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All I see is G&G


Airsoft Guns Discussion

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Old March 16th, 2014, 10:46   #1
mzo's Avatar
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All I see is G&G

When I got into airsoft a couple of years ago I came to the conclusion, based on what I had read and had been told, that G&G guns are not that good.

However G&G is every where, at least here in the GTA. Some stores are almost entirely made up of G&G, even at the Airsoft Convention there were more G&Gs than any other brand.

Does anyone know why G&G is so prevalent?

Also has their quality improved or was I misinformed about their quality to begin with?

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Old March 16th, 2014, 11:16   #2
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G&G has seriously stepped up their game, and a lot of models that people based their opinion on during the Cansoft days were those crappy budget 'Combat machines'.

Now most G&G toptech guns are well built and reliable, a good portion of my collection is G&G.

Last edited by Strelok; March 16th, 2014 at 11:23..
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Old March 16th, 2014, 11:19   #3
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IMO they're average.

I personally wouldn't get one unless it was from their Top Tech line (even then I'd probably stray towards G&P or VFC at that kind of price). Also their "Combat Machine" line is a joke IMO, I'm not sure how true this is but I heard (don't remember where and it's probably an unreliable source) the CM gearboxes use "lower tier"/binned parts compared to their "regular" line which use parts from batches that have better tolerances. Again, not sure if it's true or not but it kind of makes sense, not to have 2 production lines for different parts but to put parts that don't meet the higher QC standards into lower bins (eg. Phenom 955 vs Phenom 555 CPU chips).

Reason why they're prevalent is because they were one of the first to establish a strong foothold in Canada/US with average guns at reasonable-ish prices. I don't know how their story is for the US but in Canada around 08-ish they were being imported in decently high volume for Canada and could undercut everyone else like Classic Army, G&P, TM, etc. who usually had higher prices that were only slowly falling down.

Then you have concepts like product inertia and first to market where competitors need to try and catch up but can't because of the prevalence of another product (eg. Dvorak vs qwerty keyboard).

tl;dr Billy 12 year old gets a G&G (an average gun for an average price) because it's awesome and better than the CT/Wally world specials and all his friends want one now disregarding other brands like G&P, VFC, TM, CA, KA, JG etc. Momentum keeps G&G "winning" compared to other brands that might have the same or slightly better products.

Personally I don't own any G&G but I've kind of curbed my airsoft purchases for now trying to save up for other stuff (a KTM Duke and Carbon 29er MTB).
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Last edited by L473ncy; March 16th, 2014 at 11:21..
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Old March 16th, 2014, 11:37   #4
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G&G is everywhere because they are money makers. They are average guns but retailers get good prices on them compared to other brands.

I've worked on a few, they are not bad internally but I find their externals lacking.
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Old March 16th, 2014, 13:54   #5
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You can run these guns stock for extended periods of time with little maintenance. The other most obvious reason is compared to brands like VFC or G&P is that those 2 have many issues preforming for extended periods of time. You are paying for the body that they have. TM is harder to find and has been for a long time due to how they viewed at the border. I'm surprised though that CA isn't more popular but then again that could be a cost thing. People want things cheap.

G&P, VFC great externals, poor reliability, higher price
CA good externals, good reliability, higher price
G&G average externals, good reliability, average price
TM average externals, good reliability, higher price
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Old March 16th, 2014, 13:56   #6
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Yeah I wasn't impressed with their externals either, then again it might have been one of their combat machine airsoft guns.

Also as L473ncy mentioned I think I would be better off spending money on a VFC or in my case LCT than G&G's top tech line. I'm looking for a solid aeg AK and I'm guessing LCT over top tech.

Kudos to G&G for improving their reputation (top tech) and becoming prevalent in the market, but for now I'm still sticking with the more established brands for high end AEGs.

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Old March 16th, 2014, 14:00   #7
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Profit margin is huge, and there are wholesales local that have it
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Old March 16th, 2014, 15:04   #8
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G&G was first to take the Canadian market seriously. They didn't just take on distributors in Canada, they took on 3 seriously established wholesale distributors in Canada,
Unfortunately they all ended up being in the GTA area..
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Old March 16th, 2014, 15:33   #9
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I've got nothing against G&G but that's all some retailers carry. As a consumer, it's nice to have different choices. That's why I'm a fan of stores like Toronto airsoft, airsoft depot, niagara quartermaster. Not only do they carry different brands but they can order in stuff.
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Old March 16th, 2014, 16:06   #10
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I used to have an m4(7or8 years ago) and currently have an m14ebr(amazing look and feel). M4 took alot of abuse and kept going for a long time especially considering it was an entry level plastic body. I've had the m14 for 2 years now without issue, she's a great gun. I also have an Xtreme45 pistol and while she is intermittently leaky, packs a good punch, and fires hot(I play outdoors so this is a good thing for me). G&G builds a good gun(decent internals, upgradeable, good compatibility) for a good price. I would recommend their product, and have.
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Old March 16th, 2014, 17:07   #11
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From what I've seen G&G has also got some decent bolt action rifles. The G980 (Kar98k) is a sturdy little gas rifle and they've also got a few designs (WW2) coming out that look to be leaps and bounds over most other manufacturers. They look to be putting an honest effort into their production runs.
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Old March 16th, 2014, 17:25   #12
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While their AR line is pretty meh, they've got some exellent guns. Their Sigs, UMP, AK5C, M14s and G3s are great. I was greatly surprised by the build quality of their new AKs (LCT bodies I believe)

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Old March 16th, 2014, 17:30   #13
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Other then my CA AK, I own 2 G@G Rifles.
My 6 year old G@G M4 has been modded too the tits But other then that is rock solid.
My EBR Is the Best machine I have ever shot.
Its Good for 200+ feet on a dime, Its 16 BPS Stock If you use the Auto, I don't.
Its rock solid, Not a Cyma.

It was worth every cent spent.

I will Never look at G@G as average, They perform with the best, Proven by my EBR.

Anyone care too test this, Ill put my stock G@G TopTech EBR up against any DMR Or AR, Ill Also sweeten the pot by adding a 50$ bet saying this gun with my Shooter can match any top end DMR/AR gun out their.
B.A. Level 3 Cert.
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Old March 16th, 2014, 19:16   #14
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In my experience, and also of others/friends I know that have had to deal with G&G, they also have probably one of the best airsoft customer service/support.

Parts, and stuff are super easy to order and get ahold of imo. No stupid answers like with ICS which require you to contact your local distributor (need to spend min $5k before they will deal with you, and ended up having to buy stuff overseas retailers via friends in person since the local distributor doesn't have stock/stock the items I want). *To be fair, getting TM parts are annoying too, but thankfully, you don't often need to deal with TM.*

Never had an OOS issue buying parts and accessories from G&G yet either.

I only have 2 G&G guns though (Kar98 and Scar L).

Last edited by kaiu; March 16th, 2014 at 19:21..
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Old March 16th, 2014, 19:28   #15
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I'm very confident with the Toptech line of M4s. Mines has never let me down, and with minimum upgrades (just a new inner barrel) it's everything I need it for.

The blowback mechanic is a gimmick, as you can barrely feal any difference, however it does make it so the gun produces a beefier report than the standard zzzip zzzip.
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