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((NEW)) Interested in trying Airsoft some questions



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Old June 23rd, 2005, 11:24   #1
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((NEW)) Interested in trying Airsoft some questions

Hi everyone,
I'm new to this forum and I would liek to know how someone new to this sport can get into it. I would like to try it out. What can I do and where can I go? I've tried paintball at SGT.Splatters and it was fun but I think I would liek this more. Does anyone have any suggestions ?? I'm located in the Richmond Hill area.

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Old June 23rd, 2005, 11:32   #2
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Some may flame but I'll give some advice.

Read, read and then read some more. This forum does have lot's of info about games and the sport. Check out the gallery and look at what the weapons look like. Go out to a game and see what the actions all about, get a chance to hold some guns. Meets & games usually posted in the Games and Events schedule --> Ontario section.

Plug warning! Come out to an M.arkham I.nsurgent A.irsofters meet and greet if your mature and over 16 yrs. We meet around the Markham area (only a stones throw from Richmond Hill) and are a bunch of guys that like to talk airsoft. Of course weapons are not allowed at meets since we get together at local restaurants. Next meet should be in 2nd week of July.

Oh yeah, read some more online and become a member of the ASC community.
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Old June 23rd, 2005, 11:44   #3
royal marine
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im newish to you just have to try & read & listen to what people tell you. theres plenty of games once you get going. but it will take a while to get all your gear, you cant just go to the mall. welcome anyway
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Old June 23rd, 2005, 11:53   #4
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thanks guys can i attend a game? Or do I have to have my own equipment? hey, v82slo do you ride? I ride also maybe we can hook up and talk some airsoft and ride.
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Old June 23rd, 2005, 12:02   #5
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Originally Posted by 1shot1kill
v82slo do you ride? I ride also maybe we can hook up and talk some airsoft and ride.
I ride ('02 R6 as in avatar), usually out on the weekends just cruising. PM me and we can talk offline since non airsoft related.

As for attending games, you can go to games but won't be able to play or enter field without goggles at the least. You will be able to see gear and guns in the safe area though.
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Old June 23rd, 2005, 12:08   #6
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*lights torch* oooo i was so tempted , but people are being nice....

Just a quick point, make sure you read up on whats expected of you as an airsofter (attitude, responibility etc..) it will save you a world of virtual (and who knows, maybe even real) hurt. All i'm saying is that do some reading, as the guys have said, and make sure you know what your getting into. Airsoft is a great hobby (for those with the cash that is lol), but because of its fragile status we need to protect it. By this i mean if your under 18, go to games and make friends, rent guns, and become a respectable player and in time you will be able to own your own equipment. just thought i'd put this lot down for anyone else who may stop by and have the same q...

And oh.....Welcome
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Old June 23rd, 2005, 12:22   #7
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1- Think twice before asking your question, people here are quick on the trigger;
2- Go to a game, find people who are interested in talking to you. Learn from them;
3- Avoid any comparison to paintball;
4- If you're mature, people will gladly welcome you in;
5- Don't spend nmoney on gear until you're certain you want in on the action;
6- Listen, listen and listen.
"Good judgment comes from experience. Experience comes from bad judgment!"
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Old June 23rd, 2005, 12:28   #8
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Hey I like PB! :lol:

Just keep reading... I've gained sooo much knowledge in the almost one year since I signed up. These are a bunch of great guys. But they (we) are very anal about losing our sport to a bunch of fuck-ups. I've just dropped roughly 700 dollars so far on gear (with another 500 dollars, possibly more, in forseeable expenses), I'd be pretty pissed if the sport got cut short.

BTW, live and love the search button.
Originally Posted by [DI]DeathSniper
Fucking bullshit. I just checked my flyers and I didn't get no 'Cluepons'. Assholes :rrr:
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Old June 23rd, 2005, 12:29   #9
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Things to do in order:

COMPILE - a list of questions. Searching around without a clear idea of what you are looking for will quickly lead you astray as there is enough testoserone laden brain candy on this site and related to Airsoft in general to drive you crazy. You start looking for one thing, see a picture of a brand new ICS MP5 and off you go in another direction....FOCUS FOCUS FOCUS!

SEARCH - the forum. You WILL find most of the answers that you are searching for. I have only been here for 3 days (found out about Airsoft via a miss spelled Google!) and have found out pretty much what I need to get started...that is..

GATHER HUMINT (Go to a game) - This is the paramount answer that just about everyone agrees on. Many questions can be answered by laying eyes on gear and people at a game that would take weeks to be answered online. You will see many examples and styles, and probably ask a FEW questions with becoming a non-voluntary target..:-)

I am going to a game this Saturaday to hang in the Safe Area and scope.

Please keep in mind...we are rookies and garner the respect that rookies deserve...and that is NO RESPECT.

So..if you are going to be a rookie (we all are at some time) then be GOOD at it and follow the rules.
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Old June 23rd, 2005, 12:36   #10
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Originally Posted by Blackthorne
So..if you are going to be a rookie (we all are at some time) then be GOOD at it and follow the rules.
I am The ULTIMATE n00b...well was 8) ...kk nvm i'm just boosting my post count *muahahahha* :salute:
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Old June 23rd, 2005, 18:04   #11
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Thanks guys for the tips, but I would like to set a few things straight. First of all i'm not a punk ass 18yr...i'm 32yrs old and mature enough to handle a grown up game and I fully understand the prinicipal of protecting a sport that does't have the full understanding of everyone. Second, I appreciate the responses back form everyone and I also appreciate that people so far have not got into the flaming ...i don't think has any place in any forum and dosen't fet anyone anyware. 3rd I've been reading and researching Airsoft on different places already before I signed up here. Now, what I would like to know...lets say if I wanted to go ahead and invest in some gear ie. gun, BDU's etc.. would I be able to participate in games or is there a process? Do you have to get any sort of licience to purchase a Airsoft gun? The reason why I ask this is becasue "PIP" said "in time you will be able to own" .
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Old June 23rd, 2005, 18:08   #12
Brian McIlmoyle
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Originally Posted by 1shot1kill
say if I wanted to go ahead and invest in some gear ie. gun, BDU's etc.. would I be able to participate in games or is there a process? Do you have to get any sort of licience to purchase a Airsoft gun? The reason why I ask this is becasue "PIP" said "in time you will be able to own" .
Read the section on Airsoft and the law.. stickied at the top of the general forum.

I recently researched the law.. and posted an "interpritation" that post is near the end
Brian McIlmoyle
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Old June 23rd, 2005, 18:35   #13
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To buy stuff, you must go through the process of getting your age verified (look it up, it's written down along with other necessary Information). Being 32 does not matter, we all went through the process.

Then simply access the proper forums, order what you want, and go nuts. You dont need anything else. Just Dont buy outside of Canada.

The suggestion is to go see a game first, maybe get your age validated at the same time, see and ask all your questions in person, and then have fun. You'll know all you need to know about what to buy after that.
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Old June 23rd, 2005, 18:40   #14
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The simple to the point awnser you have been looking for:

No Licence required.

See the Canadian Retailers section at the top of the page...Have your credit card handy. I recomend the second choice from the top! Tru is a GOD!

And to go to a game just sign up in the games forum.
Those who beat their swords into plow shares, usually end up plowing for those who didn't.
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Old June 23rd, 2005, 22:49   #15
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Welcome to ASC, thanks for the polite noob thread, it's real nice to see flame free responses.
aka the fully recovered airsoft addict formerly known as HonestJohn

Igitur qui desiderat pacem, praeparet bellum.
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