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Airsoft "Pet Peeves", time to vent guys!



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Old January 25th, 2009, 00:47   #451
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Can we all just stop arguing about PTW's and continue with this thread? There was no need to bring it up again.
Originally Posted by Frozen Tex View Post
Is there a Cansoft Banhammer with a clear plastic shaft? And will it be compatible with full metal/wood Banhammers?

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I'm a sniper.

Because I'm fat and can't run fast.
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Old January 25th, 2009, 00:58   #452
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Originally Posted by Ronan View Post
Errr ok. Well comparing Systema to Tokyo Marui is like comparing Ferrari to Honda. No arguing there, Ferrari/Systema wins by a mile.

Yes i said it.

That's funny, because Honda has had IMPRESSIVE results in the last three years since returning as a FULL F1 vehicle manufacture instead of just engine supplier as it has been for a long while. And even it its rounds some years ago Honda had impressive results as well. Comparing a Honda Civic to an F1 might seem no contest, but to the average every day Joe, the Civic STEAM rolls the F1 for the win. F1's are useless for anything but going fast on highly maintained surfaces, where as the Civic in say a four door can support a family and all its needs; not to mention operate at legal speeds with comfort and safety.

But only a fanboy would have to bring something up and push the "disillusion" of something when no one else even mentioned it or anything remotely to it ((by fanboy standards)).

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Old January 25th, 2009, 01:22   #453
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Originally Posted by Dracheous View Post
No, you're stating an opinion that people are wrong in their assumptions that one thing is better to another. Where your logic fails here is that HK are better for some rather than others. Where other guns are better for others for completely different reasons. The human being is a creature of choice and comfort; one will find an AR the most comfortable and best investment from its original form to its latest and greatest. Where as another will swear by the AK lines. This is not so much fan-boyism as it the human nature of choice. My neck and shoulder frame is much more comfortable with an AR or G36 than it is with an MP5, AK, UMP. However I feel far more comfortable with a Remington 700 civilian version or just about any rifle along its light of stock than I do AR's or G36. But I would not swear my life to an M700 for the simple reason of their typical low magazine capacity, but I won't disillusion anyone that an automatic is more reliable than a bolt action weapon. So, I can tell you that any BA are far more reliable than any automatic you show me, and that is not fanboyism, that is a mixture of time proven results and person opinion as well.

Fanboyism, is when you push the illusion of something being better than its worth. Saying that spending $12g on a Berret makes it the best weapon on the market is retarded. There are many .50cal weapons that can be had at half the cost and be just as useful/reliable and even more accurate. While Berret M82A1's have proven that they can dish out the .50's at speed, the question of how far they are accurate to at such fire rates remains to be seen, since any non-stop fire I've seen out of a Berret has been most jerk offs trying to shoot standing and they're nearly being knocked over. And if the accuracy range is the same as an M2 Browning, then why is this rate of fire such a "big deal" when we already had that with a much bigger ammo cap ((under constant fire))?

Gran Torino was a good movie, judging by your "associations" of the film to previous comments in this thread; I'd say you missed a great deal of the movies meaning. The problem with Gran Torino is that it does what even the best of Eastwoods films do, takes a GREAT story, great build up, and drops two scoops of gay with a sprinkle of fail at the end, JUST so it can have some sort of philosophical meaning rather than the Dirty Harry solution we always expect. That said, the meaning in this movie was pretty damned good, and his execution of it was awesome, just I wanted Dirty Harry ending damnit...
you are correct
but personal prefrence and self logic was not at all my target from my pet pev
the point i was making is that it annoys me that people tend to use there personal prefrence as the all supreme choice as "the best choice" for all and try to argue and prove till the end that they are right and there "choice" is in fact better then some one elses
like dogs pissing on the same poll one after the other-- claming its theres
egos vs egos as we all sit back here eating are ego waffles

"get off my lawn" was directed to this pet pev
and was not related towards the movie
plus i just felt like saying it haha

Originally Posted by Ronan View Post
Errr ok. Well comparing Systema to Tokyo Marui is like comparing Ferrari to Honda. No arguing there, Ferrari/Systema wins by a mile.

Yes i said it.
but not all kids have a ferrari or lamborghini "super car dream" poster on there wall
to some people a fairly reasonably priced lotus which could vary well out perform other "super cars" in the turns at a quarter of the price is what they consider there "dream car"

all relating back to the "its not the car, its the driver that you should be watching out for" which we here seem to be so familiar with such a similar term
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Old January 28th, 2009, 00:40   #454
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Originally Posted by Ronan View Post
Errr ok. Well comparing Systema to Tokyo Marui is like comparing Ferrari to Honda. No arguing there, Ferrari/Systema wins by a mile.

Yes i said it.
Unless its raining. Applies to your analogy as well.
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Old January 29th, 2009, 22:56   #455
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You cant compair to different classes of weapon manufacturers. You have created useless pissing contest.

Anyone who has money can buy performance and unfortunatly its an unrealistic to gauge the performance of the weapon on a sample size of people who actually own a PTW. Anyone could be happy with it and most are who own it. TM vs _ something in its price range is fair game.
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Old February 7th, 2009, 15:16   #456
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closing the doors

Pet Peeves:
-when people make airsoft inaccessible because: 1> you dont have have the right cam. 2> you dont have the cash to buy all metal or TM or whatever (Airsoft shouldn't be about the money...I understand milsim-ists have their own requirements...but why not welcome people and let them build up to whatever those requirements are whilst they would beat having noobs running around in $2k worth of kit making everyone look dumb).

PS one last peeve: you just want to get the rounds down but people who milsim want you to pretend you are a Navy SEAL, JTF, etc. and just wont consider the fun or tactical value of just saying you're this team - i'm this team lets play. I dont mind if YOU want to be an Ranger or SAS trooper but should I have to be for us to game together/against each other?
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Old February 7th, 2009, 15:23   #457
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Originally Posted by yquotient View Post
Pet Peeves:
-when people make airsoft inaccessible because: 1> you dont have have the right cam. 2> you dont have the cash to buy all metal or TM or whatever (Airsoft shouldn't be about the money...I understand milsim-ists have their own requirements...but why not welcome people and let them build up to whatever those requirements are whilst they would beat having noobs running around in $2k worth of kit making everyone look dumb).

PS one last peeve: you just want to get the rounds down but people who milsim want you to pretend you are a Navy SEAL, JTF, etc. and just wont consider the fun or tactical value of just saying you're this team - i'm this team lets play. I dont mind if YOU want to be an Ranger or SAS trooper but should I have to be for us to game together/against each other?
Where have you been playing?

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Old February 7th, 2009, 15:28   #458
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Especially in the GTA area there are tonnes of different varieties of games. most of them are simple walk-on skirmish green vs tan games while there are others that are geared more towards the milsim crew. And kit dont really matter except for some of the more intense milsim games (i.e. the Vietnam games run outta LZ Woodstock, some of the WW2 games or some of the modern era games). Hell for my first few games I ran around wearing a cadpat fishing vest.
If I was banging all of them, I'd be a manwhore. At the moment, I'm just an opportunist.

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Old February 7th, 2009, 15:35   #459
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Originally Posted by Hades View Post
Especially in the GTA area there are tonnes of different varieties of games. most of them are simple walk-on skirmish green vs tan games while there are others that are geared more towards the milsim crew. And kit dont really matter except for some of the more intense milsim games (i.e. the Vietnam games run outta LZ Woodstock, some of the WW2 games or some of the modern era games). Hell for my first few games I ran around wearing a cadpat fishing vest.
I have just decided to start an all fishing/hunting cam milsim team. The only required equipment is bright orange hats or vests over dodgy hunting cam. If you survive the enemy in bright orange...somehow it might prove your extra hardness/ninja factor.
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Old February 7th, 2009, 15:47   #460
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Originally Posted by yquotient View Post
Pet Peeves:
-when people make airsoft inaccessible because: 1> you dont have have the right cam. 2> you dont have the cash to buy all metal or TM or whatever (Airsoft shouldn't be about the money...I understand milsim-ists have their own requirements...but why not welcome people and let them build up to whatever those requirements are whilst they would beat having noobs running around in $2k worth of kit making everyone look dumb).

PS one last peeve: you just want to get the rounds down but people who milsim want you to pretend you are a Navy SEAL, JTF, etc. and just wont consider the fun or tactical value of just saying you're this team - i'm this team lets play. I dont mind if YOU want to be an Ranger or SAS trooper but should I have to be for us to game together/against each other?
...Then don't play at a milsim game. I'd say maybe only 10-20% of airsoft games are actually milsim games with those requirements. Those games are for the people who do want to do that. If you don't want to, then don't go to a milsim game.

"Someone in a Prius tried to race me at a stop sign the other day. I couldn't believe it. I had him for the first 100 feet or so but I can only walk so fast."
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Old February 7th, 2009, 15:56   #461
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Originally Posted by kalnaren View Post
...Then don't play at a milsim game. I'd say maybe only 10-20% of airsoft games are actually milsim games with those requirements. Those games are for the people who do want to do that. If you don't want to, then don't go to a milsim game.
I know, I am certainly not trying to crash someone else's thing. What I am saying is my pet peeve is when finding a game is hindered by those only interested in milsiming. Whilst there are lots of games available at certain times and in some areas... there also those times when there isn't much going on and folks would rather be exclusive than inclusive cause they want to milsim rather than just game and get lots of people involved. I am NOT saying they are wrong or bad or is a peeve (ie a cause of annoyance or resentfulness).
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Old March 20th, 2009, 17:00   #462
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Peeve: waiting all winter to get to summer games then working every weekend summer long >:|

Inviting friends to come try out airsoft to get them into the game. They are excited and ready to play but because they only have civy clouthes they get dirty looks from mil-sim extreamests.

hypocrits who say they hate poeple with $1000 worth of gear then turn around and say high-caps suck. I need a high-cap so I don't have to buy that $1000 worth of kit to cary around all those clips.

Pros: Meeting poeple who aren't on my peeve's list. The people who welcome the new guys we try to bring in. The People like me who are just glad to be playing no matter what kit, gun, or calling you have.
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Old April 18th, 2009, 14:07   #463
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my pet peeve is when airsofters think the more expensive the gear is, the better i guess we can say soldier. i dont have the best gear myself. but i make the best of my gear. perfect example to justify my quote. look at the U.S in iraq. the americans have all the gadgets bells and whistles. sure the americans can out bomb the iraqis. the hard parts is on the ground though. even though the americans have much better kit on the ground then the iraqis. the iraqis find a way to fight them off with ak's and homeade bombs. dont forget tactics.

"its not the gear that wins, but the brain behind the gear.
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Old April 18th, 2009, 14:09   #464
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Originally Posted by heavyzero View Post
my pet peeve is when airsofters think the more expensive the gear is, the better i guess we can say soldier. i dont have the best gear myself. but i make the best of my gear. perfect example to justify my quote. look at the U.S in iraq. the americans have all the gadgets bells and whistles. sure the americans can out bomb the iraqis. the hard parts is on the ground though. even though the americans have much better kit on the ground then the iraqis. the iraqis find a way to fight them off with ak's and homeade bombs. dont forget tactics.

"its not the gear that wins, but the brain behind the gear.

Except PTW guys, cuz they don't bring them out.
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Old April 18th, 2009, 14:20   #465
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Originally Posted by heavyzero View Post
my pet peeve is when airsofters think the more expensive the gear is, the better i guess we can say soldier. i dont have the best gear myself. but i make the best of my gear. perfect example to justify my quote. look at the U.S in iraq. the americans have all the gadgets bells and whistles. sure the americans can out bomb the iraqis. the hard parts is on the ground though. even though the americans have much better kit on the ground then the iraqis. the iraqis find a way to fight them off with ak's and homeade bombs. dont forget tactics.

"its not the gear that wins, but the brain behind the gear.
The insurgents can't fight off a wet paper bag. They kill US troops with hidden bombs and the occasional sniper ambush. Whenever they try to stand and fight, they die. Quickly.

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