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VSR-10 'Battle rifle' (Work stage)


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Old October 24th, 2009, 01:50   #1
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VSR-10 'Battle rifle' (Work stage)

Alright, so. I've finally given up my M24 rifle and got a VSR-10 in return. I'm planning on turning it to something more akin to a battle rifle over a sniper rifle. Why? Well, why not? Would be interesting to game (I'm kind of used to it to begin with, having used a mildly upgraded m24 in a similar regard.) and it would become something quite unique once i'm done with it.

I should have the gun sometime next week, and the coming winter'll give me plenty of time to work on the project.

So! On to business.

The rifle I get to work with:

Did a little drawing of a gun I've always had in my mind for a long time now. In the pic. The drawing of the rifle is basically what I would like to have it finished as in general. I'll be using stock VSR sights and the like. I'd like to take it further, as you can see with the doodles around the thing.

I've always loved rifles with barrels shrouded in wood with the 'heat covers' or whatever you call them. Just makes them stand out to me, plus, all wood is awesome. I'm pretty good with woodworking, so doing the stock and other peices should be pretty easy, just really comes down to working out the insides to fit the inner mechanics of the VSR. Shouldn't be too hard.

So! parts.

1. The front sight. I love the mosin nagant, Held and shot a few, and the sights are just perfect to the way I aim. ( I hate scopes IRL, I shoot more accurately with sights for some reason.) so I'm hoping to either make, or find a front sight online to work onto the barrel of this thing. So that's one piece to my wish list.

2. Sling ring. Shouldn't be too hard to achieve as i'll need to make it myself (Was going to use an AK sling ring that broke off of a buddies AK47. Amos basically turned me away from that idea. Lol) But it'll be on the to-do. I drew it backwards in the picture, it'd be on the other side of the stock.

3. Rear sight. Again, with the mosin, or any battle rifle in general. I'd love to have my sights adjustable on the spot rather than having to lug around a screwdriver, or just not use them at all. I've got an ak47 front end assembly I could probably chop up just for the rear sight bit, and find an aftermarket ak47 sight. I found an ak47 'peepsight' online that might do the trick too. If that's not workable, I'll just stick with the regular VSR sight. Also, I'll have to figure where to put it. If I happen to get the AK47 style sight cut out, it'd prolly go where the upper arrow indicates, cut a slot through the wood to accomidate it.

4. Straight bolt handle. Aaaaagain, with the mosin. The straight bolt pull was nice to shoot with and will complete that classic feel i'm looking for. I'll be looking for a spare bolt handle to do this with. in the case i fuck up on the modification attempt and leave myself without a bolt...

5. Aaand the magazine, Amos said it shouldn't be too hard to implement the magazine release button on. I'm not too worried. I'm thinking of having the curve of the front end of the stock to just start an inch after the magazine release, that'd be the best place to put it anyway. It also seems that I got my drawing a bit wrong, so i'll have to play around where I should put the retaining band for the rear end of the stock. Might just have the band wrap around half way and have it screw into the sides of the stock, rather than going all the way around.

And for other parts. I'd be thinking of getting one of those 14mm thread extendors to slap on a flashhider just for looks, if not that, a suppressor.

So, that's it so far. Any suggestion/tips are appreciated! Along with any help sourcing out parts to make this little project acheivable.

Thanks for looking!


Progress list and date:

Project started : October 24th
Rear sight prepared : October 26th
Rifle recieved : November 2nd
Iron sights fabricated - November 7th

Last edited by Strelok; November 7th, 2009 at 04:38.. Reason: Mistakes, cause i'm stupid. Duh!
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Old October 24th, 2009, 02:03   #2
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Why dont you just go for a Tanaka Kar98?
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Old October 24th, 2009, 02:06   #3
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Originally Posted by Steven View Post
Why dont you just go for a Tanaka Kar98?
1) Need to source one out. i'd love a k98. But I dont think its entirely in my price range. Then again... This might turn out to be a rather expensive project.

2) The VSR will be in my hands by the end of next week and it'll give me something to do for the winter. I've got a bad leg and cant exactly engage in much of my other hobbies. Its refreshing to get back to the workbench and form up something unique.

Last edited by Strelok; October 24th, 2009 at 11:14..
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Old October 24th, 2009, 02:08   #4
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Good point. May i ask what brand the VSR is? Plastic or Wood? If plastic, how are you making your own Wooden body?
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Old October 24th, 2009, 02:09   #5
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Good luck!
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Old October 24th, 2009, 04:43   #6
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Good Luck !
I will follow your project :P
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Old October 24th, 2009, 09:26   #7
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Very interesting. I'm gonna follow this. Good luck.
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Old October 24th, 2009, 10:43   #8
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Originally Posted by Steven View Post
Good point. May i ask what brand the VSR is? Plastic or Wood? If plastic, how are you making your own Wooden body?
The brand is a TSD, Its mildly upgraded already and should serve as I want it for the time being. Just gotta replace a few parts on the trigger mechanism and I should be go internally for a while. Focus is on the externals for the time being.

The stock is plastic, but that will be removed. I'm good with woodworking, So i'll be making the stock from scratch.

Thanks everyone for the interest!
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Old October 24th, 2009, 10:51   #9
Captain Tenneal
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Man, I had this project idea a while back; There is someone in the states who HAS the plans to make a VSR-10 into a Mosin Nagant somewhere, I contacted him but he never contacted me back. You may have some luck finding those plans though.
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Old October 24th, 2009, 11:09   #10
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Originally Posted by Captain Tenneal View Post
Man, I had this project idea a while back; There is someone in the states who HAS the plans to make a VSR-10 into a Mosin Nagant somewhere, I contacted him but he never contacted me back. You may have some luck finding those plans though.
You know, that might very well be the project that sparked up this idea a while back. Before I hounded ASC (Lol underage rejection. ) I was always on the Airsoft Retreat forums. So many neat projects had undergone there. There was also a guy that had made a K98-esque rifle using a USR-11 base that turned out 'really' well. He ended up just buying real Mauser parts and just working them onto the gun, it looked really nice.


I found the gun you were talking about. Unfortunately the place i found it on only had a picture...

Last edited by Strelok; October 24th, 2009 at 11:54..
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Old October 24th, 2009, 12:18   #11
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That 'aint no mauser

That be a Mosin!
Custom Builds:
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Old October 24th, 2009, 12:30   #12
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Originally Posted by Amos View Post
That 'aint no mauser

That be a Mosin!
I know that :P, he was referring to a mosin build that he had seen a while back. I found the picture of the mosin build. I'm still looking for the mauser.
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Old October 24th, 2009, 13:10   #13
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Appologies for double post.

Random thought... What should I do about the hopup lever? Might have to make a cutout in the upper handguard to make way for it. or make another means.
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Old October 26th, 2009, 21:00   #14
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So, gun comes friday (Maybe monday. I'm hoping it comes earlier.)

I've been searching amongst my scrap crap and found that ak47 front end assembly bit. Once the gun hits i'm gonna take up some measurements and chop up this peice.

To go on like this:

just, i'm not sure what to do beyond this point to get the thing to stick to the gun without being able to snap off. The thing will be bonding to metal (The Front end assembly being plastic) and i'll have to grab a rear sight set off of the classifieds here or something. Maybe from a Kraken parts dump.

As for the other parts. I'm prolly gonna head to the lumber shop around the end of this week and pick out some nice wood to work with for the stock and other wood bits. See where we can take off from there.

But yeah, Just to cut things short for quick readers.

Anyone know a good means to bond plastic to metal very securely?

Last edited by Strelok; October 26th, 2009 at 21:06..
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Old October 26th, 2009, 21:33   #15
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Very impressive.

Ill be following this.

Good luck, crazy dog man.
God is a /b/tard.

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