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Someone using my gun pics for Fraudulent businesses???



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Old March 6th, 2010, 04:56   #1
spartan117's Avatar
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Someone using my gun pics for Fraudulent businesses???

I don't know if this is the right section to post on, so if it is incorrect please tell me.

My issue here is that someone has gotten ahold of my pictures of my AGM GBB rifle and is using them to trick people into buying it.

Arsenalw80 has brought it to my attention. He received an email from a person named Mack Hopps under the email who is apparently trying to sell MY GUN to him for $250 +4% paypal. Is there anything i can do? If i'm correct, selling full black airsoft here in Canada is illegal for a normal civilian like me.

I have only posted my pics in this forum so i believe that it is someone in this forum who is using my pics. Can i report this to the police or something? Any help/advice would be greatly appreciated.

Here is the Pm i received from Arsenalw80:

Originally Posted by arsenalw80
Originally Posted by spartan117
Originally Posted by arsenalw80
Hey are you selling your GBBR to someone?
Hi. Nope! Why do you ask? I don;t believe i posted a sales thread on it.
Because I received an email from a Mack Hopps email was
And he posted photos of your gun saying he wished to sell it to me for $250 with %4paypal tax. And I wish to know if it was you.

Photo Names

Last edited by spartan117; March 6th, 2010 at 05:03..
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Old March 6th, 2010, 05:05   #2
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I also sent a PM to staff member to let them know.
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Old March 6th, 2010, 06:40   #3
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Update! New emails.

Me:Hey are you on any forums? Cause I saw some photos of your gun on Him)

Mack: was on airsoft canada, and yes this sticker is removable!(I asked before I found out about the photos here)

Me: Well I asked the guy with the photos and he said that he was not selling his gun which is the EXACT same gun as yours, If I order from you I wan't the gun to arrive here and then i will pay.(Am testing him)

Mack: i can ship it and give you tracking number, but you will have to pay stright away after seeing it, or i will cancel it!

Me:Yeah but what happens if I receive something that isn't a gun? Its just a safety precaution, (Lie)Cause last time I did this I got a box of rocks.(Lie) send me new photos as proof that you have the gun.

Edit: I posted on GGI asking for a JG or AGM GBBR for $250 max. Which is where he contacted me.

Last edited by arsenalw80; March 6th, 2010 at 06:42..
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Old March 6th, 2010, 06:44   #4
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Originally Posted by arsenalw80 View Post
Update! New emails.

Me:Hey are you on any forums? Cause I saw some photos of your gun on Him)

Mack: was on airsoft canada, and yes this sticker is removable!(I asked before I found out about the photos here)

Me: Well I asked the guy with the photos and he said that he was not selling his gun which is the EXACT same gun as yours, If I order from you I wan't the gun to arrive here and then i will pay.(Am testing him)

Mack: i can ship it and give you tracking number, but you will have to pay stright away after seeing it, or i will cancel it!

Me:Yeah but what happens if I receive something that isn't a gun? Its just a safety precaution, (Lie)Cause last time I did this I got a box of rocks.(Lie) send me new photos as proof that you have the gun.

Edit: I posted on GGI asking for a JG or AGM GBBR for $250 max. Which is where he contacted me.
Yeah... Just don't buy it, Though you get 5 internets if you keep fucking with him.
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Old March 6th, 2010, 06:51   #5
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Not going to buy it just fucking with him now. Also whats 5 internets?
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Old March 6th, 2010, 07:04   #6
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That's what you get for trying to circumvent AV.

@OP: not much you can do. The most you have is a copyright violation (civil) against someone using a email address (i.e., you ain't got jack). Caveat is once its on the internet you pretty much lose control of it.
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Old March 6th, 2010, 07:06   #7
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Originally Posted by Drake View Post
That's what you get for trying to circumvent AV.

@OP: not much you can do. The most you have is a copyright violation (civil) against someone using a email address (i.e., you ain't got jack). Caveat is once its on the internet you pretty much lose control of it.
Eh? Whats circumvent AV mean?
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Old March 6th, 2010, 07:18   #8
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Originally Posted by arsenalw80 View Post
Eh? Whats circumvent AV mean?

getting around age verification avoiding it and not doing it, i guess what he is trying to say..

circumvent means to avoid or to get around. AV Age verification..

Last edited by BobbyDangerous; March 6th, 2010 at 07:21..
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Old March 6th, 2010, 07:26   #9
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Originally Posted by Drake View Post
That's what you get for trying to circumvent AV.

@OP: not much you can do. The most you have is a copyright violation (civil) against someone using a email address (i.e., you ain't got jack). Caveat is once its on the internet you pretty much lose control of it.
not even that unless the images are fully copyrighted, and the website presents a warning that "some/all images on this sight are copyrighted" then there nothing he can do except hope this guy doesn't actually sell this to some guy.

edit; next time you post place some sort of "watermark" on your images and shrink them to 72PPi/DPi this will lower the resolution but not quality and place a form of copyright onto your images at which point you would have a civil suite.

Originally Posted by arsenalw80 View Post
Eh? Whats circumvent AV mean?
The age verification system is a way of this website making sure that you are of legal age of majority or older (18+) this grants you access to the classifieds. by posting a want ad/ buying a gun while still underage you are circumventing/bypassing/ going around a system that is in place for a reason.

Last edited by R.I.T.Z; March 6th, 2010 at 07:28..
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Old March 6th, 2010, 07:34   #10
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Originally Posted by R.I.T.Z View Post
not even that unless the images are fully copyrighted, and the website presents a warning that "some/all images on this sight are copyrighted" then there nothing he can do except hope this guy doesn't actually sell this to some guy.

edit; next time you post place some sort of "watermark" on your images and shrink them to 72PPi/DPi this will lower the resolution but not quality and place a form of copyright onto your images at which point you would have a civil suite.
Actually Canada grants you automatic rights to your works. But unless the images are being used commercially or something, its not worth trying to going to [civil] court over, specially since it'll most likely be next to impossible to find the culprit with just that email.
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Old March 6th, 2010, 09:51   #11
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Guys heads up arsenalw80 is living in the states. So he wouldn't know about the AV thing chill out.
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Old March 6th, 2010, 09:54   #12
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Originally Posted by spartan117 View Post
If i'm correct, selling full black airsoft here in Canada is illegal for a normal civilian like me.
Actually it's not "illegal" at all. Once the gun gets in Canada it's fully legal to own (now transferring on the other hand is "illegal" but not really a law that's upheld).

The "Canadian Legal" thing with the clear guns is pretty much a marketing gimmick that means the retailers can import clear guns in legally and it will pass through CBSA.

@ arsenalw80: an "internets" is a sort of internet meme. I'm not sure where the etymology came from but I assume that it comes from some sort of misunderstanding of some computer idiot (we all know at least one) thinking the "interwebs" or "internets" is a physical entity (that's plural) of some sort rather than an abstract idea of a bunch of "networked computers".

PS: Arsenal, can you at least change your location to USA if you don't want to disclose any more information. That way at least we know you're not from Canada.

3rd EDIT: OP, what you should consider doing is putting very large and obtrusive watermarks on your pictures from now on. ie. across the centre in large block letters with your username or something like this one
ಠ_ಠLess QQ more Pew Pew

Last edited by L473ncy; March 6th, 2010 at 10:07..
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Old March 6th, 2010, 10:32   #13
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Originally Posted by L473ncy View Post
Actually it's not "illegal" at all. Once the gun gets in Canada it's fully legal to own (now transferring on the other hand is "illegal" but not really a law that's upheld).

The "Canadian Legal" thing with the clear guns is pretty much a marketing gimmick that means the retailers can import clear guns in legally and it will pass through CBSA.

@ arsenalw80: an "internets" is a sort of internet meme. I'm not sure where the etymology came from but I assume that it comes from some sort of misunderstanding of some computer idiot (we all know at least one) thinking the "interwebs" or "internets" is a physical entity (that's plural) of some sort rather than an abstract idea of a bunch of "networked computers".

PS: Arsenal, can you at least change your location to USA if you don't want to disclose any more information. That way at least we know you're not from Canada.

3rd EDIT: OP, what you should consider doing is putting very large and obtrusive watermarks on your pictures from now on. ie. across the centre in large block letters with your username or something like this one
No offense meant but once this is all cleared up am probably not going to use this account anymore, Am a GGI guy anyways
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Old March 6th, 2010, 16:38   #14
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Ah ok. I just didn't want this to get traced back to me. I guess it no big deal then. I would fuck with this Mack some more first though . lOL
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Old March 6th, 2010, 18:54   #15
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Originally Posted by spartan117 View Post
Ah ok. I just didn't want this to get traced back to me. I guess it no big deal then. I would fuck with this Mack some more first though . lOL
I think I scared his scamming ass away :hammer:
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