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Old December 31st, 2010, 15:22   #31
Join Date: Mar 2009
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Originally Posted by airsoftfreak24 View Post
If you want to go with a fairly cheap affordable gun, I would recommend checking out the JG Dragon from the states. it's closest to the M4, but it doesn't look like one, so you shouldn't have any problems at the border if you were going to do that. I think most sites sell it for around $160 + shipping.
wrong, the cbsa have caught on there was a thread about this already
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Old December 31st, 2010, 15:33   #32
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Legally if they can't tell you what gun it resembles, it's not a replica. in my opinion the JG Dragon does not closely resemble with near precision an M4.
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Old December 31st, 2010, 16:34   #33
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Its people like you that really, really don't help at all.

If you didn't notice, the gun is a complete M4 beneath the nasty ass anime gun shell.

CBSA isn't dumb, they'll pick it apart for what it is and take it from you. And if you think you can get away with something 'That doesn't resemble a real gun' you're wrong. They have been going as far as consfiscating gearboxes.

Learn before you spew misinformation please.
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Old December 31st, 2010, 17:14   #34
Underaged, Retail Scams, Wants to sell to other minors!
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I'm sorry that you found my post offensive strelok. If the borderguard is having a bad day, and confiscates everything that says airsoft on it... it seems some of you would accept that as final. I had one of my g36 airsoft guns rejected, even though it was perfectly legal. The good part was that I asked for the borderguards email address, and he gave it to me. We corresponded for a while, until I convinced him that even if the tint is dark, it's legal. I went to bring a few more guns over the border about a week ago, and they studied them for about 2 minutes and let me across.

no offense, but ASC members have WAY too much pride! I've told them several times how to get airsoft guns across the border, but they have way too much pride to take advice from a 16 year old.

in regards to the current JG Dragon gun, when their policy says "resemble with near precision" this gun is NOT even close to an M4.

You guys know you're airsoft guns well, I won't argue with that. And you've helped me several times with airsoft related stuff. But I think you have a thing or 2 to learn about CBSA.

As for the "misinformation", I hope I cleared everything up.
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Old December 31st, 2010, 17:22   #35
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Originally Posted by airsoftfreak24 View Post
no offense, but ASC members have WAY too much pride! I've told them several times how to get airsoft guns across the border, but they have way too much pride to take advice from a 16 year old.
Usually nobody takes advice, especially regarding legality, from 16 year olds.

Pride has nothing to do with it.

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Old December 31st, 2010, 17:24   #36
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Originally Posted by airsoftfreak24 View Post
I'm sorry that you found my post offensive strelok. If the borderguard is having a bad day, and confiscates everything that says airsoft on it... it seems some of you would accept that as final. I had one of my g36 airsoft guns rejected, even though it was perfectly legal. The good part was that I asked for the borderguards email address, and he gave it to me. We corresponded for a while, until I convinced him that even if the tint is dark, it's legal. I went to bring a few more guns over the border about a week ago, and they studied them for about 2 minutes and let me across.

no offense, but ASC members have WAY too much pride! I've told them several times how to get airsoft guns across the border, but they have way too much pride to take advice from a 16 year old.

in regards to the current JG Dragon gun, when their policy says "resemble with near precision" this gun is NOT even close to an M4.

You guys know you're airsoft guns well, I won't argue with that. And you've helped me several times with airsoft related stuff. But I think you have a thing or 2 to learn about CBSA.

As for the "misinformation", I hope I cleared everything up.
Your not very smart are you? you should read the canadian firearms laws and importing laws. can't wait to watch the news and see a bunch of kids including yourself being sent to prison, under federal charges.
Legion XIII

Last edited by Schoolboy; December 31st, 2010 at 17:28..
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Old January 1st, 2011, 03:42   #37
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lol If I lived in the States, I would of gotten myself a real frigging m4. Not a aeg or ggb!
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Old January 1st, 2011, 12:30   #38
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I got the JG S-System Enhanced for $190 as my first gun, and I really like it. Accurate, shoots hard (370 w/ .25), however it does have one issue:


My gun had issues, and I got screwed. Luckily, my local shop owner opened 'er up for me for free and fixed it (mostly).
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Old February 3rd, 2011, 23:26   #39
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Originally Posted by Schoolboy View Post
can't wait to watch the news and see a bunch of kids including yourself being sent to prison, under federal charges.
I can totally attest to this. Was caught smuggling a WE M4 and was initially given 25 years in a federal penitentiary in Edmonton. I was charged with smuggling a real weapon. It was reduced to 6 years because I cooperated and ratted out some other replica smugglers and had good behaviour (good lawyer helps too).

Prison is a pretty horrifying place, the worse place you will ever be in your life. The stench, the fear, the drugs, I was never the same again. The worse part of it was the overwhelming sense of crushing depression. You're reminded day after day of what you're missing being inside the cold, uncaring, prison walls. The entire time I developed a crack addiction and learned what it was like for a 300 pound inmate to have his way with you. My girlfriend left me, my family disowned me, and my favourite dog died. All of this to save a couple hundred bucks. Tell me, is the risk of ruining you whole life worth it to you?

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Last edited by THe_Silencer; February 4th, 2011 at 01:49..
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Old February 4th, 2011, 01:04   #40
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Originally Posted by THe_Silencer View Post
I can totally attest to this. Was caught smuggling a WE M4 and was initially given 25 years in a federal penitentiary in Edmonton. I was charged with smuggling a real weapon. It was reduced to 6 years because I cooperated and ratted out some other replica smugglers and had good behaviour (good lawyer helps too).

Prison is a pretty horrifying place, the worse place you will ever be in your life. The stench, the fear, the drugs, I was never the same again. The worse of the overwhelming sense of crushing depression. The entire time I developed a crack addiction and learned what it was like for a 300 pound inmate to have his way with you. My girlfriend left me, my family disowned me, and my favourite dog died. All of this to save a couple hundred bucks. Tell me, is the risk of ruining you whole life worth it to you?
wow.... You're not joking..... 25 effing years?

Last edited by magnum703; February 4th, 2011 at 01:09..
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Old February 4th, 2011, 01:16   #41
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Bah sounds scary. Its easier to get a real gun for hunting.
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Old February 4th, 2011, 01:57   #42
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Originally Posted by THe_Silencer View Post
I can totally attest to this. Was caught smuggling a WE M4 and was initially given 25 years in a federal penitentiary in Edmonton. I was charged with smuggling a real weapon. It was reduced to 6 years because I cooperated and ratted out some other replica smugglers and had good behaviour (good lawyer helps too).

Prison is a pretty horrifying place, the worse place you will ever be in your life. The stench, the fear, the drugs, I was never the same again. The worse part of it was the overwhelming sense of crushing depression. You're reminded day after day of what you're missing being inside the cold, uncaring, prison walls. The entire time I developed a crack addiction and learned what it was like for a 300 pound inmate to have his way with you. My girlfriend left me, my family disowned me, and my favourite dog died. All of this to save a couple hundred bucks. Tell me, is the risk of ruining you whole life worth it to you?
Well Spoken. you have given the community a prime example and this hopefully discourages most underages from making a very big and unnecessary mistake. Simplest way to put it is buy it in country and pay the price a pose to paying for you actions.
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Old February 4th, 2011, 02:54   #43
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well unfortunately the type of gun i searched for is nowhere to find (probably ehobbyasia custom) so i decided for Redwolf classic MOE M4 magpul the only thing i am not sure of is what battery to buy with it (it fits into stock), don`t know the right voltage for G&Ps if you know please can you send me link for some good for this gun? MAGPUL MOE Carbine
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Old February 4th, 2011, 04:08   #44
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Hahahahahahaha, This is Canada, baby killers don't even get 25 years.
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Old February 4th, 2011, 12:42   #45
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Originally Posted by AS92-RD View Post
Hahahahahahaha, This is Canada, baby killers don't even get 25 years.
Abortion is no joke.

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