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Illegal Drug use during Airsoft Games



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Old August 27th, 2009, 12:14   #91
Official ASC "Dumb Ass"
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Originally Posted by Schwag View Post
Thanks Pus, come on by for a beer anytime!
hehhe np, it's been ages
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Old August 27th, 2009, 13:00   #92
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I love it when drug users try to justify their lack of morales by using themselves as examples.
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Old August 27th, 2009, 13:03   #93
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Originally Posted by Kurgan View Post
I love it when drug users try to justify their lack of morales by using themselves as examples.
Get off your fucking high horse.
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Old August 27th, 2009, 13:08   #94
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Originally Posted by Mapcinq View Post
Get off your fucking high horse.
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Old August 27th, 2009, 13:14   #95
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Like I pointed out in the age verifiers forum having a few drinks or a few puffs is a non issue at private fields where the host and all the participants are well aware of what is going on. On paintball fields I agree it should not be tolerated and pretty much all the paintball fields I have been to have that policy in effect and I respect that. I've been playing quite regularly at the TWAT field since it's inception and I can attest to the fact that there has never been a single issue with anyone who has had a few tokes or a few drinks before/during the game. Every issue I have ever witnessed has been by complete fucking tools who have no respect for the host rules or the other players and the reprecussions for them have been swift.
It is not ASC's place to police what goes on at games, especially at private fields. I actualy quite consider that an invasion of privacy. And all this talk about calling the cops on someone for having a smoke at a game is fucking ridiculous. For one it's a waste of their time. It's like those dumbasses that think they should call the cops on someone because they are walking down the street smoking a joint. The cops will pretty much tell you to fuck off and stop wasting their time. If I wanted to host a game on my property and I allowed people to smoke up there and someone called the cops and they actually did show up I would pretty much tell them to fuck off and get a search warrant. It's well within my rights to do so.
The day ASC starts policing what goes on at games without the game host/field owners consent is the day I will hand in my age verifier status, sell my shit and leave this sport.
If I was banging all of them, I'd be a manwhore. At the moment, I'm just an opportunist.

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Old August 27th, 2009, 13:39   #96
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Originally Posted by Kurgan View Post
I love it when drug users try to justify their lack of morales by using themselves as examples.
I love it when self appointed protectors of the public's welfare, spout self rightous shit, and think they have the right, and obligation, to protect you and others from themselves.
I feel people should be judged by their actions. Not prejudged, and persecuted, for something imaginary.
I have yet to read one post about any, not even a single incident, of any person being injured from anyone, who was in any kind of condition,(other than being jacked up on adrenaline from shooting at each other.)
I don't see this as being an issue at all. If someone is that fucking wasted :roll: , the people around him will tell him, he is in no condition. And the guy won't be playing. Simple. No matter what substance that person is on.
Quit feeding the fucking trolls people.
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Old August 27th, 2009, 13:39   #97
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Originally Posted by Kurgan View Post
I love it when drug users try to justify their lack of morales by using themselves as examples.
Pot is no more a drug than booze, which I'm sure you indulge in. Hypocrite. Lack of morals?Get a clue. Go thump your bible some more.

(Former)Grand Poobah of T.W.A.T.

Last edited by Schwag; August 27th, 2009 at 14:10..
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Old August 27th, 2009, 14:17   #98
The Saint
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Originally Posted by Brian McIlmoyle View Post
And to add to that... I have NEVER had an issue with intoxication at any one of my games .. and I've run well over 300 at this point.

This issue is not an issue ..

If we start to see intoxicated and dangerous players on the field.. then we need to think about setting policy... so far.. has not happend.
I'm betting it hasn't been an issue because the majority of people generally assume that alcohol/drugs and airsoft do not mix. If that's true, there's no reason why that implied norm cannot be made explicit.

Airsoft has enough of an image problem without adding alcohol/drug use during game into the mix. Seriously, other than Schwag, whose position is based on being a straight up anarchist, I don't see how other people can consider a relaxed approach to alcohol/drug use during airsoft as anything but an invitation to some bad publicity from airsoft's detractors down the road. I think this is one of those things better sorted out now than later, I'd personally would rather not give the security moms any more ammunition than they already have. To reactively deal with this when it's become an issue/problem is by definition, too late.

Even a simple don't ask, don't tell policy might suffice. The issue is as much if not more about the appearance of keeping alcohol/drugs distanced from ASC-listed events as it is actually having the policy being effective.
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Old August 27th, 2009, 14:23   #99
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Originally Posted by Kurgan View Post
I love it when drug users try to justify their lack of morales by using themselves as examples.
Obvious Troll is obvious.

As for the real topic of whether ASC should be involved with the punishment of people who are intoxicated at games; no ASC should not. That's a matter left to the host/organizer or the owner of the field. ASC is a simply a forum for people to organize and exchange information. If that information should include a list of people known for irresponsible behaviour, such as being intoxicated for a game, blindfiring causing harm, reckless destruction of field property etc Then I'm all for that. Organizers can then use that information to decide whether they will permit those people to their games. Other players can also determine if they want to attend a game with those same offenders as well.

Anyway, taking a person's AV status away or banning them from ASC won't address the problem. Look at the abundance of clearsoft and underaged kids organizing their own backyard/park games right now.
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Old August 27th, 2009, 14:37   #100
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A couple of your fellow pot smokers tried to get my son to smoke up with them at a game, and you losers sit here and defend it like it's your right to smoke dope. In actual fact.. it frickin illegal. I know you're old enough to do what you want, and I realize your a "grown up". And I also know that you can't do better if you don't know better, so I forgive your ignorance.

and I'm not trolling... I'm responding.. I started the post, and I will answer any points or accusations that are directed toward me.

I don't drink and I don't own a horse, If I did, it certainly wouldn't be "high" either.
On the seventh day when God rested, we overran his perimeter and we've been running the show ever since....
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Old August 27th, 2009, 14:49   #101
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I thought playing air-soft was just
like playing softball, no?

Hit a ball drink a beer, run a base
drink a beer...

Oh crap, this game was invented
by the asians! Now I see why there's
no alcohol allowed.
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Old August 27th, 2009, 14:52   #102
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All of this sounds like you have a local problem. Well it's a local problem deal with the host or field owner and get it sorted. ASC can not police the entire countries many fields nor should it. And AV status is just that it is AGE verified not drug free, booze free, nic free, caffeine free ect ect verified.

Does ASC need to set up rules stopping post like stoner shoot out sept. 4th everyone high welcome? sure keep a "Clean" image but we (ASC) can not stop a game like this from happening or stop those playing from buying AEG's.

And as for someone offering your kid smoke well talk to that person and the field owner or host that's a local issue between you,your kid and the other guy not ASC.
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Old August 27th, 2009, 14:52   #103
{BDS} Maximo
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I'm pretty new to this community, but I don't think drugs/booze should be allowed at games. Not because I'm against drugs or booze, not at all. But because airsoft is a fairly new sport. I use the word "sport" because I imagine that everyone who plays would agree that having the game treated as a bonifide sport, accepted and not ostracized by the public, would be a good thing. We certainly don't need any negative attention...and realistically, that's what getting intoxicated at games is inviting...whether that's right or wrong is pretty much irrelevant.

It just takes one parent to freak out, call the media and boom - as someone else stated, it's already too late. Think about Dungeons & Dragons in the 80's (for those of you that are old enough) and James Dallas Egbert III (google that if you want and read up). If we want to be treated as legitimate these are the requirements.

If, on the other hand, we're content to eek out a life of private guerilla-style matches on private property and constantly run the risk of getting busted or misunderstood, well then by all means we should play as we see fit.

I'm not saying one is better than the other. But with popularization and mainstream acceptance comes restrictions. That's life.

On to the real topic: should ASC monitor drug/booze consumption/abuse at games and impose penalties?

No. At least not at this point. This game is far to new and unorganized to impose an umbrella governing body like that. I look at the bickering and drama in my own small community and cringe at the thought of the same thing on a national level. It's up to the individual communities to monitor and police their own policies for the time being. Just keep in mind that until airsoft is a respected mainstream sport every single one of your actions reflects on the community as a whole - good and bad. Anyone who can't understand that simple logic, in my opinion, is bad for the game anyways.


[edited for spelling mistake]

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Old August 27th, 2009, 14:55   #104
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As a member of TWAT, I feel that the field attracts both drug users and non drug users alike. There are equally the number of people that don't use if not more. I am one that falls into the non user category. I've never had a problem with anyone on the field. The people should understand how they are acting under the influence or not. We have had more issues with people who were sober actually.

I'm defending this from both sides. But honestly, ASC is not the police. If you've got a problem with people using at a game, pick up the phone, call the cops, sit back and pat yourself on the back for a job well done.

On a side note:
Kurgan -
Let me get this straight. This WHOLE thread was about your issue with a few people who tried to pressure your son into using drugs. You've got to understand that there are people in this world that have been given the offer many times, and it is up to himself/yourself to choose if you want to use drugs (be it legal or non).

Everyone has their own choices in life. As I have said before, It is up to YOU to change YOURSELF.

I personally vote for this thread to be closed, as it's gotten way out of hand. Anyone else?

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Old August 27th, 2009, 15:06   #105
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Originally Posted by Kurgan View Post
A couple of your fellow pot smokers tried to get my son to smoke up with them at a game, and you losers sit here and defend it like it's your right to smoke dope. In actual fact.. it frickin illegal. I know you're old enough to do what you want, and I realize your a "grown up". And I also know that you can't do better if you don't know better, so I forgive your ignorance.

and I'm not trolling... I'm responding.. I started the post, and I will answer any points or accusations that are directed toward me.

I don't drink and I don't own a horse, If I did, it certainly wouldn't be "high" either.
A. What's legal and what's right are polar opposites in this case. I will always stand for what's right. You are the minority. The vast majority of Canadians don't give a crap about pot because we've learned through experience that it's not anywhere near as bad as the propaganda would have you beleive.
It is a citizen's duty to oppose and reject unjust laws.

B. If your kid is at a game, he should be at least 18. Age of majority. He can make his own decisions. Nobody "tries to make someone" smoke. As a courtesy, it may have been offered. If someone says no, that's the end of it.
I pray for his sake that he's gotten as far from you as possible. I can't even imagine what a control freak you must be at home.

C. You don't drink or smoke. That's your choice but it has left you very sadly unequipped to take part in this discussion(even though you started it) so don't.
Go out and get drunk, smoke a joint. Maybe get your first blowjob and enjoy life.

For all I've said in this thread I do beleive that if someone is posing a risk or is obviously out of control, they should be removed from the game. On a public paintball field with kids around, they should leave. On a less public venue, they should be allowed to sit it out until they're okay.
But as long as your choices don't hurt others, who cares?

ASC regulating this stuff? Wow. So silly.

(Former)Grand Poobah of T.W.A.T.

Last edited by Schwag; August 27th, 2009 at 15:17..
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