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Don't buy from Evike. CRAZY DUTY FEE



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Old October 1st, 2009, 17:48   #31
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Originally Posted by flack View Post
well... Shredder's Concave Spacer is not available in canada and theres only 2 retailer carrying them. I have been waiting for an answer from the order retailer since monday... I mean whats the problem for them to just put them in an envelope and just put a freakin .75$ stamp on it? Btw it was by usps and not UPS...
you can get SCS spacer directly from Shredder himself on his forums.

Moreover, Capital Airsoft is planning on bringing them in.
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Old October 1st, 2009, 17:53   #32
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I emailed them but they just bullshit me

We do not calculate the shipping cost, we follow the shipping cost the Post Office has on record. We actually have no control over the shipping cost and sometimes our company actually has to pay a little shipping cost for our customers.

Also shipping to Canada is a risk. As you know shipping guns to Canada, it will get confiscated and even gun parts sometimes might get confiscated.
A stamp for an Envelope of < 1 once to canada is .75$

Originally Posted by Skladfin View Post
you can get SCS spacer directly from Shredder himself on his forums.

Moreover, Capital Airsoft is planning on bringing them in.
thanks ill check that!

Last edited by flack; October 1st, 2009 at 17:55..
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Old October 1st, 2009, 18:44   #33
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It is obvious that some people here just don't understand the shipping process and the role that CBSA have in the final outcome.....and costs.
1. Shipper sends package with REQUIRED border docs
2. Courier or Postal Service moves goods to border post where the goods are placed in a bonded clearing warehouse.
3. ALL goods in transit by courier or Postal service remain in bond while the "clearing process" takes place.
4. All shipping documents are submitted to CBSA clearing agents fro approval.
5.Items are either cleared with no further delay, or pulled for further inspection
6. If item has been pulled that is being handled by a courier company, the courier companies "clearing broker" now interacts with the CBSA agent to facilitate "clearance" of item in question.
7.Item is either cleared, inspected or held subject to CBSA findings (and duty/tarrif classification).
8. Once inspected, classified and cleared, goods are returned to courier/Postal service and forwarded on to customer

It is at stage 6. that additional charges occur. Once a clearing broker becomes involved, most courier companies have a minimum flat rate of $35-45, regardless of the size or value of the package. The more complicated the clearance process, the more expensive the brokerage fees are. If the CBSA agent feels that the goods need to be classified, it is the broker agent that helps in determining the best classification of the goods. But...the broker does not have the final is CBSA (right or wrong)

So, if your item is not pulled by CBSA, then there are no additional shipping fees. If it is pulled, then you are going to pay brokerage fees as well.....even if no additional duties or tarriffs are assessed.

Evike(and many other US/Asian companies shis tons of Airsoft stuff to Canada. So, they and quite a few other US and Asian companies are targeted as they are known to CBSA for retailing goods which may be in violation of Canadian import laws.

If you want to minimize the risk of additional Canadian. If you want to benefit from buying from retailers with greater selection of goods and less expensive pricing, then there is a chance you are going to pay the price for this luxury!

But 9 times out of 10 the Retailer (Evike or other) has NOTHING to do with additional costs as a result of shipping across the border (unless there has been an error in the shipping docs..which in that case you would have recourse with CBSA, the retailer as well as the shipper).

No...blame Canada's vague laws pertaining to Airsoft...and our friends at CBSA (and their known ill will towards Airsoft.

Uneducated flame threads are a bit annoying
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Last edited by rustysniper; October 12th, 2009 at 17:03..
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Old October 2nd, 2009, 13:44   #34
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Originally Posted by rustysniper View Post
No...blame Canada's vague laws pertaining to Airsoft...and our friends at CBSA (an their know ill will towards Airsoft.
Actually its more of a tax grab than anything else - anyone who has bought anything from the US on ebay knows this...
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Old November 9th, 2009, 16:52   #35
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If i were to order something from evike, and have it sent to somewhere in the states to be picked up, would it arive there? ive heard that a lot of Evike orders never get delivered. this was by my ill informed brother, but still, its something i want to know for sure. its for a full length M249 Barrel, i havent had much luck finding them, and Evike is the first plce ive found that actually has them in stock, according to the site.
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Old November 9th, 2009, 17:11   #36
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If you order something from Evike (they are in California) and have it shipped to a US address, it will arrive at that address. You don't get to be the size that Evike is by taking people's money and not shipping product.

i.e. If you have your Evike order shipped to your buddy's house in Montana, the package will arrive in Montana.
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Old November 9th, 2009, 17:40   #37
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I never got my items from Evike. They only shipped me half of my order, but as they did ship something PayPal protection wasn't of any help.

They kept my money and my items, and didn't answer my emails. I was never able to get someone who knew something by phone. Stay away from them as much as you can.
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Old November 9th, 2009, 17:46   #38
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I needed to get both PayPal AND Visa on their case to get a refund for something they didn't acknowledge I'd paid for (despite the PayPal receipt -- their site had some kind of bug in the checkout process).

If you paid by credit card, talk to your credit card company (even if Paypal couldn't help you). Credit card companies value your business and continued satisfaction and Visa has always been extra helpful to me.
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Old November 9th, 2009, 20:16   #39
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Man I feel like a broken record : AVOID evike at all costs, even if you ship in the USA.

Their problem is not shipping in Canada, it's recognizing that you paid for something. And customer service. And their website.
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Old November 10th, 2009, 19:03   #40
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I have a relative in California, i can get him to check out their warehouse, they apparantly have a sotrefront and stuff.
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Old November 10th, 2009, 19:10   #41
Captain Tenneal
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Yeah; I got ripped off from Evike too... I guess I should have had that post stickied

Never again; especially when their part turned out to be not genuine Tanio Koba... :S
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Old November 21st, 2009, 20:43   #42
tactical legend
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I read this after I placed my order the site seems legit enough but I have my doubts...
when do you think I'll recieve my parcel. Tis an ICS complete upper conversion kit and a speed loader.
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Old November 22nd, 2009, 19:10   #43
Captain Tenneal
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Entirely depending on if/when/how the CBSA finds it; between a month to never.
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Old November 22nd, 2009, 22:03   #44
tactical legend
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why? will it get seized?
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Old December 2nd, 2009, 16:32   #45
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hehe....and I have ordered tons of stuff from Evike and never had a problem so go figure....
but let the flame fest continue as it seems to be the SOLE purpose of the thread...
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