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Old January 14th, 2010, 02:31   #31
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Originally Posted by Styrak View Post
Not when you see the classifieds section on ASC.
Guess I won't find out for another two years!
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Old January 14th, 2010, 04:28   #32
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fake!never heard TM authorize any manufacturer on making transparent airsofts.
otherwise,there is a official warning of this kind of products on TM's web .
the only answer might be that the reassembler would be present on the court!
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Old January 14th, 2010, 07:15   #33
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maybe he just happened into a BNIB TM M4 and swapped it for a polycarb lower to see what the reaction would be

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The apartment I am in right now costs $100 a month.
My average spending on food per day is less than $4.
My airsoft spending in the last month and a half has totaled over $1400.
They're called priorities. Get yourself some.
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Old January 14th, 2010, 07:54   #34
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Originally Posted by Thenooblord View Post
maybe he just happened into a BNIB TM M4 and swapped it for a polycarb lower to see what the reaction would be
This is what I'm thinking too. Possibly a batch of guns that was bought state-side and had the receivers swapped out before entering Canada.

Either way, I wouldn't touch a TM at even 1/2 that price.
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Old January 14th, 2010, 10:00   #35
Con Murder
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Ya I agree crunch, not at that price if its not black. And we know velocityarms is worth dealing with so I'm sure this will be figured out soon enough. Perhaps a few emails could enlighten us?
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Old January 14th, 2010, 10:05   #36
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I wouldn't touch a TM at even 1/2 that price.
absoslutly! TM is not too bad but that's a lot of cash for plastic and metal that aren't that good a quality.
Given the fact that black guns are still findable in Canada if you're nice and talk to people, I'd rather make a little social effort and pay too much instead of way-too-f'ing-much
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Old January 14th, 2010, 10:07   #37
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wow.... cansoft is ruining the whole sport

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Old January 14th, 2010, 10:09   #38
The Saint
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Originally Posted by Rock 'N' Roll Outlaw View Post
I just have some beef with the "canadian legal" bullshit when its shown as anything other than a marketing scheme. And especially when the prices are still jacked up when its supposedly "legal".
Yeah, and I'm getting pretty tired of explaining the merit of the phrase "Canadian legal" to you, too. You really need to distinguish between calling people liars and calling people greedy bastards. You've got a better case for the latter without trying apply the former.

I'm not a fan of cansoft, but as far of legality goes, yes, they are "Canadian legal", especially when compared to say, Steve. If I were a sufficiently motivated crown prosecutor, I could reliably put the people abusing BFL away for a couple years or at least fine the crap out of them (from the licencee right down to their resellers), but I doubt I'd be able to touch the cansoft guys at all.

Does that justify their prices? I'm inclined to say no, however, I don't know what their balance sheet is like. I do know that Canada is a very expensive country to do business in, no matter what you sell. They could be charging us a fair price, but they also could be not. Maybe it's the manufacturer's high prices that's the problem, or maybe not.
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Old January 14th, 2010, 10:20   #39
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if you want to make money out of airsoft you have to be 100% legal (clear), everywhere (Walmart, Crapi Tire), and sell cheap/fragile rather than quality that lasts.
Not to be evil but just because it's your biggest pool of possible customers.

Plus it's not everyone who can deal with big distribution, you've got to be in the loop, known, reliable, and have a big consistent production; there's a big amount of politics involved.

However I don't think it's ruining the sport; it's more like something happening on the side.

Last edited by Jimski; January 14th, 2010 at 10:23..
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Old January 14th, 2010, 10:25   #40
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The reseller sets a price...the prospective buyer decides if it's attractive enough for them to buy it. If it is...then great. If it isn't...the it won't sell.

What alternatives there are, what other resellers are selling them at, how jammed in a corner the reseller is to flip his inventory...those all affect what it'll sell at.


Pissed off about it? Buy somewhere else...import them yourself...they're legal to import. "Oh, but that's a pain in the ass to do"....well guess what? That's what the reseller is charging you a premium for. They want to get paid for their time, effort and up front risk.

"Oh, but they're marking it up too much"...that's f*cking laughable to say that. Who are you to say what their time/effort/risk is worth? Nobody...but you're also the consumer and the only way you get a say is to NOT BUY.

Frank and every other retailer out there want your money...and your friends money...and your grandma's money if they can get it. Is that being greedy...yes, but that's business.

Want to do some other type of hippy setup? Start a co-op with like minded people and see if that works. Or do it yourself. Or just order a clear gun direct and see if it comes should right?

Either you put up the capital up front and assume whatever risks and savings there are to be had...or you pay someone else to do that for you.
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Old January 14th, 2010, 10:25   #41
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damn, i thought about doing this with my contact in Japan, but in the end, we decided against it.
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Old January 14th, 2010, 10:29   #42
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Yeah. VA is a reputable dealer and I'd buy from Frank in a heartbeat if he had something I actually wanted.

But back to the whole Cansoft (still hate that word) pricing - I still can't see how 2+ times US pricing is justified. As mentioned, it's the fact that black guns are illegal to import for the purpose of sale that makes them so expensive. The BFL abuser that imports the guns "legally" gets his large cut for his risk. And it is a huge risk. Importing even 1 gun other than for the prescribed purpose of the BLF all of a sudden can result in multiple violations of the Customs Act, Firearms Act, and Criminal Code.

Then there's the "retailer" (and I use that term loosely) that sells them to the public. Selling even 1 gun to a non-BLF holder also bring on multiple charges. So they also make a nice large profit for the risk they take. And that's how guns end up costing 3x what they do out of country. And we end up buying them, because we don't have a choice. It's that or nothing.

I have no issue with these clear Canadian-legal guns. I take issue with the importers and wholesalers that have cornered the market with exclusive distribution deals and gouge the buyers because they know that these guns are made specially for them and that we can't import them ourselves. If clear / tinted G&G and KJW guns were available for purchase by the general public outside of Canada, they'd be selling for the same price or cheaper than their opaque counterparts.

Clear guns are legal to import, and with the quantities that these things are selling in, I call bullshit on anyone that claims "high production cost" for clear receivers. CAS are bringing these G&G things in by the metric fuckton and have a hard time keeping them in stock. Bullshit on the "we can't get enough quantity to keep prices down" claims.

And just to be clear, not talking about VA or Mach 1 here. Their pricing on their clear / tinted products is not significantly higher than the price of the comparable JG and ICS out of country once the exchange rate, shipping and duties have been factored in.

Last edited by Crunchmeister; January 14th, 2010 at 10:33..
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Old January 14th, 2010, 10:31   #43
Con Murder
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You get a guy who has ammo at games and provides the means to upgrade your equipment and you give him a shop to set up in. What would you put on the walls in said shop? I would want guns, and I would not want old copper to pull the alarm nor would I want the top name in the game absent.

I say if anyone should be upset its the other cansoft retailers who don't have access to that market (consumers looking for cansoft TM).

The sport is not hurt by a few clear guns, it is hurt by a few bad apples that seem to be bullet proof.
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Last edited by Con Murder; January 14th, 2010 at 10:34.. Reason: LOL many posts between and I was so slow!
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Old January 14th, 2010, 10:38   #44
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it is hurt by a few bad apples that seem to be bullet proof.
it's just that I can't feel the BBs with all this beige gear on me
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Old January 14th, 2010, 11:07   #45
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