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Old January 28th, 2011, 07:21   #46
a.k.a. Phoneguy
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Originally Posted by CDN_Stalker View Post
True, but learn to shoot well, who needs semi or full? Both are just compensating for lack of shooting skills. Think about it, I can smoke a guy running sideways with my bolt action out to 100ft, shoot between branches because I can choose my ballistic path, etc. Hell, I've proven I can hit a swinging bottle cap on a string at 30ft with my M24............ yet have a hard time hitting a guy running sideways with my MP5 on full auto. When you are limited, your mind takes over. When you are in abundence, your mind goes blank.

Thanks Stalker.
Originally Posted by CDN_Stalker View Post
When you are limited, your mind takes over. When you are in abundance, your mind goes blank.
Originally Posted by TokyoSeven View Post
Long story short:
If your gun is in Canada, leave it in Canada.
If your gun is not in Canada, leave it outside of Canada.
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Old January 28th, 2011, 07:42   #47
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Hey, thank you. I actually forgot I wrote that. Lol
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Old January 29th, 2011, 23:01   #48
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Originally Posted by TokyoSeven View Post
Ive taken on a heavily fortified position with nothing but rubber knives and a smile. Its all about patience and opportunity.
Full auto is all dine and dandy when you wanna puff out your chest and be scary. However I would prefer to have higher bb hit per fire ratio than a fire and miss ratio, you really only need to tag your target with a BB once.
Puffing out your chest and being scary can have its uses, depending on the situation. I stick to a support gunner role, i used to primarily use an M249, and i currently have an RPK. Suppression and volume of fire are great methods for keeping peoples heads down. I'll keep the targets down while the riflemen or marksmen flank to get the kill. But then again, its all about which role you fit and how effectively you execute that in a game. My older brother leans more to a DM class than anything, and we work extremely well together. I like to think i get the same satisfaction as a marksman does when they get a kill, from making people cower in fear under an endless volley of plastic:P Mindset has a lot to do with it too. You cant buy an LMG thinking you will be running around getting kills like rambo. If used as intended, support weapons can really help fill out your squad, especially if the people your playing with use proper tactics and such. As for the DM role, ive just got a scratch built M16 shooting around 300 with .02's, yet the range and accuracy it has is shockingly high. Just goes to show that FPS isnt everything.
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Old January 30th, 2011, 06:50   #49
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I've held people's heads down with accurate semi auto fire from my M4.
Hell I've even suppressed 3 people with AEG's with my bolt action sniper rifle.
I've even ambushed 2 guys with AEG's, and actually had them RUN from me even though I had a bolt action rifle (even got that one on youtube!)
I'm not saying the LMG doesn't do it's job well. I love mine to death. But it's not always totally necessary
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Old January 30th, 2011, 13:19   #50
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I completely agree. I find an lmg becomes more usefull in milsims where ammo restrictions come into play. All the bigger games I've played allow support gunners to carry more ammo, plus if you've got a drum or box you never need to reload. I could see being pinned by a sniper being pretty frustrating, seeing as 9 times out of 10 you won't have a clue where your getting shot at from I think both roles have there ues, I play with a lot of guys who run nothing but bolts and pistols, and there the ones that scare me. I think its more about who's weilding the gun than the gun itself though.
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Old January 30th, 2011, 13:44   #51
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Once I had a squad of guys pinned in a base for an hour, simply by firing one shot that made a loud smack on a wall, moved to another position, fired another 10mins later, moved, fired 10mins later, same effect, then buggered off to another part of the field to help out teammates. The reason I found out I had them pinned down is because the field owner approached me after the game and asked if I had been firing on that base, I said yes, he laughed and said I had them stuck there for an hour at least, I laughed and said I was barely in the area for 20mins tops before moving. So ya, psychological warfare I am an expert on as far as a sniper rifle goes.

More so when attacking a larger base with walls, if you lob a round in order to hit a wall way outside your range and on the opposite side of your position, you can make it seem like there are a couple snipers out there. Really causes entertaining reactions, has always been part of my extreme addiction to sniping. Especially when being blamed for kills when I wasn't even at the game. Lol
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Old January 30th, 2011, 15:53   #52
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bwahahaha sounds like the second to last game i went to in the states. They were in a bunker, about 4 of them, and it was a lot like a pill box, four sides, about 5 feet long, with windows 10 inches wide, and i just kept hammering rounds down there, hitting the corners of it through the windows. one person called a hit, and the other 3 just sat there peeking their heads up every 10 mins or so. after the 3rd time, i moved position, about 20 feet to my right on an elevation, fired a clip (30 rounds) and left. after the game, me being one of two snipers, they asked me if i was locking them down in bunker, i could not stop laughing, telling them what happened
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Old January 30th, 2011, 16:14   #53
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sorry to hijack, but this is an appropriate place for my question.

cdn_stalker and snipersam, do you guys use gillies in skirmishes?

if yes, do you make them yourself to fit the field?
and are they very effective? ( I assume a well made one is)
Originally Posted by CDN_Stalker View Post
...It's rather like asking how long it takes for a monkey with a wooden leg to kick the seeds out of a dill pickle...
Originally Posted by XPknight View Post
...13.768 seconds...
42 / square root of monkey butt - one leg * the tangent of one average sized pickle.

Last edited by Wayne0188; January 30th, 2011 at 16:14.. Reason: grammer
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Old January 30th, 2011, 16:26   #54
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And yes, I do; I hand made 3, one for winter, one for spring, and one for sumer/fall. and i didnt make it specifically for one field, I played in the northeastern part of the USA where the climate/vegetation is essentially the same as the Eastern part of Canada, except much warmer. I wore a ghillie suit with a camel back hydration carrier, because holy crap it gets SO hot in there.

If you hand make it, you can "customize" it to your heart's content, but essentially it does this: distort the human figure, which if done correctly using jute and natural elements (I used stringing from a rice sack) will make you seem like a part of your natural surroundings. Ive laid prone before in my ghillie suit and watched as people walked within 4 inches of my face, and well it was because I looked like a part of the forest floor
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Old January 30th, 2011, 16:33   #55
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Originally Posted by SniperSam View Post
If you hand make it, you can "customize" it to your heart's content, but essentially it does this: distort the human figure, which if done correctly using jute and natural elements (I used stringing from a rice sack) will make you seem like a part of your natural surroundings. Ive laid prone before in my ghillie suit and watched as people walked within 4 inches of my face, and well it was because I looked like a part of the forest floor
I've got one we bought off eBay that I use for hunting. It's made of a yarn type material, which is really nice because it looks just like moss and is more natural than others I've seen. The only bad thing is it picks up every damn stick laying on the ground. I can barely walk without dragging something behind me, but it does add a bit more natural camouflage. I could see materials being a big factor in airsoft.
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Old January 30th, 2011, 17:04   #56
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cool, the woman that runs the surplus store north of me makes some that she sells, and she has the diy kits too. I asked because I was considering using one if I ever played a sniper role. now I know they work, I probably will use one (if I become a sniper).

by what I've read so for (mostly posts by you two) I would definitely want to get really good with an aeg gun and long range accurate shots, before moving up to a BA sniper rifle.
Originally Posted by CDN_Stalker View Post
...It's rather like asking how long it takes for a monkey with a wooden leg to kick the seeds out of a dill pickle...
Originally Posted by XPknight View Post
...13.768 seconds...
42 / square root of monkey butt - one leg * the tangent of one average sized pickle.
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Old January 30th, 2011, 17:39   #57
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omg a smart new person, my year has been made thank you.

But yeah, I just prefer making it yourself because you can do whatever to it after you're done; if you buy one of those polyester garbage ghillie suits, it falls apart easier, people see you more, colouring is just plain wacky, and the chemical smell of it on the wind is what will give you away.

The best way to make a good ghillie suit is run it though mud, water, dirt, manure if you have it on hand, give it a natural look. You dont want to look like a cactus in a rain forest, think about it like that
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Welcome to Bed Bath and Beyoncé, if you find anything you like, put a ring on it.

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Old January 30th, 2011, 17:57   #58
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Originally Posted by Wayne0188 View Post
cool, the woman that runs the surplus store north of me makes some that she sells, and she has the diy kits too. I asked because I was considering using one if I ever played a sniper role. now I know they work, I probably will use one (if I become a sniper).

by what I've read so for (mostly posts by you two) I would definitely want to get really good with an aeg gun and long range accurate shots, before moving up to a BA sniper rifle.
Just keep this in mind. It's all a tradeoff. If you decide to play in a ghillie it's quite hot and uncomfortable. For me, I could play without one. It's just a game after all, I mean it's not like you're in Vietnam or whatever and the bullets are real.

Also, sounds like a DMR (Designated Marksman Rifle) position is the right one for you. Basically take your rifle and fire in semi (optional to lock it using a MOSFET so you don't inadvertently switch it to auto) basically slow down your rate of fire and focus on getting consistent shots. Depending on what brand your gun is you may have to put in consistency upgrades (usually the compression parts are targeted first to make sure that you're getting consistent compression and little to no air leaks). FPS is overrated but I feel I don't need to tell you that, however shooting at around 370-390 (on .20's) is probably the best and you should also use at minimum .28g BB's if you're looking for consistency/accuracy/precision. Once you're comfortable in the DMR role then you can think about either locking your gun to semi with 1s. delay (ie. using MOSFET) or getting a BA rifle, reason being is that this way you're not just jumping into the water in a sink or swim situation since you're easing yourself from dumping "strings of plastic" at a target, to taking aimed precision shots in semi to taking precision shots with a BA or a semi locked AEG with delay.

It's late now and I have school tomorrow so yeah those are some basic tips on getting into the sniper role.
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Old January 30th, 2011, 18:11   #59
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Originally Posted by Wayne0188 View Post
cool, the woman that runs the surplus store north of me makes some that she sells, and she has the diy kits too. I asked because I was considering using one if I ever played a sniper role. now I know they work, I probably will use one (if I become a sniper).

by what I've read so for (mostly posts by you two) I would definitely want to get really good with an aeg gun and long range accurate shots, before moving up to a BA sniper rifle.
Trust me, ghillie+accurate aeg+good practice at shooting/stealth= ownage. one of the few times I've gamed in a ghillie i used my insanely accurate M16 and I single handedly held one half of the field, the other team gave up coming my way and just tried their hardest to push through everybody else on my team on the other side of the field instead just to stay out of my range.

EDIT: should state this was a TDM type skirmish with re-spawns not a full size milsim.

Last edited by AngelusNex; January 30th, 2011 at 18:32..
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Old January 30th, 2011, 18:20   #60
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I was faced with 5 oponents on my own this winter in a big game. I was respawning on my own and they walked about 100 ft from After taking him out their teammates on top of the hill ahead of me eventually got me after a five min firefight so getting the drop on ur enemy is key as well. I wasnt wearing a guille suit tthat time around as the game meant I needed to be mobile. Next game it will be a behind enemy lines theme and i will be defending so i will be taking a real sniper role in this game, ghuille suit and I just picked up a bi=pod for my m14
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