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Old December 19th, 2006, 16:16   #16
Join Date: Dec 2005
Location: Ottawa
Upgrading both TM and CA are about the same for amount of time required and I don't recommend doing your own mechbox work if you havnt done it before, get a gun doc to do it or get a gun doc to sit there and advise you as you to it, best way to learn.

The parts are fairly easily interchangable, I just put a CA large battery hand guard on my TM G36c and I had to file out the pin hole a little as the hand guard pin just barely didn't fit. CA and TM are fairly close to the same colour (noticable difference but not obvious except close up), its STAR parts that are really different, a much lighter grey.

Also don't neglect barrel length, if your playing mostly close range games or your a smaller person you would want a smaller gun but I see all kinds of players going for really short guns (M4's, CQBR's, G36c's) and avoiding large conventional rifles (G36's, M16's, etc.) and then upgrading the hell out of them to play long range field games with them. My CA36 and a teammates TM G36c have exactly the same upgrades in them (Prometheus M110 spring, bearing spring guide, metal bushings, tightbore) and my CA36 is shooting 390fps and his G36c is shooting 360fps, all barrel length. I get a noticable accuracy increase as well. Buy the right gun for the job, thats why I have both a G36 and G36c. A G36k is a good middle ground.

It'll work great out of the box but the piston will fail eventually, you don't really need to replace it till it breaks but if your doing other upgrades its a good idea to replace the piston while your at it. My CA M15A4 (same piston problem) I ran through 5000-7000 rounds with zero problems, my CA36 went through 3000-4000 rounds before I swapped it for a TM one and it only had slight signs of wear on it. It may be crappy and brittle but it doesnt mean its going to break right away, you should be able to get at least a season out of it as long as you don't hose.

Last edited by LUTNIT; December 19th, 2006 at 16:23..
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Old December 19th, 2006, 22:55   #17
Amazing KG3
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yes i did unfortunatley... : P
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Old December 20th, 2006, 01:11   #18
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Originally Posted by TokyoSeven
a Systema PTW is like KD, where the noodles are plated in gold and the cheese sauce is actually a pool of hot naked women.
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Old December 21st, 2006, 17:27   #19
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Originally Posted by LUTNIT View Post
It may be crappy and brittle but it doesnt mean its going to break right away, you should be able to get at least a season out of it as long as you don't hose.
alright, i'll keep an eye on that then

Swatt13 i can't access that page, goin to assume i need to be age varified to look at it, unless someone want's to take a screenshot and post it

let's talk about the batteries, for the G36C they have one that fits in the hand grip, what's the life span on that one? and what other batteries are worth looking at?
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Old December 21st, 2006, 17:41   #20
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Of course we can also look up for other alternatives such as TM Sig552 and the P90 series...all very realiable guns right out of the box. Just give my two cents about this topic...
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Old December 21st, 2006, 19:25   #21
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I've had all 3 of the said guns and I'll give my opinion, this is just my opinion though and could be very different from other peoples positions.

-slower reload because you need to rock the mags in like with an AK
-spare parts are hard to find
-mags are hard to find, G36 is a lot more common so the mags are easier to find and cheaper
-small battery in handguard with little other option, G36's have large handguards and battery stocks
-solid ver.3 mechbox

-mags are awkward and hard to find pouches for
-battery issues again (I hate custom batteries)
-INCREDIBLY comfortable even though I'm 6'2"
-mags can be quite expensive
-even more solid ver.6 mechbox

-quite common so lots of accessories
-very plastic and no metal bodies because the real gun is polymer (the CA doesn't feel as plasticy)
-fire selector falls off more commonly than other guns (same with MP5's apparently)
-can be front heavy with the battery up front
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Old December 22nd, 2006, 03:09   #22
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i had also considered a P90, but then readin up on it i to heard about the mags are awkward, hard to find pouches for, and battery issues. which in the end pushed me away from it abit.
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