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Old March 1st, 2014, 20:27   #16
Join Date: Feb 2005
my rm4 is 390fps perfect for 400fps field limits
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Old March 1st, 2014, 22:00   #17
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Going back to your first post, I have a TM Scar H and it's awesome. The recoil is far less than any gbbr though. It's honestly not too noticeable but you the gun stops firing (if you use midcaps) when empty and you have to press the bolt release to continue firing.
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Old March 1st, 2014, 22:15   #18
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Originally Posted by Stealth View Post
That kills the appeal for me - it's basically a vibrating AEG to me at that point.

That having been said, the ERG's bolt-lock mechanism seemed a bit flimsy to me - it relies on a proprietary 0.5mm thick pot-metal bar riding under the mechbox.
Agreed, the Bolt B4 has nicer recoil but lacks the realism I want. Though, the first time I tried the KWA RM4 I thought it was pretty much a vibrating AEG as the "recoil" wasn't as impressive as I expected it to be. Recoil also feels like its located farther forwards towards the receiver, than in the buffer tube like the B4. Still, its better than a normal AEG and the proprietary mags are cheap compared to GBBR mags.

Hopefully the 2014 version has a beefed up bolt lock mechanism and some of the issues fixed. Looking forward to checking them out when someone local gets them in stock.
Just your friendly neighborhood narcissist gearwhore.
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Old March 14th, 2014, 18:39   #19
Join Date: Mar 2014
I Test Fired the BOLT B4 SOPMOD and the KWA RM4 SCOUT

I just test fired both of these bad boys yesterday.....i was truly impressed by both....

the bolt recoil system is superb, and the kwa RM4 recoil is very good. if the Bolt recoil system was 10/10, then the kwa recoil would be 9/10 or 8/10. the difference is BARELY noticeable. Also, the bolt is extremely accurate. i tested fire at 25 ft. i would give the accuracy a 10/10. the bolt b4 has a 6.01mm tightbore barrel. as for the kwa rm4, i would give a 9.5/10 for accuracy. the difference is negligible though. Moreover, if you like the moving / sliding bolt action, then the bolt b4 has that and it's pretty cool. the kwa doesn't. but it's not that big of a deal to me. Lastly, if you like the bolt stop (e.g., stop firing when mag is empty), then the kwa has that feature but the bolt b4 does not. but it's not that big of a deal to me.

In conclusion, based purely on my test firing, i would give the bolt b4 sopmod the slight edge over kwa rm4 scout. i would rate the b4 a 9.5/10 and the kwa rm4 a 9.4/10. but i think you will be very pleased with either choice. However, as for durability, i heard the kwa is more reliable and the bolt will have more issues. Originally, i had my heart set on getting a Bolt....but now (because i get easily worried and perhaps overly cautious about durability/reliability concerns), i think i'm going to wait for the KWA 2014 ERG.

Last edited by FeasorOfTorts; March 14th, 2014 at 18:45..
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