attend events - if you want me to come, I want 3 cases of free paint.

We attend events, and our Personalities are happy to come out and share their experience and knowledge for free, or moderate cost in the case of a course or clinic.

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Old October 22nd, 2009, 13:29   #27
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Cost of owning a weapon in either sport is essentially the same, except on the low end - Canada doesn't really have cheap airsoft guns available that are gameable - whereas paintball does. But you get what you pay for in both sports, and in the end, it comes down to who's behind the trigger.

Ammo and gas are a big wallet hit for paintball. 2000 rounds is anywhere between $75(if you lucky) to $200 for 2000 paintballs - compared to $10 in airsoft. To make it even worse you shoot more in paintball due to the way games are played, and the fact paintball guns don't compare in distance or accuracy. Buying tanks and the CO2/HPA that goes into them is another cost that airsoft doesn't have to deal with.

I personally got into airsoft due to the different kinds of games played, I like a realistic objective based game. I thought airsoft would be more realistic - and it is. With paintball you clearly have an advantage with a $2000 set-up VS a 200$ set-up.

Airsoft isn't nearly as bad. Although I'm not at all a fan of people running around with stupid ROF's...I mean, if the gun your holding shoots 650, 800 SPM as a real-steel weapon; why do you need to throw a li-po in it, switch out all your internal wiring for stuff made from a heavier gauge, in order to to make it a super-high ROF gattling gun.

I've yet to see anyone post this as an issue taking away from the realism of the sport, and I'm not sure why. I think exceptionally high ROF's are for donkeys. I personally like to take out opponents with single shots and short 3-5 burst fire as well - again - its not realistic to dump a crap load of shots in a single burst.

Realism is the aim of this sport, is it not? Of course real bullets are far more effective than BB's are, they don't get stopped by brush, pushed by wind, carry further, etc.

but where do you draw the line? Does no one else have an issue with the ROF some guns produce?

Honestly that's what turned me off of paintball. Semi-auto back in the day meant semi-auto, and I used to love playing; but the way guns are made these days nothing is realistically semi-auto. +20 bps? Not when each shot is costing me 5c-10c, nooooo thankyou.
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Old October 22nd, 2009, 13:35   #28
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My line was drawn when 80% of the paintball playerbase here is nothing but squeaky little children. .68, .50 or .40 cal paintballs won't change anything for me.
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Old October 22nd, 2009, 13:41   #29
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Originally Posted by Strelok View Post
My line was drawn when 80% of the paintball playerbase here is nothing but squeaky little children. .68, .50 or .40 cal paintballs won't change anything for me.
That's my biggest issue too. No matter what cal. .68 or .50, it won't make your balls drop fast enough. I still remember being 14 at Sgt.Splatters and seeing a bunch of airsofters dressed up in German load-outs, fully kitted up and how much more serious/fun their games seemed to be. The realism was another plus, but the real biggie was the attitude.
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Old October 22nd, 2009, 13:44   #30
Snake Eyes
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BAHHAHA! ROFLMFAO! If u play it backwards he says, WHAAA, IM LOSING MONEY CUZ AIRSOFT IS SO MUCH COOLER. Lol! Wut a load of shit.

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