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What did you do after you were "set" for airsoft?


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Old March 2nd, 2011, 18:38   #16
HeadlessChicken's Avatar
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Took me an entire year before I went out to an actual game. Then I found out the hard way how my kit didn't work so I wound up getting more gear, then I bought other guns and needed gear for them, found out some of that gear didn't work well so I bought other gear. I'm still in line for other guns so I'll be needing gear for that, hopefully what I buy will work...

...oh who am I kidding.
"Hey I'm the first one to say its a great country but its a straaaaange culture. This is a place where gun store owners are given a list of stolen credit cards but not a list of CRIMINALS and MANIACS. And now they're thinking of banning toy guns...AND THEY'RE GONNA KEEP THE F**KING REAL ONES!"
-George Carlin 1937 - 2008 (RIP buddy)
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Old March 2nd, 2011, 19:38   #17
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you're always going to change something, always improving and evolving based on what works and not. After a year of playing, I built two setups based on the locations I travel to and even then, I always tweak them over time based on past experiences.

Oh and on a side note, the VFC Scar-L is a good aeg to get because I own one for almost a year now and I ran that gun hard and it still works. Just don't get frustrated when you put in the battery in the stock
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Old March 2nd, 2011, 19:53   #18
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Originally Posted by HeadlessChicken View Post
Took me an entire year before I went out to an actual game. Then I found out the hard way how my kit didn't work so I wound up getting more gear, then I bought other guns and needed gear for them, found out some of that gear didn't work well so I bought other gear. I'm still in line for other guns so I'll be needing gear for that, hopefully what I buy will work...

...oh who am I kidding.
^ what he said

Just go out and play a season with what you have. Figure out whats works for you and what doesn't. Break what's gonna break, and fix it right the first time.

Then do what everyone else said: Continue spending your disposable income on this sick addiction and until you have enough gear to outfit a small army. It's funny how one new set of BDUs or piece of kit can twist you into spending hundreds on an entire new loadout...

but you know what? i think the OCD collecting, tweaking, and pimping is half of the hobby

but priority #1 is to get out there and PLAY!
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Old March 2nd, 2011, 19:55   #19
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Yup, full agreement here, you have enough to get started and get out to a half dozen games, but each and every game will show you what works with your gear/set up and what doesn't. You may have a drop leg holster for your pistol, but you might likely find out that when going prone and crawling a little bit, it may flop forward on your thigh, making you shove it back in place before moving forward another two feet......... or when you run, it could swing around and catch you in the nutsack....... leaving you to search out something better. Your mag pouches may dump your mags on the ground while running, or find you lose a couple while crawling.........

Airsoft is 100% about adaptation, you work with what you have, who you have, and what the situation hands you, so you are never, as said repeatedly above, really "set". You are just set in the first adaptation of your gear and learning what works and what doesn't.
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Old March 2nd, 2011, 20:06   #20
Armed Infidel
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Originally Posted by Spike View Post
Buy more. You're never done.
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Old March 2nd, 2011, 21:07   #21
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So you're set? Oh Really?!?!

...then do the following:

1. Help host games, host games, help new guys get started out so they don't waste all their money like you (figurative you) did

2. Tweak your kit/loadout until you've got it just right....that's about the point where you look at your rig and say, "meh, yeah that's good to go and I don't feel like f*cking around with it anymore"

3. Take 3 large rubber maid bins and Tetris all the rest of your gear away

4. Little by little, game after game, strip all the unnecessary stuff off you gear/kit until it's about half the weight as what it was in #2 above.

5. Pouch envy new stuff...that you really want, but don't really need.

6. Sell off all you extra guns, pistols, bits and pieces....the ones you never touch, don't use, etc...

7. Gun envy new stuff...that you really want, but don't really need.

8. Buy an AEG SAW/LMG with a big ass box mag...'cause you're tired of lugging around all the sh*t in #4...and just want to run light

AND NO MATTER WHAT...DO NOT...NEVER EVER...add up all of the money you've spent
...because you won't believe that you've actually got $2000+ wrapped up in your primary rifle..$1000 in your secondary...$500+ in you rig...$1500+ in optics laying around...$2000 of "other stuff" that you don't use....and you're not unpacking all the stuff from #3 to count it anyways....
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Old March 2nd, 2011, 21:17   #22
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What you realize after you're "set, is that you're not "set".

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Old March 2nd, 2011, 21:36   #23
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"SET"? I thought I was set when I got my first set of gears-gun, bdu, vest etc. I did not realized that it was only the beginning and it seems that it has no end. Cheers and happy shopping.

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Old March 2nd, 2011, 21:38   #24
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Graduated High School in 1995, then got a better job to afford to buy more airsoft.
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Old March 2nd, 2011, 22:01   #25
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*Buys AK and Russian BDU*
"Gun, check. Gear, check. All set here."

*Sees an L86 & DPM BDU*
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Old March 2nd, 2011, 22:23   #26
Sgt. Pitbull
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Airsoft is like income taxes.

It takes away a shitload of your money year after year, without you realizing where the fuck did it all go...

The only difference is that with airsoft, you are left with something to stroke and fondle...
Originally Posted by 5kull View Post
Aegiis ?* raison
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Old March 2nd, 2011, 22:25   #27
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Buy More pistols and serpa/safariland holsters for them, Buy more AEGs and at least 10 mags for each, buy an LMG, buy a GBBR or 2 or more. Buy enough gear to to cloth the army you can now arm.

You are never "SET" till you can look at the classifieds/online store and say "got it, got it, got it, got it, etc..."
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Old March 3rd, 2011, 01:30   #28
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Nice replies guys I think I know where to stat I have been out to ten? Games

I've learned the hard way in 40 degree heat that it's not a good idea to rock a CIRAS for a woods game at the twat field over the summer. Also the agony of being in the perfect spot at FR outdoors on the east hill by the airplane picking tangoes off only to run out of loaded mags.

Thanks again for the dose of reality... It's only money!
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George Orwell
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Old March 3rd, 2011, 02:12   #29
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I think I'm set now that my Ciras just game in. Now all i need is some knee pads, a Mich 2000 helmet, a Magna based M4....

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