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Solved: KSC G17 miss feed, slide issue, lost mag pin, and other issues.


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Old July 18th, 2012, 00:29   #1
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Solved: KSC G17 miss feed, slide issue, lost mag pin, and other issues.

Hey guys,

I recently started practicing my pistol skills and ran into a lot of issue. I mean A LOT!

First some back ground:

I'm running a KSC Glock 17 with metal slide. The gun work very well and only upgrade on it is return spring and spring guide.

Here's what's happening:
I'm 3 RA-Tech KSC CO2 magazines. Whenever I have the mag in and fire, the slide sometimes doesn't seem to return to it's proper position. Always seems like there is 2-3mm I can push forward with my thumb. I figure it was the return spring wearing out so I got a new set. Issue still happening but not as often.

New issue a raised with the new return spring. The mag miss feed now. My guess is the return spring is so fast that the BB doesn't have the time to get to the feeding lips. So ever so often I'll be doing something like:

Pop(Slide lock)

Out of frustrations I drop my mag and the pin the holds the feeding lips fell out and now I can't find it. Anyone know where I could find a replacement?

Anyone have any experience with CO2 mags? I can't seem to turn the 'key' fast enough to get the CO2 cartage in quick enough without half of it spilling out in the process. Any tips on how I could get the darn thing in quicker?

One of my 3 is also having some issue with pushing the BB up to the feeding lips. Not sure if I have to lube the metal thing that separate the spring to the BB or maybe file it down a bit because it doesn't seem like it's moving smoothly. After shooting about half the mag it'll get stuck then I'll be firing blanks but the slide doesn't lock back because it still thinks it's feeding BBs.

One last thing. I build myself a target stand. It's a cardboard shoe box with the center cut out and a piece of paper tap in front of it. I have a old T-shirt inside(Hanging from the top of box). After an hour of shooting, the old t-shirt is deformed and have holes(Pistol isn't even shooting hot!). My question is, what other material I could use that's more durable but won't make as much noise as a piece of sheet metal?

Any advice or help is greatly appreciated!

Last edited by highny; August 22nd, 2012 at 00:30..
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Old July 18th, 2012, 08:33   #2
Rusty Lugnuts
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Originally Posted by highny View Post

One last thing. I build myself a target stand. It's a cardboard shoe box with the center cut out and a piece of paper tap in front of it. I have a old T-shirt inside(Hanging from the top of box). After an hour of shooting, the old t-shirt is deformed and have holes(Pistol isn't even shooting hot!). My question is, what other material I could use that's more durable but won't make as much noise as a piece of sheet metal?

Foam and if by chance you can get your hands on the black foamy insulation that is used around big refrigeration chillers... well that stuff is perfect!
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Old August 21st, 2012, 15:20   #3
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Found out the issue and got it fixed.

1 slide not returning to proper position:
Turns out the RA-Tech magazine lips were too high. It ended up holding the air nozzle and wasn't letting it return to proper position after blowback. After sanding down the air nozzle a bit it works perfectly.

2 miss-feeding:
Issue still happens when I don't pull the trigger hard enough or all the way back. Don't know why but as long as I pull the trigger completely it feeds every time.

3: missing pin:
Just cut an small nail now it fits.

4 loading the co2:
Instead of using the little key they provide I went and used a flat head screwdriver. Easier to hold = turning the screw faster = little gas escape.

5 Loading ramp not pushing:
After disassembling the entire gun and discover the previous owner must have installed a wrong kind of hop up rubber. It was way too big which turn wouldn't let the bb push through the loading ramp. Got a new KSC hop up rubber and it fit like a glove.

I am so relief that my gun works great! Accuracy also improved at 35' grouping was less than 6". Though if only I knew what the issue was I wouldn't have spend over $200 on replacement part/upgrade parts which turns out didn't need any of them. At least now I have a lot of spare parts!

Solved this all by myself!
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Old August 21st, 2012, 16:06   #4
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Is it KWC or KSC?

You use both.

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Old August 22nd, 2012, 00:30   #5
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It's a KSC... Must of press the wrong key.. Fixed.

Though in my research I did discover that KWA and KSC share same part like WE and TM.
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Old August 22nd, 2012, 03:30   #6
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Originally Posted by highny View Post
It's a KSC... Must of press the wrong key.. Fixed.

Though in my research I did discover that KWA and KSC share same part like WE and TM.
Yes KSC and KWA are basically the same.

However KWC which you said, are not. Just clearing that up.

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