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Tactical boots


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Old September 4th, 2015, 20:15   #1
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Tactical boots

Okay guys and gals I'm looking for a pair of brown colour light weight tactical boots. They need to fit my 11.5 wide size feet. Give me some suggestions and if possible photos would be great!
Thanks in advance
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Old September 4th, 2015, 21:00   #2
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Wear Hiking. Save your feet.

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Old September 4th, 2015, 21:07   #3
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try 5.11 or swat original
but hikers are much better, it all depends on your budget
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Old September 4th, 2015, 21:49   #4
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Originally Posted by redzaku View Post
try 5.11 or swat original
but hikers are much better, it all depends on your budget
Yeah i wear the Keen Oregon PCT

I can walk through a swamp and my feet are dry. They're like self cleaning lol. I swear after that there was no mud on them. But get what's comfortable. I wear them for everything that's recreational, as in camping, hiking, airsoft or in the winter. And they're lasting. I say spend the money and get something good once, so you're not replacing boots every year. Up to you. Paid almost $300

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Old September 5th, 2015, 01:03   #5
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I second the Keen's. Great boots, I've been using mine for almost 5 years, and I'm just thinking about replacing them now. They've held up so well, and are so comfy, it's created quite a bit of brand loyalty for me. The Lowa z-8s gtx are amazing boots too though...
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Old September 5th, 2015, 08:33   #6
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I have really wide feet, I've tried the keens and a few others, I ended up needing to pay more to get the lowa renegades because they were the widest I could find that were gortex/waterproof.
I futz with V2s, V3s and V6s. I could be wrong... but probably, most likely not, as far as I know.
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Old September 5th, 2015, 13:31   #7
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Rocky S2Vs are available in coyote brown and a wide size. I have what I consider to be wide feet and the regular width S2V fits me with a little room to spare. The S2Vs are expensive but they will last (Vibram soles and triple stitching) while cheaper boots (SWAT, 5.11) will have a worn out sole in much less time than you'd like.

FWIW I avoid boots with a Goretex lining because once the membrane becomes dirty (mostly with salt from perspiration) there is no way to effectively clean it and it will actually wick moisture through to your feet. Any waterproof breathable membrane is only effective as long as you keep it clean (wash a lot and dry it hot is the care regime). Salt deposits from evaporation are the number one enemy of any waterproof breathable fabric which is why such products are not recommended for use in salt water environments.

Every single pair of Goretex lined boots I have owned has started to leak at some point (some sooner than one would expect). I personally prefer Goretex socks as they are easy to wash to ensure continued water repellency.

That being said, Keens are pretty awesome boots (I own three pairs) and they use wider lasts than most vendors.
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Old September 5th, 2015, 13:35   #8
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I love LOWA and Salomon boots.
My Salomon are my summer light weight boots. They are in pretty low keys grey colors and once dirty, they look like dirt.

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Old September 5th, 2015, 19:47   #9
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I have a pair of Bates Zero Mass combat boots size 12 men's for sale. They are tan, I don't know if that's too far from brown for you. Anyways, they are unused, completely brand new. 8 inch ankle support with drainage system. Here's the best part, they weigh less than a modern running shoe each. They're about 12 - 14 ounces or so each. I can't tell you for sure if your foot will fit, but sometimes I require a size 13 and these for me fine.

Other than that. Oakley, Nike and a few other companies make Coyote brown tac boots. Under armor does too I think.
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Old September 6th, 2015, 01:23   #10
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Salomon Quest 2 4D.
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Old September 6th, 2015, 13:21   #11
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Wow thanks everyone for the great list of boots! I can't afford to be dropping $300. on a pair of boots. Half that price would be in my budget.
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Old September 6th, 2015, 14:50   #12
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this gets discussed every few weeks or so seems. as a dude with all sorts of foot issues, all I can tell you is to go and try on a bunch. the key to fit is called the last, shoemaker speak for the anatomical model on which the shoe is built. every manufacture has different ones and even between models, can fit totally differently.

I desperately wanted the saloman quest 4d, but I can't even get my foot in past the ankle unless about 1/5 of the width of my foot gets lopped off. keens, which have a rep for fitting wide were completely the wrong shape and would probably make the front half of my foot lose blood flow if I wore them for any amount of time. I ended up in a wide merrell and am totally happy...with that pair. tried a couple others that didn't fit at all.

same deal with "tactical" boots. magnum wides are great for me, danners and 5.10s and a couple others I can wiggle into but they'll probably give me bunions eventually.

same deal with regular shoes. my dad for example is a 2e but can wear regular shoes given the right last. my poor mum has near e feet but can squeeze her feet into nearly anything because of a lifetimes worth of experience. I'm a 4e, but my current pair is a 2e because its the same last as my last 6 pairs and I know I had room to spare.

this is all to say go to your local store and try everything. we can recommend everything we wear but if you've got non human shaped feet it won't help you.
too busy tinkering to play.
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Old September 6th, 2015, 22:39   #13
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Wind_Comm you are Absolutely right about going out and trying them on first! I could never, ever buy shoes on line. I have a 3E foot and find it hard to get shoes wide enough. Plus I have huge calf's so tall boots are even more of a problem for me!
I'm going to head over to Sail and then MEC and see what I can find to me. I do like those Keen Oregon's and the price is under $200. Got to try em on first!
Thanks again everyone!

Last edited by jomor; September 6th, 2015 at 22:40.. Reason: spelling
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