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Low Temperature Solder (Pot Metal Repair)


Doctor's Corner

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Old October 29th, 2010, 22:13   #1
Rotting's Avatar
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Location: Windsor, Ontario
Low Temperature Solder (Pot Metal Repair)

Tried searching, couldn't find much, figured I'd ask.

I may have a metal body, but issue is that it is cracked at the trigger guard, so much to the point that it has snapped.

Unfortunately, it's just white/pot metal, and I've been told by a lot of people that white/pot metal cannot be fixed. Once it breaks, it's done. Did a little minor research, and apparently low-temperature solder works just fine on white/pot metal to repair it.

Was wondering if anyone has had any experience in the past when repairing any kind of white/pot metal objects, doesn't necessarily have to be a metal body. Would be nice since I can probably get that body for about $50, and then just fix it myself and save myself a pain in the ass of a price tag.


Primary: Custom WE M16A3
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Old October 30th, 2010, 07:52   #2
chaosnemesis's Avatar
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TIG welding using an appropriate rod DOES work but the low temp rods are purchased in bulk and few TIG shops will have them in their inventory. You'd have to call around or possibly send in the body.
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Old October 30th, 2010, 07:57   #3
ArcticFox1984's Avatar
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This is some very good stuff, super easy to work with, flows at 150c.. a very small amount goes a very long way.

I'de suspect one container of this stuff would last a lifetime if it wasn't for shelf life.

Be sure to keep it in the fridge.
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Old October 30th, 2010, 09:37   #4
a.k.a. flamethis
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Even if it is pot metal, you looking at a melting point around 400 Celcius since at least 65% of the metal compound is Zinc.

Standard solder for electronics melts at 200-250 Celcius, but that paste is great stuff if you can get your hands on it.

I've been welding for years and have never seen a succesfully repaired pot metal using TIG or any other methods. Not saying Chaos is wrong, but I've never seen it done.
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