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Goggles, Tactical Glasses? Full Face Masks?



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Old December 3rd, 2010, 13:46   #1
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Goggles, Tactical Glasses? Full Face Masks?

Ok, so since i come from Hong Kong i decided to check out the places around here looking at lots of fields out there and have noticed that many require full face protection, lots of games that are out there also require one to have either goggles or full face paintball style masks.

Is it really necessary to have full face masks? one of the reason why i airsoft is so that i dont have to wear stupid mask that gets in the way of you aiming you gun and the fogging up that happens a lot of times. Goggles i understand but why no tactical glasses? Back in hong kong I have been wearing a pair of Wiley-x Tactical Glasses that are certified for airsoft and have been tested to withstand up to 600 fps. so was wondering what the issues were with canada and tactical glasses? are people just afraid of getting shot in the face?

Im going to bring back Both my Tact Glasses and Goggles and the rest of my gear from Hong Kong but i wont have a Proper plastic bulky Facemask other than a Neoprene Half Mask that just prevents scarring, (its kinda made with the same material that they use to make wetsuits.)

any way Would be great for the vets in Canada to help me clear this up thanks
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Old December 3rd, 2010, 14:03   #2
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I know in Toronto, some field request paintpall goggles.... For the mask, that i dont know... But some outdoor games that are outside of paintball field, i know lots of people, even me, wear those ballistic glasses.... Just protect your mouth... but yah, that's how it is here in quebec... In toronto, might be different tough... Welcome to canada!!!
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Old December 3rd, 2010, 14:06   #3
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insurance my friend, most places in the GTA that are not private fields are paint ball fields. So beside the joy of having paintball cum all over your gear after you play. You need to follow the insurance guidelines set out for the paint ballers as well... even though you sign your life away in a waiver.

Get your self a good set of double lens paint ball goggles and you'll do just fine.
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Old December 3rd, 2010, 14:06   #4
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Usually depends where you're playing. If it's at a paintball field, they usually require paintball masks due to their insurance policies. Check with your local field though as it varies where you go.
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Old December 3rd, 2010, 14:31   #5
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Not all fields will require the full face mask though but in the end it's what their INSURANCE COMPANY stipulates.

I know it's crazy but us Canadians are almost becoming as litigious as the US for stupid ass cases. Plus the insurance company won't pay out if it's found the field did anything wrong (as well as their insurance policy revoked). Sure you may say you won't sue but who then is holding the bill for medical (and other) costs if you actually do get hurt?

So there's really 2 options for PB fields, goggles with facemask or only the ASTM approved goggle part (ie. if you get a "modular" facemask where you can remove panels). Keep in mind it MUST be ASTM approved, even if your goggles are capable of taking a 50 cal. point blank if it's not ASTM approved and the insurance company finds out, the owner can be held liable for the medical (and other) bills if sued since the insurance company will state that the letter of the insurance contract wasn't followed.

Everywhere else (ie. private fields) eyepro is fair game. Hell I use shooting glasses for most occasions but I prefer sealed goggles (ballistic or paintball/ASTM).
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Old December 3rd, 2010, 15:26   #6
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If you play on a paintball field .. you follow paintball rules for protective equipment. Simple as that.

Most private fields allow you to wear what you want as long as it is ballistic rated protection.

I recommend full face protection at TTAC3 because the environment is very close quarters and I allow 0 distance engagement.

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Old December 3rd, 2010, 15:33   #7
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Originally Posted by Brian McIlmoyle View Post
If you play on a paintball field .. you follow paintball rules for protective equipment. Simple as that.

Most private fields allow you to wear what you want as long as it is ballistic rated protection.

I recommend full face protection at TTAC3 because the environment is very close quarters and I allow 0 distance engagement.

I hate to see people spitting out teeth
Hey i was just wondering since you are the director at TTAC3 do you guys allow tact glasses? or can do i have to wear proper goggles or a full face mask i know you said you recommend full face protection, but i could have a pair of Goggles and a shemagh wrapped around my face? this is my usual set up as far as face protection goes

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Old December 3rd, 2010, 15:48   #8
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Originally Posted by phloudernow View Post
Hey i was just wondering since you are the director at TTAC3 do you guys allow tact glasses? or can do i have to wear proper goggles or a full face mask i know you said you recommend full face protection, but i could have a pair of Goggles and a shemagh wrapped around my face? this is my usual set up as far as face protection goes

Glasses are disallowed at TTAC3 due to ricochets. You'll understand when you see the facility.

If you're new to airsoft in Ontario, pick up some el cheapo PAINTBALL goggles such as the JT's from Canadian Tire, then buy some ESS NVG goggles and strap a mask to the bottom for places like TTAC3 and private fields.

Sign up and show up for the game happening on the 10th.

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Old December 3rd, 2010, 20:07   #9
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Id really advise against using glasses at TTAC for force on force airsoft, CAPS sure but you aren't being shot at.

At paintball field like Flagraiders, we are obligated to use paintball goggles, but not the full mask, I only use goggles for outdoor; but at an indoor place like TTAC or Sgt. Splatters I'd recommend using a full face mask, it's just not worth taking a chance.

For Milsim OPs at private fields I use shooting glasses, as the engagements are seldom up close and the people that attend know how to play safely so I'm not too worried.

There's a game at TTAC3 next Friday you should check it out (if you haven't signed up already) get to meet some members from the local community and all thy good stuff.
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Old December 3rd, 2010, 20:41   #10
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Old December 3rd, 2010, 21:32   #11
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Originally Posted by pusangani View Post
At paintball field like Flagraiders, we are obligated to use paintball goggles, but not the full mask, I only use goggles for outdoor; but at an indoor place like TTAC or Sgt. Splatters I'd recommend using a full face mask, it's just not worth taking a chance.
So, even if the host of the game says that PB rated mask (full face mask) is a must. You can still use only goggles?
(just to make sure that I got your point right)

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Old December 3rd, 2010, 22:00   #12
aka coachster
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Originally Posted by sundae_1021 View Post
So, even if the host of the game says that PB rated mask (full face mask) is a must. You can still use only goggles?
(just to make sure that I got your point right)
No. For airsoft at flag raiders, you can wear the goggles portion of the paintball mask. It is still 100% paintball rated but for eye protection only.

More often than not, paintball rated requirements apply to the goggle portion which must have a full seal around your eyes. Wearing, for example a set of JT's, the part that covers the mouth and ears aren't required but are strongly recommended.

But if a host says full face mask, you have to wear the full face mask.
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Old December 4th, 2010, 15:06   #13
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Yep thanks Coach!
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Old December 8th, 2010, 14:31   #14
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Save Phace

If you find you attending a lot of fields that require a full face mask, "Save Phace" is a company that I believe makes a mask specifically to airsoft where the mask is actually pretty low profile and you can use the iron sights (think they have to be raised a bit) on you gun.

They are a bit pricey, but hey! How much does one value their face or more so their teeth.

Hope that helps if you're looking!
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