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CA G36C Whirring Gearbox :(


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Old August 9th, 2010, 12:17   #1
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CA G36C Whirring Gearbox :(

I think I did it. I finally killed my CA36C. I knew it would happen eventually but... gah.

So here's the rundown. I started using a 9.6v battery instead of the standard 8.4v without issues. I was half-expecting it to die instantly, but it worked very well. VERY well for about 3 months. I fired a total of roughly 600 rounds in that timeframe.

Yesterday morning, I had to shoot down a hornets nest from the side of our house, so I went out and fired away. Everything worked perfectly, and I destroyed the home of some hornets. I came back inside and decided to swap out the G36 magwell for the M4 magwell to fire a few more rounds with it. I did the swap, put in the mag, pulled the trigger, and fired a couple rounds. On the 3rd round, the gun made a whirring sound. Similar to the sound an RC car makes if you lift it up and let the wheels spin.

I took the gearbox out and fired again, and the motor would jerk a bit when the trigger was pulled, and the nozzle would vibrate. Stupid me decided to take apart the gearbox because I thought I stripped the gears, and... well, I lost track of about 20 pieces and where they go back. But the gears all look fine, no issues with any teeth missing or the sorts.

So I have an opened gearbox with random parts and springs on my desk, and even though I'm an engineering major, I have neither the knowledge nor the time to reassemble the whole thing.

SOOOOOO... my questions:

1. Is the issue most likely the motor? Or something else?

(that really doesn't matter, because ultimately I want #2)

2. Where can I buy a replacement CA36C gearbox without buying the whole gun again?


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Old August 9th, 2010, 12:29   #2
I am manly hear me squeek
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Does it have to be a CA replacement Box?
Or can it be another manufacturer? ie KingArms,G&P.Guarder,Systema.

If not try
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Old August 9th, 2010, 13:32   #3
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Thanks for that link. Is the ARES gearbox comparable or better to the CA one?

And do you have any other links? I tried searching for more gearboxes but couldn't find any. The one you linked to is out of stock :/

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Old August 9th, 2010, 14:39   #4
Guges Mk3
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CA boxes are standard...most likely you ripped the back of your piston off. Get in the box and see what part needs to be replaced.
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Old August 9th, 2010, 14:51   #5
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You stripped a piston. Buy a deepfire titanium tooth piston
Google mechbox assembly. If you're in any way mechanically inclined, you can do it.
Look at what parts you lost and order them too.
Save a bunch of cash and acquire a new skill

(Former)Grand Poobah of T.W.A.T.
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