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Front Cover Markham paper: Proposed Ban of Sale, Possession of replica firearms...



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Old September 17th, 2006, 15:04   #61
Amazing KG3
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Originally Posted by Kedirkin
Originally Posted by Amazing KG3
we represent the whole country.
Not a chance, but nice try. There is a substantial airsoft population, much larger than the online community, which has never heard of ASC.

If we proposed a 18+ rule our selves, would that show responsibility on our behalf, and possibly show how serious we are about this?
Well, it's an issue of what you're trying to accomplish. You say, "show responsibility on our behalf." Who are you trying to show responsibility to? To what end?

Whatever agenda you might be trying to articulate, the fact is that changes to the laws we deal with ultimately require a legislative amendment, which isn't really feasible at this time. I had articulated my thoughts on this in another thread.

Although certainly well-meaning in your intent, I don't see enough here to bring forward to anyone.


True, I agree, again it was just an idea, and i dont understand the articulation of the proposition, but an idea no the less isnt a bad place to start.
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Old September 17th, 2006, 15:13   #62
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When I got my airgun from CT like 5 yrs back, they did check my ID and made a record of it. That system might still be in place for airguns. Just not sure about the clearsoft.

There has been a lot of ideas flowing through this thread, however even if they are implemented, there is no way for us to show to the media, gov't or general public how our self-governing body works doesn't matter how efficient it is.
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Old September 17th, 2006, 15:28   #63
deep in the bush
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Originally Posted by Freedom Fighter
Originally Posted by Cortexburn
I hear about crimes commited with replica guns....but have yet to see a statistic. Anyone find one floating around? I'm betting the occurance of this is blown WAY out of proportion.
Politicians would do no such thing ... you can trust them, totally.

YRP say 32 percent of all robberies use "replica guns" - they do not say what type or what the are if they are mofdel guns, painted clearsoft, lighters (pistol lighters) or airsoft ... no stats on that yet...but still digging

- now don't get me wrong i am just relaying information.
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Old September 17th, 2006, 15:42   #64
PTE. Pyle
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there is an even simpilar solution only reps from clubs can order ONLY. they can then sell to their members ONLY. nobody but people who play the game can purchase guns. if you dont play you dont need the gun.
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Old September 17th, 2006, 15:47   #65
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Originally Posted by Kedirkin
This has the dual effect of both making councillors impossible to reason with as well as encouraging them to come up with silly ideas like municipal by-laws that they would have no authority to pass.
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Old September 17th, 2006, 16:07   #66
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PTE PYLE, that might not work. For instance there is a club in Smith Falls that allows patrons to smoke because it is a private club for smokers. But the owner is being charged with anti-smoking legislature even throught the club is supposed to be private. However a club in Montreal allows swingers to go... well you know what swingers do.

It just seems that an attempt that way won't go over so well.

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Old September 17th, 2006, 16:53   #67
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My personal opinion is you should have a "airsoft rated licence" or restricted to even get the ones at ct never mind our type of gear.

Reason 1 makes sure no newbies get shot.
Reason 2 makes sure there's less of that "mommy can you buy this for me" mom buys
(The parents would know why there kid cant buy it and is less likely)
It would make the airsoft community look more responsible.

There's many more. But airsoft guns should not be falling under replica fire arms. They should fall under low threat firearms. They are after all a projectile launcher. That can do harm. Not much but just the same can do harm.
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Old September 17th, 2006, 17:08   #68
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if they would just enforce the laws we have we wouldn't have so much of a problem. possesion under the age of 18 is a crime and if you use an airsoft gun in the commition of a crime your charged as if it were real. England is already dealing with a stupid law like this and are fighting to get playing airsoft as a valid reason for owning them. seems to be working as it hasn't been banned there yet


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Old September 17th, 2006, 17:38   #69
PTE. Pyle
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Originally Posted by Dracheous
PTE PYLE, that might not work. For instance there is a club in Smith Falls that allows patrons to smoke because it is a private club for smokers. But the owner is being charged with anti-smoking legislature even throught the club is supposed to be private. However a club in Montreal allows swingers to go... well you know what swingers do.

It just seems that an attempt that way won't go over so well.
im just curious what smoking and swinging have in commone. smoking has been ban not for the safety of patrons private or not but for the safety of the people who work at these places. swinging is not illegal, there are no bylaws that say 2 concenting people cannot have sex. just because it is in a public venue that is rented for the lose purose of that event puts no one at harm.

now to the airsoft side of this, i fail to see how this has anything to do with what you mensioned. if we could eliminate 100% of airsoft guns getting in to the hands of people who are not members of airsoft clubs then what is the problem. there are prohibited firearms yet members of certian clubs that use a prohibited calliber of ammo or a prohibited firearm can under certian circumstances use prohibited weapons. this is no differance all in all airsoft is prohibited, due to the fact that airsoft guns are replica firearms. so if we got rid of the flow of guns and you had to go through an actual club to posess these weapons how could there be any problem. lets face it no matter what the government bans of people want it bad enough they will still find ways to do it. all im sugesting is a possible way to let us keep out game and our guns and not be criminals, or living in fear of seisure.

unfortunatly this would allso get rid of 80% of retailers. allthough the ones that would remain woud have the sole market.
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Old September 17th, 2006, 21:02   #70
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Originally Posted by Jake
Price is part of the problem with kids buying these, but parents have deep pockets. Just look at the prices for Xbox 360 and the new Sony ps3. The Sony is going to sell for $650 in Canada. I am willing to bet a lot of kids will get something that expensive under the tree this year. If some parents will fork out that amount of cash for a game system, some will do it for airsoft as well.
That's also true Jake, because most parents want their children to be happy, and get them whatever they need to be happy.
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Old September 17th, 2006, 21:51   #71
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There've been a lot of replies to the original post so excuse if I say something that has been said in another post I haven't read.

Would it be advantageous to have several of our senior members, that we trust and understand politics / english language, step up to city council and let them know they represent our community? Basically tell the law makers that they are the experts around Airsoft, the replicas and the games and should be used as reference to assist with the law making. This way we won't have a bunch of unknowledgable (?) politicians making decisions for our future without our input.

The representatives can then reinforce the 18+ lock out of sales we currently follow but work to define conditions around ownership, participation in games that meet middle ground for what our Airsoft community wants vs. what the politicians want to do as a whole.

Basically we need to let them know that an organized community exists, we are willing to work with police and law makers, but we need to allowed input in our future and reinforce the size of our community and our presence in YORK region or other areas that may be effected. (Elections are coming up and I'm willing vote against anyone that doesn't listen.)

Worse case, if an all out ban happens then I say we hide this forum and website and make it by invitation only. We can allow the current user base to exist and simply have no more future members except those recommended by existing members. I also suggest we hide the Gallery section and all but the general and Off-topic sections areas from non registered users, if this isn't already done. * This are extreme steps to use if we have an all out ban, we don't need to panic as the article may just be a political ploy to buy votes and in the end may just fizzle.
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Old September 18th, 2006, 07:00   #72
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Again, there are two problems here. One is idiots, one is the government.

The government has the power to totally screw us. Our solution really IS simple.

If idiots continue to get guns, the government will eventually step in and FORCE a solution. We will have NO choice. Do you want that? I dont, but there are just too many retards out there. We see a fine sample logging on here almost every day.

Our solution is to adopt several of the more useful 'real gun' rules.

1) Over 18, period. Not 16 with parent's consent, 18. No excuses.
2) Must be able to prove they have a place to play (as for Restricted weapons, where you need a real range).
3) PAL, or something similar, to purchase. We have age-verification, it serves pretty much the same purpose and should be enough. We may just have to add a few more verifiers to the list.
4) No bullshit to be taken from minors. If they say Daddy approves, then have Daddy contact us.

Airsoft is a privilege, not a right. If we dont enforce our own rules, expect to have rules shoved down our throaths by force of Law. Then have fun fighting that... It's happening to real gun owners all the time. You dont want to experience that.
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Old September 18th, 2006, 08:40   #73
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Wow. I can't beleive this thread didn't get trashed. I was convinced this would get out of control and get ditched.

There's hope for Airsoft afterall.....
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Old September 18th, 2006, 09:10   #74
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Yes, I agree

The only way people should get airsoft is after a lengthy psychological assessment, PAL-like licenses and possibly little chips implanted in our hands to verify that we're allowed to use our @#%$in TOYS preteen kids play with in the streets in other countries!

Ok, now everyone continue to panic about our spor... i mean hobby

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Old September 18th, 2006, 09:46   #75
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Personally, I would just like to say that if I was at a quick stop and a guy came in with a gun, I would much rather it be an replica. Worst case then is he hits me with it, or shoots me with a BB if he gets pissed off. With a real gun, if he gets mad, I'm dead.

I would perosnally rather have replicas easier to get, for criminals and others. If criminals had easy access to that, it may be chosen over a real gun.
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