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Worst Airsoft Injury Ever



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Old December 17th, 2005, 04:55   #46
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My last outdoor game at Bragg Creek I took a tree branch to the skull.... luckily i was wearing a bandana or it would have been worse, but I went to the hospital and got 8 stitches. The most blood I've ever seen, but I took it out on the tree... 'cause nobody makes me bleed my own blood. :x:
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Old December 17th, 2005, 09:13   #47
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..Was running around and stepped on a timber spike once. Skewered right through the steel shank in my boot and through the main knuckle in my big toe. Shook it off, woke up 2 days later with a blood infection in my foot. If I had of waited 6 more hours to go to the hospital they would have had to take my foot. Spent 2 days in hospital getting IV's and doped up on percocet's. 3 years later it still hurts everyday because the infection ate most of the cartilage in my joint, so I have wicked arthritis in it.

Couple years before that I got nailed in the pinky nail with a cheap-ass TM springer from a foot away. Lost the nail a couple days later... Little BB, low fps gun, tiny finger = most painful hit ever. Lucky shots are often the worse.
Retired 2PPCLI
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Old December 17th, 2005, 14:02   #48
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Wow quite the amount of stories out there, with chipped teeth, bleeders and ect. Which got me worried about being hit in the ear. I havent come across precautions pertaining to the ear just the eyes and teeth (then again im a noob) I heard some people dont wear any more than just goggles or even with a belacava is it possible for you to seriously injure your ear or even break your eardrum? :x: I know its quite a way to you eardrum and the ear canal isnt exactly straight. So maybe theres nothing to worry about.

ear diagram:
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Old December 17th, 2005, 14:59   #49
Snark Eater
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My experience was more funny/embarassing than painful. It was at an outdoor field, there used to be a tree farm on it at one point. There were lots of trees and lots of tree holes. Tree holes are generally 1.5 to 2 feet deep by 1.5 to 3 feet wide, it's what's left in the ground when you dig up a smallish tree.

Anyhow, the place was overgrown. Grass and scrub up to your waist in lots of places. There were two things we had to take from the enemy base back to our base. I grabbed one (a makeshift flag on a pole) and someone else grabbed the other (ancient laptop) and we bee-lined it for our base at top speed, single file. Through some of that waist-high scrub I stepped into a tree hole and went down hard and fast. Anyone watching us would have seen two guys running, and then one of them suddenly disappear. It must have looked extra funny with the flag in hand. The other guy didn't even notice until about 10 seconds later when he looked back and I was just gone.

Long story short, I was very lucky that I didn't end up with a knee that bends in the opposite direction.
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Old December 17th, 2005, 16:43   #50
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Haven't really gotten any injuries myself, but my brother-in-law cracked his sternum at a game

Was assaulting a base at night, mp5 at the ready, and didn't see the fallen over wire fence... trip, and his Mp5 broke between the ground and his sternum.. morphine for him!

Gun can be seen in the 3chimps blooper video, it's the broken in half one on the hood of the white van at the begining.. :lol:
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Old December 17th, 2005, 17:04   #51
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double backflip off a snowly burm @ FR. needless to say my tail bone hurt for a few days after that one.
Maybe you'll find someone else to help you. Maybe black mesa... THAT WAS A JOKE, ha ha, fat chance.

My Buy/Sell 1337ness rating
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Old December 17th, 2005, 17:12   #52
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That would suck to get a BB stuck in your ear. if you are worried about it, why not wear a full surround paintball helmet?

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Old December 17th, 2005, 17:58   #53
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brain going offline from reading all the stupid shit on ASC
Vondnik, team Bad Karma, PQAC

Murphy's second rule: Nothing is impossible for the man who does not have to do it himself.

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Old December 17th, 2005, 18:28   #54
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super dehydration in my first game.

hot day, stupid me + those fatigues with charcoal lining in them. yes, my first BDU was lined with charcoal.
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Old December 17th, 2005, 18:58   #55
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Arent those nbc suits :smack:
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Old December 17th, 2005, 19:02   #56
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Originally Posted by bean
Arent those nbc suits :smack:
you tell me, i still dont know what it is. nor do i care; after dropping face first onto the forest floor..i smartened up. I'd say it's nearly as bad as wearing a snowsuit, or spandex or something, in summer - playing airsoft. BRUTAL.

It was bought on ebay for 30 bucks$C. As well as the m16a2 at the time. and my NBB beretta; when i was 16. TEHEHE..
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Old December 17th, 2005, 19:12   #57
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playing at one of our island fields i was walking by a pill box that was about 15 - 20 feet and it was to dark to see anyone inside and the opened up on me walking towards them with an AK i got shot several times in the chest and face and i turned while getting shot to dodge the barrage and had one planted deeply in my right ear. Had to pull my ear forward and try poking underneath my earto try and get it out. it was scary as hell but i finally was able to force it out from the back of my ear after 15 minutes or so and it left me with a friction burn inside my ear and alot of welts on my face and chest

edit: i was also wearing a skull cap style hat that was half covering my ears and a boonie hat on top of that the chances of getting hit inside my ear and the chances were incredibly slim for it to happen but its not gonna change whether i wear a paintball mask or balaclava
StevO :duke: :snipe:
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Old December 17th, 2005, 20:39   #58
made Man
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Originally Posted by silent_lemon
super dehydration in my first game.

hot day, stupid me + those fatigues with charcoal lining in them. yes, my first BDU was lined with charcoal.
The DPM ones? BHUAHAHHA. Playing in a bunny suit
You dont choose who you love, love chooses you; and that little fucking son of a bitch sticks itself to your face like the godless bloodsucking bastards in Alien and refuses to let go until it has drained your soul and left you an empty shell of a human being.

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<axel026> i need help please
<^cell^> do you have an appointment?
<axel026> im french
<^cell^> i see... thats a terrible disorder
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Old December 17th, 2005, 21:27   #59
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Yikes stevo__ that does sound scary. Im definately wearing a full paintball mask, or more likely a kalvar helmet. :tup:
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Old December 17th, 2005, 22:05   #60
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I can relate to those shots on the finger nails, taken a few to the lip and they are not as bad.

My screen-name on the SD Forums is HeatStroke for a reason. Suffered it badly only my second time to an outdoor game. I was geared and ready to go at 8:45 am for the 9 am start, however "game on" wasn't called until 11 am and at 11:01 I was on my back and out.

Having to lie on your back for four hours when you intended a full day of fun, really sucks besides heat exhaustion makes you feel "poopy" for the lack of a better word.
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