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Old June 23rd, 2011, 17:03   #121
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Originally Posted by m102404 View Post
I say 3-4 weeks of clearing out the backlog, clearing out the "Hey we're open again" flood o' crap, dealing with normal items...before things get back to normal.
Hmm, that's cutting it close. I've got items just shipped USPS from ATS in the USA as well as Brenda@OneShot is holding my rifle Tacos until CP gets moving again. I know, my situation is not even remotely close to the damage this strike/lockout is causing some folks on here and I truly sympathize with the migraine's they must be suffering. Still though from my own corner of reality, I'd really like to have my items prior to Rhino in July so I hope it's faster than 3-4 weeks Tys...

With contract talks broken-off and the NDP willing to stall the bill passage as long as possible, more especially since the government has inserted a wage clause in there which is even lower than the last offer from CP management - that's gotta be a major "FUCK YOU!" for the employees and the NDP - I rather suspect this will drag on into next week before it gets passed.

I forgot where I read this so don't shoot the messenger: I am paraphrasing from memory however...
This recent Conservative government tactic of short-circuiting the process of collective bargaining by legislating a defined wage instead of referring the matter to binding, non-partisan, 3rd-party arbitration signals a potentially worrisome message to all employees anywhere in jobs considered "essential" or "economically important" to the country whether they be private (Air Canada) or public (CP) sector. By doing so, the government removes any incentive for the employer to collectively bargain with its employees because employers know that all they have to do is stall long enough and the government will impose a settlement which will invariably not favor but rather punish the workers for having the audacity to launch job action in the first place. This policy of legistlated settlements effectively destroys collective bargaining in Canada and rolls back decades of hard-won worker's rights to negotiate compensation with their employer in good faith. It's no wonder the NDP are all bent out of shape over this one!
Whatever the outcome here, like many of you have already said...I just want my mail so settle this thing please!


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Last edited by FlyGuy; June 23rd, 2011 at 17:22..
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Old June 23rd, 2011, 17:04   #122
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Originally Posted by Rugger_can View Post

Everyone's got a sob story.. Oh shit wait? You don't have a sob story, you both have unionized jobs during a economic downturn where almost a million Canadians have lost their jobs and are unable to find gainful employment and are left without a stream of income for months at a time. Im fairly certain that a few of those almost a million Canadians worked hard to provide for their families too.

Woe is you.
Great example.
Actually BOTH of my parents are unemployed because they got laid off. I didn't remember it at first because I'm already used to them not being able to find a decent stable job. I'm pretty sure both of them would be happy to deliver mail for $17 per hour even with no benefits or pension.
So yea Unions and employees should stop whining! If you don't want to do your job for the amount of money offered, get out and find something better.
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Old June 23rd, 2011, 17:07   #123
Perroz Designs
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So if I have a package being sent from the US via USPS - will it be rejected and sent back to the US?
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Old June 23rd, 2011, 17:21   #124
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Originally Posted by TALIBANMILAN View Post
So if I have a package being sent from the US via USPS - will it be rejected and sent back to the US?
Probably not. More likely the package will sit at the USA port of exit until things get moving over here. That, or it will sit here on our side of the border at whichever port of entry it would normally go through until CP is ready to deal with it. If you have USPS tracking on your items, you could just query their web site. If not, hurry up and wait like the rest of us...


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Old June 23rd, 2011, 18:22   #125
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Some US retailers - e.g. - are effectively holding shipments to Canada until the strike is resolved.
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Old June 24th, 2011, 00:55   #126
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Originally Posted by vondnik View Post
Well the cp strike has costed me personnaly over 300$ and over 4000$ to our compagnie. Who is going to refund us? The cp manadgement, the union, the goverment? Of course it's going to be my fucking pocket that takes the hit.....
Ha! While I'm waiting for my "aide financière aux études" (for you English only people, student loans and grants) to show up in the mail, I'm forced to live under 1$ a day after the bare necessities (and I'm not including my internet access in that).

I'm running out of ideas of how to prepare Ramen noodles.

Kinda pissed that people who are supposed to help me in a time of need are stripping me of my savings and slowly forcing me in a position where random bad luck could place me in a bankruptcy situation. Oh, and if it does happen, might as well abandon my courses, I can't get in my "ordre professionel".

Really looking forward to this whole thing moving forward. Also looking forward to getting my correct entrepreneur card.
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Old June 24th, 2011, 01:36   #127
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Surebet; can't you set up a DD thing with them?
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Old June 24th, 2011, 01:54   #128
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Eventual monthly loans, sure. Near year long retroactive payout for last year, nope. It's in the mail, and I can't see the current shenanigans going on for much longer, so it should work out soonish.

Still, I've to see much good from my union dealing, be it as a customer, a unionised employee or a manager.
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Old June 24th, 2011, 07:08   #129
a.k.a. flamethis
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Originally Posted by horto View Post
Some US retailers - e.g. - are effectively holding shipments to Canada until the strike is resolved.
I ordered something from the US late last week and they said that the USPS won't even accept a package heading to Canada until the situation is resolved.
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Old June 24th, 2011, 08:31   #130
Perroz Designs
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I have a feeling those of us with items we ordered from the US for OP Rhino are going to get the shit end of the stick on this one - ie. we are going to get our order/s after the OP
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Old June 24th, 2011, 08:37   #131
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I wouldn't hold your breath for anything critical needed for the month of July at all.

I'm waiting on a bunch of stuff from One Shot Tactical...they haven't received any of it yet...and even if they do, I think they're trying to hold packages as much as possible until shipping settles back into a routine. Don't blame them....why just funnel more stuff into the black hole that CP is bound to be for the next while?
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Old June 24th, 2011, 12:13   #132
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As a small business owner I don't think corporate CP realizes that they're shooting themselves in the foot by dragging this out. When this goes on for as long as it is has it forces business' to be creative and look for other ways of handling business outside of CP. Will all of those companies, (mine included) go back to using CP aferwards? Admittedly some will, but some won't.

On a personal level, I've got a -bunch- of business money locked up at CP right now from clients who mailed their payments to me. I can't pay bills and keep my business afloat without efficient delivery systems in place. If corporate CP doesn't want to provide that service (I'm not blaming the ground workers at all) then I simply need to find someone else to provide the service instead. IF I still have a business after this nonesense is done.
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Old June 24th, 2011, 12:19   #133
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I was kinda hoping this time with CP locked out and not moving .. that this would be time Customs could take their normal sweet time going through my box... but nope ... it's sitting on the US side of the border waiting for a CP type to hand it off to customs.... and yeah I've got another parcel sitting a few blocks away in the bowels of a PO building ... got the marker the morning of the lock out.

I've refrained from bitching as none of the stuff in the mail for me is no where near the impact it's had on peoples lives and business' ... it's just limiting my airsoft addiction!

however after watching the updates .. and seeing the opposition parties holding up and fighting the back to work legislation .. after neither side is able to come to a decision .. they still fight the legislation ... I understand no one wants to be told what to do by the government... but your in an position to really screw up (and are ) peoples lives...
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Old June 24th, 2011, 13:33   #134
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I wish I could sue CP.
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Old June 24th, 2011, 13:43   #135
Brian McIlmoyle
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NDP is just throwing their new found weight around...

The bill will pass.. just later.. CUPW was warned .. the government basically said.. "don't make us come down there and knock your heads together because if you do, you won't be happy...

and Look.. they are not happy

CUPW is negotiating in a fantasy land that does not exist any more. The smart posties started retraining 3 years ago .. and are transitioning to real jobs outside of the public sector.

The stupid ones will go down with the ship, squealing about "entitlements"

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Last edited by Brian McIlmoyle; June 24th, 2011 at 13:48..
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