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noob, need help


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Old May 1st, 2013, 17:39   #1
themanwithaAEGsniper's Avatar
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noob, need help

i am relatively new (have yet to play a battle) and i wanted to get an AEG with capablitys of a :sniper but be ready to go into :assault at any time. i wuld like to use it right out of the box.
time for sniperin action! :snipe:
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Old May 1st, 2013, 17:43   #2
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Uh. Okay.

Buy an M14.
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Old May 1st, 2013, 17:43   #3
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Ooh ooh let me tell him...
Get age verified first
I own you bum! I've got money for days!
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Old May 1st, 2013, 17:59   #4
Oh we do hate you, just never felt like wasting the time to give you a user title :P
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I have never seen any gun with the capabilities of a sniper. Guns cant hide or use stealth. They have no bushcraft skills. They cant outsmart their enemy. I think your looking for an aeg that can perform as well as a sniper rifle.
Either an m14 or a psg1 but either way you most likely wont be able to use itaove 400fps if your lucky and its semi auto locked you may be able to use 450fps but youll be limited in ammo weight with that velocity (.36 would likely be as heavy as you can go and thatll be pushin it at 450fps) on top of thst an aeg will never be as consistant as a bolt action. Its just the nature of the beast. Build a good bolt action and carry an mp5k/mp7/mp9 or mac11 or mini uzi then you can go assult when you need.
Originally Posted by m102404 View Post
Hectic....FFS start writing in coherent sentences!!!
Originally Posted by JDoorn View Post
Thanks Hectic,
While your posts are sometimes a difficult read, you sure are helpfull
Lvl. 3 certified sniper
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Old May 1st, 2013, 18:48   #5
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Such a product does not exist. You'll need to buy something and then mod, upgrade and tune it yourself for it to be remotely close to being more accurate than a standard AEG. Building a good one will run you at least $800. What's your budget?

Prepare to be flamed below

Last edited by pestobanana; May 1st, 2013 at 19:29..
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Old May 1st, 2013, 18:58   #6
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m14, sr25.
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Old May 1st, 2013, 19:47   #7
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Originally Posted by themanwithaAEGsniper View Post
i am relatively new (have yet to play a battle) and i wanted to get an AEG with capablitys of a :sniper but be ready to go into :assault at any time. i wuld like to use it right out of the box.
well, considering most AEGS are the same, the range you want would be achieved in barrel length, so therefor a AEG with a Long barrel will suit you, if I interpret this correctly, by assault I'm assuming you mean a AEG that can go full auto. In this case, a m16 or something with that 509 inner barrel and "full auto" should do you just fine.

In the future, a little research before posting and better grammer will yield more serious results if you are looking to ask the community for advice or their opinions.

secondly, in the world of airsoft the ranges of all guns are pretty much the same, your not going to see something thats like OMGWTFBBQ HES PWNING US FROM 200M AWAY, ussually, if he can shoot you, you can shoot him or vice versa
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Old May 1st, 2013, 20:25   #8
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does anyone else sense a potential troll
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Old May 1st, 2013, 20:35   #9
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Originally Posted by pestobanana View Post
does anyone else sense a potential troll
Based on the fact the account was made today clearly just for this question, I'm saying strong yes.
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Old May 1st, 2013, 20:41   #10
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Firstly don`t be so mean for all we know this guy could be some young kid getting into airsoft and secondly i have been playing for 2 years now and am yet to have my account av`d. Getting av`d does not have to be a priority.

As to the request like said most aeg have the same accuracy and to really reach out and touch someone at a distance require alot of upgrading and tuning to your gun. But if you want something that has good distance but you can change over to cqb play for indoor use look for an aeg with a quick change spring or cylinder. This will allow you to easily change the fps of you gun making it cqb legal at 350 fps and increasing your range for outdoor use at 400 fps. also an m4 m-16 platform would give you the option of having more than one upper receiver and barrel assembly. This would give you the advantage of having one barrel longer for ranged play and one shorter for indoor use at the removal of a pin.

This is all pretty basic stuff as i don`t know a whole lot i just don`t think we need to be so hasty in flaming people, he might be an idiot or some kid, or maybe a really cool guy.


Hope to shoot some of you soon!!!
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Old May 1st, 2013, 20:48   #11
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Such a product does exist. Its called an FCC PTW =p
Now if you don't want to spend 3000$ on your first gun, you're out of luck.
You're looking for a DMR, and no matter what you buy (except PTW) it will generally be out classed by upgraded guns.
There is no inexpensive, high performance, semi/full, stock gun. That's just how it is
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Old May 1st, 2013, 21:11   #12
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I just don't understand how he's "themanwithaAEGsniper" but does not have an AEG "sniper."
Views are my own.

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Old May 2nd, 2013, 08:55   #13
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Don't count on sniping with an AEG. If you realy want the look of an DMR check for the m14.
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Old May 3rd, 2013, 11:02   #14
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Originally Posted by DBN_tyrant View Post
Firstly don`t be so mean for all we know this guy could be some young kid getting into airsoft and secondly i have been playing for 2 years now and am yet to have my account av`d. Getting av`d does not have to be a priority.

As to the request like said most aeg have the same accuracy and to really reach out and touch someone at a distance require alot of upgrading and tuning to your gun. But if you want something that has good distance but you can change over to cqb play for indoor use look for an aeg with a quick change spring or cylinder. This will allow you to easily change the fps of you gun making it cqb legal at 350 fps and increasing your range for outdoor use at 400 fps. also an m4 m-16 platform would give you the option of having more than one upper receiver and barrel assembly. This would give you the advantage of having one barrel longer for ranged play and one shorter for indoor use at the removal of a pin.

This is all pretty basic stuff as i don`t know a whole lot i just don`t think we need to be so hasty in flaming people, he might be an idiot or some kid, or maybe a really cool guy.


Hope to shoot some of you soon!!!
Face palms in abundance!

AEG's are limited in range, power, or accuracy potential, as with any gun. You can make certain AEG's very quiet, and make them up for a more stealthy role. Being a sniper is difficult, expensive, and boring in airsoft, and many a new player waists their time and money with dreams of this. Get yourself a reliable assault platform first, and properly upgrade it. If you're planning on jumping from indoor to outdoor, you'll realistically need two guns, as pulling springs isn't easy or terribly worth it on most assemblies. After you have all your gear, and a reliable platform or two; this is when to "try" sniping. Most places require you to have a BA (bolt action) gun to exceed the assault FPS limits. The best platforms are the Tokyo Marui VSR family, or the Maruzen APS-2 family. If you're on a budget, check out the Classic Army M24; but avoid clones at all costs if you're taking this seriously. Expect to put several hundred dollars in high end upgrades into you sniper rifle to make it even remotely game able, or you'll be beaten up badly by all the assault platforms on the field.

A solid DMR like a Tokyo Marui M14 is great when tuned and upgraded properly, but beware of long guns; even an M16, if you're are short or inexperienced. They can be cumbersome, trip you up, and even give away your position.

Getting AV'ed is a very important part of joining the national community, and will give you access to tons of information, not just the classifieds. Plus the experienced members can tell you what to buy, where to buy, and how much to spend so you don't get swindled or talked into buying garbage by a bad retailer. You'll find crack gun doctors for every platform, and a comprehensive set of experienced posts that can answer all your questions.
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Old May 3rd, 2013, 11:21   #15
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It should be in the FAQ not to put sniper in your user name.
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