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Metal BB's


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Old August 30th, 2011, 11:08   #1
KwGeek's Avatar
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Metal BB's

Okay I have been over on Youtube I was watching a video by Freddie Wong and he talks about how people can go about getting Realistic Gun Props.

Now being that he is an American, he has to deal with a different set of laws and rules then we as Canadians do, so I made a post warning any one that if any one who is in canadian want's to buy airsoft guns online, that they should know that there is a good chance that Canada customs will seize and destroy any airsoft gun's that are ordered outside of canada or from a non canadian web site.

well any ways, some people have replied to my post and I reply back, but one guy in his post said that he plays with his friends with Metal BB's


You'd have to be retarded not to notice that big orange circle right there on the tip of the gun... lol, plus I have several airsoft guns and I always use metal BB's... They hurt my friends more when we fight with our guns (With proper airsoft armor, of course)
any ways, I know there is a reason that we use plastic BBs over metal one, But I sure would like to know for my self why we use plastic over metal, just in case I have to deal with a Dumb ass like him again.

it's just as good to know why we don't do some thing as it is to know why we do some thing that way we do them. cause not all thing can fall into the area on common sense. not that I believe that common sense. (I have seen way to many people do too many stupid thing that make me think that such a thing can't exist, But I'm getting off track)

any way any care to tell me why we don't use metal BB's? just so I know for my self at lest.

P.S if any one cares, the video I was talking about is in the link below
Realistic Gun Props - YouTube
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Old August 30th, 2011, 11:17   #2
will always be Mike Litoris in our hearts
jordan7831's Avatar
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We don't use metal bbs because there really isn't an all metal BB. Any metal ones that you see are just coated in (IRIC) aluminum powder. Next reason we don't use them is cost. A 2000 pack of bastards will run 10 dollars. a 500 pack of metal BBs will run you about 20 dollar. And third and final reason should be safety, metal BBs would hurt like hell if used commonly in games. Don't believe me, well have you ever been shot with a .177 BB gun?
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Old August 30th, 2011, 11:25   #3
Danke's Avatar
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A metal BB will also destroy your feedpath.

I would not use Youtube as a research medium.
Airsoft, where nothing is hurt but feelings.
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Old August 30th, 2011, 11:30   #4
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1. Stop wasting your time on YouTube: the comments are a manifestation of the dumbest people on the internet.

2. As Mr.Genius himself pointed out, "I always use metal BB's... They hurt my friends more when we fight with our guns" (he sounds like he's about 12, too)

3. Most AS inner barrels are brass, or brass or aluminum with a coating. If you shoot a BB made of a harder material than the barrel, guess what happens?

4. For safety. Plastic BBs will flex/deform/break on impact -- and just like a racecar flying apart during a crash, the energy goes into that. A silica or metal BB doesn't deform so the energy is passed straight into whatever it's hitting.
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Old August 30th, 2011, 11:41   #5
KwGeek's Avatar
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Originally Posted by Danke View Post
A metal BB will also destroy your feedpath.

I would not use Youtube as a research medium.
I don't use Youtube as research medium, I just happen to like the action videos that Freddie Wong put's together. if you ever take a look at his video's, they are funny, action packed and the CGI are pretty good as well.

But I don't use Youtube for as any thing more then entertainment, and maybe to watch reviews on different gun. like those on Redwolf and Evike.
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Old August 30th, 2011, 15:27   #6
Not Eye Safe, Pretty Boy Maximus on the field take his picture!
ThunderCactus's Avatar
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Metal and metal coated BBs are going to wreck your gun for sure, and they're more likely to break anything SOLID that they hit (gun parts, teeth, eye glasses), but they're not going to hurt more when they hit skin.
When a plastic BB hits a solid object, it deforms, flattens, spreads out it's impact force slightly, absorbs some impact, and then bounces away from elastic force.
Metal and especially silica BB's don't deform, so they make what ever they hit deform, so they're REALLY good at shooting through glass and breaking shit.
When BB's hit skin, it's your skin that deforms, not the BB, so getting shot by silica BBs doesn't hurt more than plastic.

We use plastic to do less damage to the playing field, our expensive guns, eyeglasses, etc
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Old September 1st, 2011, 11:09   #7
Polish_Legion's Avatar
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On a side note do you know that they sell exploding bb's lol never seen one in person but they can be bought for sure from sites in the UK.
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