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12 gauge flare gun


WW1, WW2

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Old November 7th, 2012, 14:43   #1
Join Date: Aug 2012
Location: Vancouver
12 gauge flare gun

Has any one tried puting an airsoft shotgun shell into a Orion ( or other ) 12 gauge flare pistol? I took a short range blast ( nice tight spread
) in a CQB game, and I thought that it would be nice to have a little period looking back up piece ( sorry re enactors, not exactly correct, but WTF, I like shooting bad guys more that impression perfection.) My father in law is a machinist, and I have a flare pistol around here some were. I figure he could make me a insert if necessary. I think it would more realistic than a Goblin, anyway.


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Old November 7th, 2012, 16:49   #2
aka coachster
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I seriously hope you don't plan on taking a real flare gun with airsoft 12g shells to an airsoft event!!!

More realistic? Maybe.
Stupid? Most definitely!
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Old November 7th, 2012, 21:29   #3
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+1 what Coach said

I dunno how you imagine this will work but I can guarantee you no part of what you suggested was a good idea.
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Old November 7th, 2012, 23:50   #4
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I always try to listen to people advice, even if it is put in unflatering terms. ( I have after all done many stupid thinks in my life)

How I imagined this would work was by watching people set off an airsoft shot shell, with no launcher, in their hand. I was under the impression that the the Airsof shower shell was the shot, propellant, and the barrel all in one, and that all the presure was on the shell, not the launcher.

I got the idea from a uk airsoft sight, were a guy made a German kamfen pistol. Goblin= 12 gauge plastic launcher, Orion=12 gauge plastic launcher. Most of the airsoft launchers that I have handelled have had plastic barrels ( except the king arms m79s) and plastic all over. The Orion is a peice of safety equipment that has been subject to much more canadian and us government testing than any airsoft gun, uses unrenforced shells, and firies a chemical charge would be subject to much more pressure.

I don' t mean this in a flippaint way, as you both have been around airsoft a lot longer than me, but I would be interested why you gentmen don't think this would work, beyond ." it's stupid"
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Old November 8th, 2012, 00:02   #5
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Somehow a flare may get loaded instead of the airsoft shell.

When you went to shoot someone...
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Old November 8th, 2012, 00:04   #6
Can't fix my own guns. Willing to fix yours.
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well you could accidentally load a flare or a 12 gauge into a goblin or a tanaka 870.. that make them unsafe for gaming? a flare gun is just made of orange plastic instead of black, so why buy a goblin if he has a flare gun thats identical in function

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Old November 8th, 2012, 01:11   #7
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Originally Posted by Off_kilter View Post
Somehow a flare may get loaded instead of the airsoft shell.

When you went to shoot someone...
I agree with this consern, especially when it comes to the real 12 gauge shells.Airsoft shells look just like the real ones. Most Flares don't look the same, however. They are either orange plastic, or very short( they could be confused with "Russians" I suppose.) I know that madbull is working on she'll that fit into rs shotguns for law enforcement training. I was hoping that the airsoft shells would be a little smaller, that way a rs shell couldn't be chambered.
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Old November 8th, 2012, 15:21   #8
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There would be no room for a shell to expand, that is if you get a insert made for it.

I have a WW2 flare gun, more of a small handheld mortar. I would need a insert for it. If I got one made and used it at a game. But someone takes it and loads in a RS, I am will to bet that it would blow apart in there hands.

Like a 3" shell in a 2 3/4" will fit but I wouldn't want to pull the trigger
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Old November 8th, 2012, 15:26   #9
Brian McIlmoyle
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Frankly I'd have no issue with it..

at a reenactment event.. that uses airsoft guns..

there are lots of reenactment events where real guns are used with blanks.. it's not a big deal as long as the users are not total morons.
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Old November 8th, 2012, 19:57   #10
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Thanks for the input guys. I guess when I was writing this , I shouldn't have used the term insert. Maybe that sounded like I thought there was some need for barrel re enforcement. I probably should have said shower shell adapter. I think the sole purpose of the shower shell adaptor would be to keep the shell from rattling around inside. I'm still looking for my flare gun, so I can't give a review of it yet. In the mean time, I decided to search that great repository of all things stupid, YouTube. If you are interested, search. 12 gauge flare gun, and you will see just the kind of people we have been taking about. One thing important that I did learn is that the Orion's have a bevel inside the barrel, I' m guessing to prevent a RS shell going in. ( it doesn't stop rednecks from shortening the shells, however). I think this would prevent airsoft shells from being used, unless they were cut down too. this would start pushing the Fps up, and make them less safe.



Last edited by Retrogrouch; November 8th, 2012 at 20:12.. Reason: Spelling
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