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The Force Recon & MARSOC Thread



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Old April 4th, 2011, 11:12   #301
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Dump The PASGT and take your MICH with no cover.

Your utility pouch in front looks a bit meh, get rid of that and if you want a pouch there buy a E&R.

You have WAY to many M4 mag pouch. Buy one or 2 Shingle triple and put some nade pouch or .45 mag pouch on them.

That other pouch that looks to be on your belt on your left., Unless you are a demolition or what ever ditch that.

Leg panel kills a bit the look too. Ditch that one and buy a Flyye Right angle or a Pantac Right Angle drop leg. Put what ever you want on it but no Shingles :P

Only keep the amount of mags you need for a firefight on you, the rest goes in a back pack. 10-12 for heavy DA and 8-10 for normal I'd say its good.

That's the quick things I could think of. Don't take it the wrong way :P
Good luck!
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Old April 4th, 2011, 11:31   #302
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Usually we see 6+1 or 7+1 mags... They will sometimes carry more in their 3rd line. That's what I personally do: I still have my 6+1 (or 7+1 depending on the rig I run) but will carry more in a backpack/MAP for a total of ~12 on me. That's much less bulky that way, and anyway reaching mags too far back or too far to the strong side is a bitch.

Of course there are exceptions... sometimes for heavy doorkicking they expect a lot of shooting, you'll see some on the first line too (mainly dropleg).

I don't know what dummy NVG you have on your BICH, but if it isn't a Norotos I'd suggest getting one. It does change the look a lot.
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Old April 4th, 2011, 11:49   #303
Frozen Tex
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Thanks Yannos; this is the sort of input I'm looking for...

I bought the PASGT in the hopes of doing a grunt loadout, but never got around to buying the right armor, so... At least the helmet was cheap. Maybe I'll find another use for it.

The utility pouch... You mean the "fanny pack"? It's useful, but I know it doesn't look right, so I can work on that. And I'm getting rid of the left side belt pouch; it's in the way of my pistol, and takes up so much space I can't carry my Kabar...

Yeah, lots of mag pouches, but they're all singles, so there's only 6 mags on the vest, and 2 on the leg... I hate to lose the drop-leg panel, as the quick-release buckle is compatible with another panel that holds mags for my M14, but I'll look into a right angle panel... I only have 4 pistol mag pouches, and only 5 extra 1911 mags; I guess I'll have to get more!

Thanks for the help!

EDIT: Didn't see you there, Conker... Yeah, I have a (fake) Notoros for my MICH, so I just need to assemble that; would an IR strobe look out of place on the back of the helmet? Plus some VELCRO on the sides and back.

Delenda Est Carthago

Last edited by Frozen Tex; April 4th, 2011 at 11:55.. Reason: extra info
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Old April 4th, 2011, 16:53   #304
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Got a question I've been wondering about for a while, should've asked above...

Knee-pads: I'm not seeing a lot of them lately, both in the real-world pictures here, and in impressions. Even pictures of Army grunts; knee-pads used to be e everywhere, now you hardly see them. What gives? Are they being worn UNDER the uniforms? Have they been completely discarded? Or are troops finally inserting pads inside the provided slots, as was intended with the new Army and Marine uniforms?

I'd hate to be without mine, with all the bare rock and industrial crap we play around.

Delenda Est Carthago
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Old April 4th, 2011, 17:09   #305
Knee pads and having anything on your leg kind of sucks if you are doing dismounted patrolling IMO, and can chafe. As well in Afghanistan, especially in the summer it will make your knee uncomfortable, make it warmer and lots of sweat and the kneepads can slide down and be useless. Some guys still wear them though. Seen more Soldiers doing it then Marines though.

I don't think the US Military has inserts in their uniforms for knee pads, outside of SOF anyways.

I've seen some recent pics of some US Army Soldiers wearing knee pads while on excercise on a mountain and some Soldiers in Afghanistan with knee pads

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Old April 4th, 2011, 17:27   #306
Frozen Tex
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Originally Posted by -Skeletor- View Post
I don't think the US Military has inserts in their uniforms for knee pads, outside of SOF anyways.
I know the modern US Army and USMC pants have slots for the purpose; the Marines by way of a slot on the inside of the knee, and the Army by way of VELCRO at the bottom of the outside of the knee. Just shove a square of thin foam rubber inside. I don't know that any such thing is ISSUED, but the capability is there.

Delenda Est Carthago
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Old April 6th, 2011, 14:21   #307
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I see a lot of Crye combat pants these days, especially since full sets are cheap ($100 each, minimum of 50 units) . The knee pads on those are comfortable and it doesn't have any chaffing or sweat issues either. I generally wear knee pads of some sort unless I'm doing wooded operations or GREENSIDE. Those things are like condoms, better to have them and not need them than to need them and not have it.
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Old April 6th, 2011, 14:33   #308
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Yeah, Crye suits are nice and all, but it's not the point here since regular Army/Marines don't use them, and not Force Recon either.

MARSOC are getting Crye A/C in good ol' woodland and Multicam A/C will apparently be issued for their next rotation (though some say it's already in use... just didn't see any pics yet, but it's possible) along with FAST Ballistic and LBT1961 in MC too. But then that's not MARPAT like Tex's setup.

I personally tend to wear pads (Alta) most of the time for DA ops (both in CQB, outside I'll often have just one, on my ankle in case I need it) and never greenside where I'll want the lowest drag possible.
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Old April 6th, 2011, 14:51   #309
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I would love to know when MARSOC will get Woodland seeings how Crye doesn't even make that. I just got off the phone with them yesterday and for that custom work they want at least 200 units to be made. Coming out around 250-350 per set.

*shrug* Ill wait around and see.
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Old April 6th, 2011, 14:55   #310
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While I appreciate that you're trying to help, it'd be nice if you checked your facts.
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Old April 6th, 2011, 15:00   #311
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CP Combats in Woodland?

DO want ;_;

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Old April 6th, 2011, 15:44   #312
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There wasn't any sarcasm in my post conker, I was legitimately curious. Though even the link days they intend to field it, not necessarily will be fielding it. And Crye still doesn't make that pattern, it'd be a special custom contract.
Callsign: Ghost, C 1-9
Team Medic

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Old April 7th, 2011, 11:59   #313
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If its a Crye suit, will it say "Maximum Armour" ?

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Old April 8th, 2011, 17:14   #314
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Is a 3 Pt. Norotos still legitimate for a 1st. Recon kit, (Modern, up to 2010) or did they entirely switch to Universal Shrouds?
Marine Cadets of Massachusetts
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Old April 8th, 2011, 17:16   #315
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There's more and more Universal, but 3 point are still seen A LOT. So that's good to go.

@Stewartb109: Sorry, I guess I took it the wrong way.
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