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Whats the point of age verification...



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Old May 9th, 2023, 04:38   #1
Join Date: May 2023
Whats the point of age verification...

If the person in your area doesn't respond to your PM's?
I understand this isn't a paid position but if they don't respond clearly the system in place is broken.
Is there another way?
I just want to sell a air-soft gun.
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Old May 9th, 2023, 13:06   #2
Canadian Psycho
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Sadly this forum is pretty much dead these days. Everything has moved to discord or reddit or other random platforms based on your area.
The age verification should really just be deleted at this point imo but sadly thats life, it once had a point but the cats out of the bag now
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Old May 14th, 2023, 11:37   #3
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Originally Posted by Canadian Psycho View Post
Sadly this forum is pretty much dead these days. Everything has moved to discord or reddit or other random platforms based on your area.
The age verification should really just be deleted at this point imo but sadly thats life, it once had a point but the cats out of the bag now
Which is a total shame. This forum was once the real information base of airsoft in this country, and it basically went downhill when the zuck lured everyone over to facebook with promises of selling our info to advertisers. Then he turned around and banned airsoft gun sales and none of us apparently have the good sense to come back to a forum where we, as airsofters, have complete control over what can be posted.

Now the community has become a mishmash of whatever the hell places people post and everyone seems quite happy to be cucked by social media platforms. Maybe if we added 'likes' to posts here we'd be able to get traffic back onto ASC.
Age Verifier - Lower Vancouver Island
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Old May 14th, 2023, 14:06   #4
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To have even a slim chance of bringing people back, the site would need a major overhaul, with a new CMS and up to date forum software. We'd need content to lure people back too, maybe a Canadian Airsoft news page were important news could be fed. ASC was completely deaf and mute on the whole C-21 thing. It should have been at the front. This is not likely to happen with the way the forum is run.
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Québec province's master age verification representative.
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Old May 14th, 2023, 14:11   #5
Canadian Psycho
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It really is a shame, there is so much knowledge here. I miss this place when it was active. I know the age verification pushed alot away, wish theyd roll that back and hopefully bring people back.

Who is even in charge here now? i don't see any of the old super mods anymore
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Old June 11th, 2023, 12:34   #6
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I have tons of people messaging me regularly from out of province saying they can't ever get in touch with AV reps, and when I actually submit people for verification the list just doesn't get updated. Have one fellow right now who's been waiting over a month.

This forum is sadly on life-support now and it doesn't seem like anyone is actually running it or taking care of the day-to-day.

Honestly I'm actually amazed that a community built around such an ancient vBulletin platform lasted as long as it did, frankly. The whole thing is just beyond archaic and convoluted
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Old July 10th, 2023, 09:01   #7
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Originally Posted by Sentenced2Burn View Post
This forum is sadly on life-support now and it doesn't seem like anyone is actually running it or taking care of the day-to-day.

Honestly I'm actually amazed that a community built around such an ancient vBulletin platform lasted as long as it did, frankly. The whole thing is just beyond archaic and convoluted
They have gotten many offers in the past from pretty big community members to take over and modernize to get ASC back on track. They were responsive then but only because they had a very unrealistic $$$ amount they wanted for it.
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Old July 10th, 2023, 14:05   #8
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They should have taken some money while they could... because today they'd need to pay us to rehabilitate the site, there's so much work involved. It would be simpler to start over from nothing and write a fancy script to import the messages into a new system... and we don't even need the original data, for that, it would be pretty trivial to scrape the site.
Keep quiet. Sound travels faster than BBs.

Québec province's master age verification representative.
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Old July 10th, 2023, 22:53   #9
Canadian Psycho
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sadly so true. Once this place had all the best info and tech resources. Was perusing redwolf the other day and even they linked to ASC for estimated velocities from springs. Would be amazing to see this site come back what from its become, i hate how seperate things are now, and that its all facebook which is impossible to keep track of whats being discussed ongoing not to mention how difficult it is to get game info posted when theres 20 different tiny facebook groups/discord/reddit locations.
"Those who have long enjoyed such privileges as we enjoy, forget in time that men have died to win them"
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