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Old February 8th, 2010, 17:36   #16
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i played on sat 3vs2 and you really had to keep your head on a swivel theres lots of places to cover and lots of close corners outside and inside the buildings.
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Old February 8th, 2010, 17:51   #17
Hash Vapor
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I did that video for the Catshack Reports. I have played airsoft and paintball. If you discount either as being not what your looking for, it's your loss. I won't argue with you about it. Gotta give props to Will for recognizing that.
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Old February 8th, 2010, 17:52   #18
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Man cant wait to play there looks good two thumbs up
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Old February 8th, 2010, 18:24   #19
Brian McIlmoyle
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Originally Posted by FOX_111 View Post
I agree. My main gripe is the large open U shaped space with all building kinda interconnecting. With airsoft range and precision, I can totally see 2 guys completely denying movements of a whole squad only by supressing in the openings from one side of the playing erea. But that's just from the vid, I'd be curious to see in real.
It's designed with Tactical training in mind .. it is designed to be a streetscape .. the large open area is the street

I expect there will be vehicles on the street eventually.

it is a work in progress.. and won't be complete till spring
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Old February 8th, 2010, 23:09   #20
[SIK] Piér
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Originally Posted by 808 View Post
It looks promising - and amazing from an Airsoft standpoint - the owner(s) deserve some serious respect for that. That's for sure.
Originally Posted by isis View Post
pier tes l'idole de bien du monde aujourd'hui. good move

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Old February 9th, 2010, 14:01   #21
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Originally Posted by FOX_111 View Post
With airsoft range and precision, I can totally see 2 guys completely denying movements of a whole squad only by supressing in the openings from one side of the playing erea.
Not (entirely) true.

There are easy and effective ways of clearing people like that out. Those kind of problems are a WHOLE LOT easier to deal with if the facilitators allow minor pyro on the premesis as well - or depending on the game's rules towards AI Tornado grenades.

Just ask the folks that played in the first Melville Hospital game hosted by CamoGames a year or two ago. The small BB grenades we used were VERY effective in these cases - and when we ran out of them - we still managed to take out people dug into some pretty hard to reach places.

There were lots of scenarios exactly as you described, and there's always a way to deal with them.

BTW - Mini pyro is awesome (and safe, depending on the product). Wish it was easier to get a hold of, and more places allowed it.

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Old February 9th, 2010, 14:15   #22
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The first Melville Hospital game hosted by CamoGames was a riot. Lots of fun, though could have used my 10 AI tornado gernades back then. Tac shields would have helped immensley maybe even a sledgehammer to mouse hole from room to room.
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Old February 9th, 2010, 14:24   #23
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lol i dont think they will let you smash holes in the walls, but they do have plans on setting up booby traps in the rooms, also i think considering the intensity they want to provide, tornado grenades would probably be allowed obviously within reason. i agree with 808 the use of small pyro would be awesome!!
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Old February 9th, 2010, 14:35   #24
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cqb2 will be using remote claymores, tornado frags and m80 land mines from rap4.

we are also working on a keypad outside a few doors that if entered correctly, disengages a lock on the other side of the door allowing entry. if you screw it up or the intel was bad in one of the safes you came across.....then you will activate a red flashing light inside the room alerting those inside and you are going to get blown up by either a tornado or a claymore...still working out those details.
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Old February 11th, 2010, 14:08   #25
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the buildings now have doors on the main levels. moving from building to building is not like a rat trail down the side of a wall. doors slow people down, the windows while not complete with lexan yet have obstacles in them so there is cover from suppression fire.

anyway get your ass in here and then you can decide...
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Old February 11th, 2010, 14:41   #26
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I played the first night game there. Freaking cold, freaking dark. But a jaw-dropping wow...

The place is pretty big considering that all the buildings are "habitable". i.e. you can burst into a room and not be elbow to elbow with the guy that's in it. I was up on the 2nd floor of one of the stand alone buildings and there was about 5 feet between us as we were covering different angles.

The buildings are extremely well made. Not half-assed rickety things like some other places. And it was still under construction at the time.

The sight/kill lines are very, very well thought out. You can get into a position to cut a corner and pop a guy somewhere else that'd be very hard to get to otherwise. It's not easy to stay static and just snipe all day long....if your enemy is thinking, they'll get you.

Not the boring right angle grid, although the photos seem that way. You can't be behind an alley and shoot the length of the field. One-two houses at the most.

We did a couple of attack/defend hostage sets where the op-for was in the big building at the end. Defended position, high ground, open "road" in'd think that it would be a snap to defend, but it wasn't. Neither was it to attack. Lack of long sight lines was a real factor to deal was far from shooting fish in a barrel. You had to be constantly moving around (1st floor, 2nd floor, inside, back of building, etc...) to put a complete picture together and defend it well.

The first attack succeeded...we pushed down the right side and entered the ground floor. Shot the hostage by accident...but that's a different story.

The second attack (we switched up) failed to breach...but the kidnappers were barely hanging on. We were swapping guns, sharing mags and basically down to nothing and just ran out the clock. Another push or two and we were done. If there weren't medic rules in effect we would have been toast in about 15min.

And I think that night we had 25-30 people. It would have been really frustrating if everyone just hunkered down in a room and shot out of the windows. So that's where your game play rule/objectives come in.

Large two story heated staging building...locked and screened access...sturdy buildings/doors/windows/ladders. Thought out sightlines/killzones and "safer" areas.

Not having built anything like this myself...I can't really imagine how much money Will has put into it so far...but it must be more than one bucketload of cash.

If that's not what you want in an easily accessible CQB environment that's outdoors, WITH an owner who is welcoming and open to airsofters..who are in general dirt adverse, cheap, rowdy, elitists, and who demand a lot of coddling and ego stroking...then I don't know what would be good enough.


Last edited by m102404; February 11th, 2010 at 14:46..
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Old February 12th, 2010, 15:03   #27
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thanks tys..
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