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Where to zero your sights?



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Old June 10th, 2012, 22:38   #16
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The great secret of aiming in airsoft is that you can fire from the hip and still get ridiculous numbers of kills and acceptable accuracy.

At a very slow 100 to 600 feet per second, bright white rounds, relatively high rates of fire relative to realsteel, and distances that pretty much never exceed 300ft ever if even 150ft, you are relying much more on the phenomenon known as feedback (see: ) than the precision of your sights. I challenge experienced players on this forum to yank the sights off their RAS setups and see how easy it remains to still do well in this game.

Zeroing your sights is pointless.

The post by Forever_kaos above pretty much nails it in that your number one priority when using your airsoft rifle is to have your hopup properly set for the environmental conditions that day as well as the weight, texture and quality of the BBs you are using that day.

With that in mind, you will have to adjust your hopup at nearly every game you attend. Even with identical environmental conditions, the soft materials of the bucking and the nub can and will shift and stretch over time even if you do manage to get a perfect setting for a given game. The one possible exception is R-Hop, but I'm guessing the R-Hop patch succumbs to some slight variance over time.
"Mah check"

Now you know

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Old June 10th, 2012, 22:49   #17
Rusty Lugnuts
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Different strokes for different folks, but i have to disagree with MaciekA. I think that a "kill" from a well placed semi auto shot is way more satisfying than a walked in my bb's on full auto kill. Plus it doesn't give your position away as much. And if you want to make that semi auto shot you need your gun sights to be set correctly
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Old June 10th, 2012, 22:50   #18
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Yeah, I've been trying to get out to that field for a while now. I just haven't had the time lately. I'm committed to a game this this weekend I'll look up what he's got for next weekend. And just want to say thanks for everyone's opinions and suggestions so far.

Last edited by Mammon; June 10th, 2012 at 23:27..
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Old June 10th, 2012, 22:58   #19
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Yeah, No offense there MaciekA I would have to agree with rusty on this weather its real rounds or not I have to say been as precise as one can in this endeavor is more satisfying than just send a wall of white down range.

Originally Posted by Rusty Lugnuts View Post
Different strokes for different folks, but i have to disagree with MaciekA. I think that a "kill" from a well placed semi auto shot is way more satisfying than a walked in my bb's on full auto kill. Plus it doesn't give your position away as much. And if you want to make that semi auto shot you need your gun sights to be set correctly
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Old June 10th, 2012, 22:59   #20
CPT Scott
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You will find even after you've dialed it in to where you like it, things still can change. The weather is prime example. Hot or cold, dry or humid, you will make slight variations in your hop up and sights from time to time. I take 3 min to dial in my rifle each and every game. I always find myself changing something ever so slightly to zero it in. The location changes from game to game and weather conditions keep me at it everytime I hit the field. I have a big yard myself and even though I zero it here, I still do it at games. So if you just want to target shoot from time to time, thats different than needing to dial in your weapon with new gear. Talk to other airsofters like myself who have the property to practice in and make new friends who will let you visit.

FYI, I live in Belleville, I'd let you if you lived closer. but sorry. Good luck!
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Old June 10th, 2012, 23:22   #21
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you'll get no argument from me on all those points. but I would like to dial down first before the game, then be able to make those minor adjustments on game day and thanks for the offer. you're right little to much of a drive.

Originally Posted by CPT Scott View Post
You will find even after you've dialed it in to where you like it, things still can change. The weather is prime example. Hot or cold, dry or humid, you will make slight variations in your hop up and sights from time to time. I take 3 min to dial in my rifle each and every game. I always find myself changing something ever so slightly to zero it in. The location changes from game to game and weather conditions keep me at it everytime I hit the field. I have a big yard myself and even though I zero it here, I still do it at games. So if you just want to target shoot from time to time, thats different than needing to dial in your weapon with new gear. Talk to other airsofters like myself who have the property to practice in and make new friends who will let you visit.

FYI, I live in Belleville, I'd let you if you lived closer. but sorry. Good luck!
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Old June 10th, 2012, 23:54   #22
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Originally Posted by Mammon View Post
Yeah, No offense there MaciekA I would have to agree with rusty on this weather its real rounds or not I have to say been as precise as one can in this endeavor is more satisfying than just send a wall of white down range.
BB's are much different than real rounds. With a real gun of course you're going to use sights - that's the only way you'll hit something.

BB's are white and visible, bullets are not. Bullets go where the sights are, BB's do not.

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Old June 11th, 2012, 00:01   #23
Rusty Lugnuts
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lol Well i'm no gun doctor, but i can make my bb's go where the sights point, with the possible exception of a blustery day
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Old June 11th, 2012, 00:25   #24
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Originally Posted by Styrak View Post
Bullets go where the sights are, BB's do not.
Then you're doing it wrong!

Having a guy getting a double tap of Black BB Bastards to chest and not knowing where it came from is priceless.

In a realcap game, sights are crucial. If your sights are not zeroed, then you're gonna reload a lot of the time and get killed in the mean time.

Zero your sights before the game during the other's registration and you'll be golden.

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Originally Posted by Strelok View Post
So you're saying we cannot engage in a hobby once we are older?

Children these days.
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Old June 11th, 2012, 00:25   #25
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I wasn't implying anything about real rounds all I was saying was that I have a sight I would like to use it as a it was designed, for direct and precise placement of the rounds (aka "little white beads of plastic") that I am sending down range. All I was asking if there was a place that I could go and tweak my settings, different gear configurations, and just squeeze some round off after a hard day's work without setting off all kinds of alarms and without the pressure of have to play a game as well.

Originally Posted by Styrak View Post
BB's are much different than real rounds. With a real gun of course you're going to use sights - that's the only way you'll hit something.

BB's are white and visible, bullets are not. Bullets go where the sights are, BB's do not.
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Old June 11th, 2012, 05:32   #26
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I wonderd the same thing not long ago. In my reserch, there are areas that are zoned for hunting and so fourth, from my impressions you may be able to use your AEG there. However you definately want to contact your local bylaw offices, and they can point you in the direction of where you can find the zoning maps. Past that I would suggest using a actual firing range, who cares what kind of reception u get!!! (I bet a bunch of those fools buy Airsoft after they see yours )

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Old June 11th, 2012, 10:42   #27
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Stay out of the public eye with your stuff.

Sight in your stuff indoors. Use the longest stretch of space you have.

If you're at sub 30ft range then adjust your sights so that the shots are hitting roughly 1-1.5" centered above where you are aiming. That'll get you close until you can get to a game to set things. If you're setup is good you'll be shooting pretty tight clusters at that range...but don't expect 1 hole groups.

When you get to a game...find a safe spot (the staging area is not the place for this) with about 50+ feet of space. Preferably, have the wind at your back...or at your front. Adjust your hopup so the shots are flat.

Then...fine tune your sights (you probably won't have to do much if you're roughly sighted in already). Pick out a branch or someting that's not blowing around.

90% of the time that's good enough. Fine tune from there...but don't hold everyone else up while you're dickering around.
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Old June 11th, 2012, 13:48   #28
Cobalt Caliber
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Also remember in the end your shooting light round projecticles, dont expect it to go exactly where you aim.
Originally Posted by FirestormX View Post
I know that isn't really what you asked, but it's the internet, and I like to type things that don't matter.
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Old June 11th, 2012, 15:08   #29
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I usually dial in every game... except the one time I did cqb and realized It was a poor place to try to dial in my hop up to.

I also prefer the single shot well adjusted hop up as appose to the full auto hip firing ... but thats why some people game with 11volt and others with 7.4volts i guess
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Old June 11th, 2012, 18:02   #30
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Now that is good advice, dumby me I should of rephrased my question to include that kind of thought path. So I think that's what I'll try for now and I'll see how that goes. But it sure would be nice to be able to go some place and just squeeze off some rounds without the fear of a bunch of bad things going wrong or have to wait for a game to come up.

Thanks to all for you help and suggestions. it's been nice conversing with all of you.

Originally Posted by m102404 View Post
Stay out of the public eye with your stuff.

Sight in your stuff indoors. Use the longest stretch of space you have.

If you're at sub 30ft range then adjust your sights so that the shots are hitting roughly 1-1.5" centered above where you are aiming. That'll get you close until you can get to a game to set things. If you're setup is good you'll be shooting pretty tight clusters at that range...but don't expect 1 hole groups.

When you get to a game...find a safe spot (the staging area is not the place for this) with about 50+ feet of space. Preferably, have the wind at your back...or at your front. Adjust your hopup so the shots are flat.

Then...fine tune your sights (you probably won't have to do much if you're roughly sighted in already). Pick out a branch or someting that's not blowing around.

90% of the time that's good enough. Fine tune from there...but don't hold everyone else up while you're dickering around.
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