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Airsoft Guns Discussion

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Old December 9th, 2014, 18:47   #1
Trendkilla's Avatar
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Help me with a friendly argument

Is it illegal to make your own airsoft gun. We were discussing on making a bulpup AK AEG. . Would it be illegal in any way .. As copy rights or making receiver at machine shop etc. And buying gearbox barrels grips trigger mech etc. Who wins this battle .
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Old December 9th, 2014, 18:59   #2
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I'm no expert. But here's the deal if you want to be 100% on the level, in my opinion.

You can make firearms (non-restricted) so long as you have a PAL and they conform to the standards set forth by the definitions of non-restricted. You may never sell them. *Nor may you monetize the production of any restricted parts (receivers) without a business firearms license.

By that logic you can make an airsoft gun, so long as it conforms to the definition of an unregulated firearm. You may never sell it.

That being said. Go for it. Don't be stupid with regards to making it in the machine shop (inform your supervisor what you are doing and never have an assembled firearm in the shop, etc... For me this is coming from using my college's machine shop. All of my direct proff's know what I'm doing, and the supervisor on duty is informed by me before I start any work.)

EDIT: Note: I have not made any receivers, yet, just internals for my bolt action.

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Last edited by ShelledPants; December 9th, 2014 at 19:05..
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Old December 9th, 2014, 19:08   #3
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Here's my take on it. Technically it's illegal to manufacture prohibited parts. If you were to modify an existing unregulated firearm though it should be OK. Or you could fabricate your stuff like Killbucket and Renegadecow but those guys aren't based out of Canada (they're based out of the USA and Philippines respectively).
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Old December 9th, 2014, 19:30   #4
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You can make any part so long as it is not able to be modified to fire live ammunition if you do not have a PAL. If you do, you can only make parts for certain classifications of firearms.

As for the airsoft only parts, what parts are we talking about? You can make any part so long as it does not have the markings e.g. FN, Colt, HK, etc., because you need special licensing for those trademarks, just as many airsoft manufacturers have done so e.g. ARES, some Tokyo Marui, VFC, etc. vs those that do not e.g. JG, some Cybergun, etc.

As for the airsoft specific parts like gearboxes: don't quote me on this, but the gearboxes themselves are Japanese origin and do not have patents on them. The history is that Tokyo Marui never patented Vx gearboxes so that other manufacturers could also prosper from their design and increase the airsoft market. That being said, you can make the gearboxes.

As for receivers and such, they're mostly legal to make so long as they are not compatible with real steel, and if they are, that you have PAL documentation.
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Old December 9th, 2014, 20:24   #5
mcguyver's Avatar
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Bullpup stocks are a named prohibited item under the CCC. The working definition of what that means is a stock that added to an already functioning gun. To determine legality, the instance if the Walther G22 comes to mind. It is functional with the stock removed, therefore the stock (and in this instance the entire gun) is prohibited.

Now, that being said, the airsoft version of the G22 does not appear to be prohibited like the real one is.

You are definately in a grey area, and the choice of stock is the key. If it is a real stock, definately prohibited, no question. If it is an airsoft stock, most probably OK.
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Old December 9th, 2014, 21:31   #6
Not Eye Safe, Pretty Boy Maximus on the field take his picture!
ThunderCactus's Avatar
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I would say as long as it falls within the 783fps(5.7j) area of an uncontrolled firearm, and the 366fps minimum just to be 100% safe, then it's an uncontrolled firearm and you can pretty much do whatever the heck you want...
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Old December 9th, 2014, 21:49   #7
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My understanding of the Firearms Act, Criminal Code of Canada is this:

It is legal for you to make a bullpup AK AEG as long as none of the parts are compatible with a real steel AK. Aftermarket bull pup stocks for firearms are illegal, but if the firearm is designed as a bullpup, it is legal. Making an AK style bullpup yourself shouldn't be an issue, as long as it's made specifically as an airsoft gun.
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Old December 9th, 2014, 22:17   #8
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Nice to read. Eventually I'll finish my SKS, and I've been daydreaming about having an airsoft Bushmaster M17S.

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Old December 9th, 2014, 23:10   #9
"bb bukakke" KING!
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are you making a scifi gun or a reproduction of something real?

There is no limitations on making a scifi gun. you can even make it shoot less than 366 because it's not a replica of a real gun by the rule of the wording in the importation regulations. I would imagine though if it's gun looking enough, you could be brought up on firearms related charges if it's used in the commission of a crime.
I futz with V2s, V3s and V6s. I could be wrong... but probably, most likely not, as far as I know.
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