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Illegal Drug use during Airsoft Games



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Old August 26th, 2009, 22:19   #76
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Originally Posted by Brian McIlmoyle View Post
so how is it that most people who take the time to reply totally miss the point?

Did they not bother to read the first post?

NO one is debating the point that smoking dope at an airsoft game is ok or not. Its not.. this is not the debate.

the debate is.. Should this forum ASC take action against people who do choose to partake of illicit drugs at games, in the form of censure.. such as banning those people or revoking age verification?

If so why .. if not why not..
ASC is not the police, its an Airsoft forum. ASC doesn't organize games (at least most of the time).

It's the duty of the game organizer and fellow players to take actions on location.

Someone does drugs during a game = he leaves or cops get a phone call.

You don't go to work and do drugs there, so why should an airsoft event be any different.
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Old August 26th, 2009, 23:01   #77
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Originally Posted by Ronan View Post
ASC is not the police, its an Airsoft forum. ASC doesn't organize games (at least most of the time).

It's the duty of the game organizer and fellow players to take actions on location.

Someone does drugs during a game = he leaves or cops get a phone call.

You don't go to work and do drugs there, so why should an airsoft event be any different.
I agree. This is a free website, governed by its population. I think what ASC could do (mind you, this isn't their job), that would help, is very briefly put a tag under their name saying that they are violators. However, this would be at ASC's descretion on wether to do this or not.

I, myself, have never experienced, since april, any problems on the field where people have been drinking or smoking while playing. I hope that everyone agrees that drinking should be done when ALL guns are LOCKED up and the range is cold.

I believe that the airsoft community gets the word around when someone does something foolish, so in my opnion, ASC shouldn't have to do anything. People will talk amongts eachother, and people will know of problems on the field.

Last edited by Rubs; August 26th, 2009 at 23:15..
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Old August 27th, 2009, 07:39   #78
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I think since the game host is liable, he should be the one responsible for kicking people from his games, and banning them from further games he hosts. That's it. No need to get ASC involved, as if it happens regularly they will be ostracized from their local games anyhow.
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Old August 27th, 2009, 08:08   #79
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ASC is just a forum, yes.
ASC does require age verification to purchase Airsoft guns and gun part from it's forum, yes.
ASC does control who can access/buy/sell on it's forums, yes.
ASC has set an age level and actively polices it, yes.
ASC has a group of individuals whom they trust to confirm ages of players, yes.
ASC is it's membership, no.

A few people who are staff on this forum control what is posted, who can post, and who can buy and sell. It's only through the recommendations of it's Age verifiers that people actually get to purchase or sell guns and related parts.

Why should people who are using and abusing while playing airsoft be allowed access to this section, hell to the site at all?

Game hosts do ban players, game hosts do what they can to keep drugs off the field. That's being done.....

What's not being done, is cutting the offenders from the herd that ASC tends. So once your in... you're in. This will become an issue like Atreyu. Lots of "if only" and omg....
if someone had the balls to step up beforehand, we could have stopped this guy from harming the community. Well my balls are on the table and I want to make sure drugs and airsoft stay out of the news.

I'm just as tired as brian is of people not discussing the issue...

Should ASC remove the AV of players who are caught doing drugs before/during airsoft games if the request has the support of at least 2 Age Verifiers? is the issue.
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Old August 27th, 2009, 08:44   #80
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Originally Posted by Kurgan View Post

Should ASC remove the AV of players who are caught doing drugs before/during airsoft games if the request has the support of at least 2 Age Verifiers? is the issue.
No, the age verification status is just to ensure the individual is an adult, that is all. We know that not all adults are created equal but you need to give the benefit of the doubt that individuals will act responsibly. You do not fill out an application and swear allegiance to ASC to be drug free in order to get this status

Adults are free to make their own choices, some may be what you view as chronic mistakes, some only a "one" time mistake, but that is their choice. If a field owners feel strongly about punishment it is their discretion to remove that individual from play after confirming an act of drug use has occurred and informing before the game that type of behaviour is unacceptable.

On a side note, I don't think I have ever seen 2 age verifiers at a single game at the same time to witness an act of drug use and report it

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Last edited by MADDOG; August 27th, 2009 at 13:50..
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Old August 27th, 2009, 11:11   #81
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Time for another ASC poll
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Old August 27th, 2009, 11:12   #82
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Originally Posted by MADDOG View Post
On a side note, I don't think I have ever seen 2 age verifiers at a single game at the same time to witness an act of drug use and report it
I have. And if they really want to get their panties in a twist it's up to the host or you. If you don't like the fact that it's going on or feel that it's extremely unsafe, notify the host that it shouldn't be going on, or worst case scenario. LEAVE!

You have the ultimate control over yourself. That's IT! You can only look after number one, it's your life, it's your lungs, etc etc.

Everyone needs to get off their high horse about this issue. I'm not saying it's good or bad. Because that's not my place. It's a personal choice for the people that partake in the activity. If they want to run the risk of potentially hurting themselves or worse-someone else-it's on them.

End of discussion.

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Old August 27th, 2009, 11:19   #83
Brian McIlmoyle
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Originally Posted by Kurgan View Post
Should ASC remove the AV of players who are caught doing drugs before/during airsoft games if the request has the support of at least 2 Age Verifiers? is the issue.
NO .. the game host should turf the boneheads from the game, and then let other field owners / game hosts know who the boneheads are so they can blacklist them and see that they have trouble finding games to go to.

They can then gravitate to the local "smoke friendly" private field and play amoung themsleves...

there .. problem solved.. Taa DA
Brian McIlmoyle
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Old August 27th, 2009, 11:31   #84
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I thought it was the stoners who were supposed to be paranoid.
This whole issue is ridiculous. I read alot of what ifs but I haven't read about any specific incidents. Probably because the teetotalling propaganda sponges have no actual experience with the subject and are still under the impression that anyone who smokes a joint or has a few beers is instantly a reckless, idiotic fiend. Go watch Reefer Madness again.

We T.W.A.T.s ENCOURAGE intoxication and we have NEVER HAD A SINGLE INCIDENT. NOT ONE. Not from our buzzed players, anyway. And the buzzed players usually deal with problems in a much calmer manner.

I agree that many of the young noobs should keep their heads clear but to suggest that I'm a liability because I puff or drink proves that you don't have the experience or wisdom to try to regulate the behaviour of others. Blacklisting them? Fuck off.
How did a game as cool as airsoft attract so many soccer-mom type pussies?

I'm a liability because I'm crazy, not because I'm toasted.

(Former)Grand Poobah of T.W.A.T.

Last edited by Schwag; August 27th, 2009 at 11:59..
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Old August 27th, 2009, 11:56   #85
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Originally Posted by Kurgan View Post

Should ASC remove the AV of players who are caught doing drugs before/during airsoft games if the request has the support of at least 2 Age Verifiers? is the issue.
No, ASC has no business policing matters outside of it.

Originally Posted by MADDOG View Post
No, the age verification status is just to ensure the individual is an adult, that is all. We know that not all adults are created equal but you need to give the benefit of the doubt that individuals will act responsibly. You do not fill out an application and swear allegiance to ASC to be drug free in order to get this status

Adults are free to make their own choices, some may be chronic mistakes, some only a "one" time mistake, but that is their choice. If a field owners feel strongly about punishment it is their discretion to remove that individual from play after confirming an act of drug use has occurred and informing before the game that type of behaviour is unacceptable.

On a side note, I don't think I have ever seen 2 age verifiers at a single game at the same time to witness an act of drug use and report it
Exactly, only that they are 18, I've seen some real fucking tools get AV'd and I wonderhow the AV guy didn't realize that these idiots care nothing for playing
airsoft and just want guns to fuck around with, but again it's only to prove they are 18, so
what they do OUTSIDE OF ASC has nothing to do with the AV status

LOL@ Chronic mistakes tho

Originally Posted by Brian McIlmoyle View Post

They can then gravitate to the local "smoke friendly" private field and play amoung themsleves...
And don't they usually do that anyway? sounds like their problem is more them not having the
balls to boot people from their games so they want to call ASC on them.

Originally Posted by Schwag View Post

We T.W.A.T.s ENCOURAGE intoxication and we have NEVER HAD A SINGLE INCIDENT. NOT ONE. Not from our buzzed players, anyway. And the buzzed players usually deal with problems in a much calmer manner.
I agree, I've never witnessed anything unsafe at the TWAT field, those guys
are just as responsible as anyone else, don't paint all smokers with the same brush.
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Old August 27th, 2009, 11:57   #86
Brian McIlmoyle
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Originally Posted by Schwag View Post
I thought it was the stoners who were supposed to be paranoid.
This whole issue is ridiculous. I read alot of what ifs but I haven't read about any specific incidents. Probably because the teetotalling propaganda sponges have no actual experience with the sublect and are still under the impression that anyone who smokes a joint or has a few beers is instantly a reckless, idiotic fiend. Go watch Reefer Madness again.

We T.W.A.T.s ENCOURAGE intoxication and we have NEVER HAD A SINGLE INCIDENT. NOT ONE. Not from our buzzed players, anyway. And the buzzed players usually deal with problems in a much calmer manner.

I agree that many of the young noobs should keep their heads clear but to suggest that I'm a liability because I puff or drink proves that you don't have the experience or wisdom to try to regulate the behaviour of others. Blacklisting them? Fuck off.
How did a game as cool as airsoft attract so many soccer-mom type pussies?

I'm a liability because I'm crazy, not because I'm toasted.
this is exactly my case in point.. and thanks for posting Schwag,

Everyone knows the T.W.A.T. field is smoke friendly .. and players that want to play in that environment have gravitated there..

By all accounts .. its a great place to play.. relaxed no BS environment.. respectful and new player friendly.

And to add to that... I have NEVER had an issue with intoxication at any one of my games .. and I've run well over 300 at this point.

This issue is not an issue ..

If we start to see intoxicated and dangerous players on the field.. then we need to think about setting policy... so far.. has not happend.
Brian McIlmoyle
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Old August 27th, 2009, 11:59   #87
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Originally Posted by MADDOG View Post
No, the age verification status is just to ensure the individual is an adult, that is all. We know that not all adults are created equal but you need to give the benefit of the doubt that individuals will act responsibly. You do not fill out an application and swear allegiance to ASC to be drug free in order to get this status

Adults are free to make their own choices, some may be chronic mistakes, some only a "one" time mistake, but that is their choice. If a field owners feel strongly about punishment it is their discretion to remove that individual from play after confirming an act of drug use has occurred and informing before the game that type of behaviour is unacceptable.
Bang Bang, The Dog's got it right.
I have verified many people, I may not like you or your politics or fashion or that I think you smell like pot or a twit. I verify that you are 18+ and responsible for your actions( not fkn Crazy) Age Verifiers act as a filter for 18+. We are not Judge Jury Executioner. All 18+ players can be tried by their Peers.
I have not had a chance to attend a TWAT game but I am glad that they are active, contributing, and offering a differnt perspective on the Airsoft Experience. Anyone who does not want to partake in their game play can chose another venue. Game hosts make the rules, not ASC.
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Old August 27th, 2009, 12:01   #88
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the issue is localized to one area, so they need to ban the people from their games, they want ASC to back them up and punish the terrible smokers by denying them access to guns, to teach them a lesson that they should listen to the all powerful AV man when he says to "put that reefer out"
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Old August 27th, 2009, 12:02   #89
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Thanks Pus, come on by for a beer anytime!
And thanks, Brian. I've always enjoyed your games as well.

We are happy to offer an alternative and we are not shy about it. When we venture out to other fields, it is T.W.A.T. policy to keep it invisible and make an extra effort not to be obvious as a sign of respect for the host and the other players. We never want it to be an issue. A few of our team aren't smokers OR drinkers. It's not about getting wasted, it's about giving people the freedom to choose. To a point. Hard drugs and idiotic behaviour is not tolerated at our field either. We even check Id's.

And we have the best munchies in airsoft.:-)

(Former)Grand Poobah of T.W.A.T.

Last edited by Schwag; August 27th, 2009 at 12:17..
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Old August 27th, 2009, 12:07   #90
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NO!!! They should not. The age verification system is in place to confirm the legal adult status of forum members and to help the community keep airsoft out of the hands of minors, thats it. Now should the boards be used to spread the word about fucktards being high or intoxicated and unsafe...absolutely!!! Why would we need ASC to enact drug enforcment, when we as a community can do it so much better and quicker. Someone gets high or drunk at a game and you don't like it, tell the organizer. If the organizer doesn't care, don't attend those games. Remember that the non users are also adults and responsible for our own actions.
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eeyore, the more I look at your avatar, the more I find it looks like a vagina...
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