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Smith OTW turbo fan doesent fit.


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Old September 17th, 2015, 00:03   #1
Join Date: Sep 2015
Location: North Vancouver
Smith OTW turbo fan doesent fit.

Hey guys. I am new to airsoft and am doing research while slowly acquiring the basics I need to play. Not wanting to cheap out on protection I bought a pair of Smith OTW turbo fan goggles from buyairsoft. The problem is they don't fit.

The goggles when put on and tightened lift up around the bridge of my nose and forehead area. The gap between the goggle and my face is enough to get my pinkie in there with relative ease. I have tried various strap lengths and there is always at least a bit of a gap in either my forehead or nose area. I know these goggles come with Asian fit styles but buyairsoft does not specify which style they sell so I (stupidly) assumed it would be regular fit (I am central European descent). If I pull the lens out they fit perfectly and feel like the lens needs to be flattened just a bit to fit nice.

How likely is it that I got an Asian fit goggle by accident? How can I tell/what are the differences between the two fit styles.

Is there anything I can do to modify these goggles to fit without compromising their protective integrity? Would gently clamping the lens and slowly heating them work?

I heard the goggles are supposed to work with a helmet, is this issue caused by me not wearing a helmet if the goggles are meant for the wider profile of headgear? If so what do you recommend I do? I prefer to spend money elsewhere first as helmet is not high on to buy list.

Should I maybe accept that I am stupid to buy online without trying on first (007 airsoft was sold out of ALL eye protection) and hand it over to my girlfriend? They fit her surprisingly well considering her small size.

Many thanks for any help you can provide.
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Old September 22nd, 2015, 11:06   #2's Avatar
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Sorry to hear that the Smith OTW goggles that you received from us are not fitting you correctly. Please email us with the order number as well as a picture of the product box, we can double check that you did not receive the wrong goggles by accident. You can email us at
Please contact us before you attempt to modify the goggles as doing this will void the warranty. We look forward to helping you resolve this issue.
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Old September 23rd, 2015, 01:53   #3
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Thank you for offering Buyairsoft but I no longer have the box. I remember scanning the box thoroughly and it did not mention anything about the fit style. After looking around a bit more I think Asian fit would mean a flatter goggle. Perhaps with me and my big ass head I might actually want an Asian fit while regular fit doesn't seal properly on my face.

Honestly though this is my fault for not researching more about fit sizes and styles and I don't hold Buyairsoft accountable at all. I guess when I am age verified it will be off to the classifieds.
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Old September 23rd, 2015, 11:08   #4
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Asian fit is wider and flatter. I've tried regular goggles and I get the same issue you do because they are too narrow and the centre part lifts from the face.
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Old September 23rd, 2015, 13:26   #5
Oh we do hate you, just never felt like wasting the time to give you a user title :P
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Yeah I learned the expensive way about eyepro. Go into a tactical supply shop and try em on. Only way to get a good fit.
Originally Posted by m102404 View Post
Hectic....FFS start writing in coherent sentences!!!
Originally Posted by JDoorn View Post
Thanks Hectic,
While your posts are sometimes a difficult read, you sure are helpfull
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Old September 29th, 2015, 16:10   #6
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Good News!

So being a cheapskate I refused to give up on the expensive goggles and tried to mod them. I started with the clear lens and ended up melting them with my heat gun. Making the best of the situation I decided to use the melted clears to test the melting point and structural integrity of the modded lens. With my Duratrax flashpoint thermometer I measured that the lens starts melting at a very rough 180-200 degrees Celsius. Next I fired point blank, full auto at the melted area with .25 at 400fps. Lens EASILY survived with minor divots. With the information I learned I was much more careful and ultimately successful at flattening the dark lens that came with the goggles. Here is how I did it:

I flattened the lens with a clamp right in the middle of the lens. Next I heated the lens slowly with my heat gun while checking temperatures with my thermometer. I would check temperatures in multiple points around the lens as I want as little temperature difference as possible. Once my thermometer showed 120C I became very careful and monitored the temperature more thoroughly. The goal was to get as much of the lens hovering around 125C-130C for about 5 min or so. If the temp went over 135 I would let it cool for 20-30s while keeping a close eye on the thermometer. After 5 or so minutes at max temp I would let it cool completely and go do other things. I would leave it clamped and do 2-5 heating cycles in a day depending on how much free time I had.

After 3 days I flipped it over and clamped the lens at the edges and repeated as above. The only difference is I had to be extra careful with the temp at the bridge of the goggle as that area seemed to heat up really fast and dissipate slowly. After a week I went from goggles that I could fit a finger around my nose to goggles that seal perfectly, even with a very, very loose strap.

This process does take a few days but your actual time devoted to it per day is very minimal. Just leave the lens clamped until you have time to get back to it. Let me know what you think of my write up. If you think its worthwhile I can do a more in depth guide with pictures and post it in the appropriate sub-forum.
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Old October 1st, 2015, 08:39   #7
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Hmm , im a bit skeptical in the sense that i love my beautifull blue eyes ( so my gf says ). Heating and cooling plastic can change the proprieties of a material. Im the kind of guy who change the lense when i get shot in the lense and i see a scratch. But the more important is that you dont get hurt
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Old October 1st, 2015, 09:38   #8
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Rule 1:

- Never cheap out on eye pro.

Rule 2:

- Never cheap out on knee pads,
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