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Old December 1st, 2007, 15:35   #1
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Multi-Cam Comparison

I was asked by a member of another forum to do a comparison of Multi-Cam by various manufacturers. It ranges from real Crye to outright clone. Here goes:

Real Crye Multi-Cam:

Huang First Generation Multi-Cam clone:

204 Tactical Multi-Cam clone:

Crye-Licensed fabric by Propper:

Crye Multi-Cam (left) vs. Huang Multi-Cam (right):

Crye Multi-Cam (left) vs. 204 Tactical Multi-Cam (right):

Crye Multi-Cam (left) vs. Crye-Licensed fabric by Propper:

Crye Multi-Cam (left) vs. Huang Blast Belt clone (right)

Crye Multi-Cam (left) vs. HSGI Denali (right):

Sorry, but you'll have to click the links to view.
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Old December 1st, 2007, 15:55   #2
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Hey thanks for all the photo work mcguyver. I was always wondering about the clone patterns. More brown than I expected in the clone.

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Old December 1st, 2007, 16:03   #3
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Originally Posted by Syn View Post
Hey thanks for all the photo work mcguyver. I was always wondering about the clone patterns. More brown than I expected in the clone.
yea noticed that too...and the pattern seems to be "tighter" or more clustered
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Old December 1st, 2007, 16:07   #4
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The older stuff from Huang is really dark in the dark green and brown and really light in the whites. It's not even close, and the camera didn't capture it as much as I'd like. But you do get the idea. The material Crye uses is real thin, with Cordura on the knees, and the Propper is much thicker, but the color/pattern match is pretty much bang-on. The 204 stuff is pretty close, but a little prone to fading.
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Old December 1st, 2007, 16:27   #5
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I like how someone can just say "oh, it's Huang multicam" or "it's a Huang RIS"
and EVERYBODY knows what they are talking about.

We need a Huang forum.

This makes me want to buy multicam, and guess who I am getting it from.
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Old December 1st, 2007, 16:30   #6
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in all technicality its not "huang's" he's just the distributor / promoter (at least to my understanding.

But yea we should have a huang forum called "The Money Void"
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Old December 1st, 2007, 16:30   #7
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Myself, I would buy more real Crye, but I get out-bid on it all the time. I don't like the idea of paying $500 for just the shirt. It will come down as the buzz over that damn movie dies down and demand for Multi-Cam dwindles. I hope the new stuff from Huang is up to the task, but we'll see.
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Old December 1st, 2007, 16:32   #8
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Originally Posted by Goodl2ussian View Post
But yea we should have a huang forum called "The Money Void"
^^do this
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Old December 1st, 2007, 16:47   #9
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Are the various MC BDUs pictured brand new? If it is can you update how it looks after 3 and 10 washes? If not how many cycles have the BDUs been through? How's the build quality of the replicas?

Heh sorry for playing 20 questions, thanks for the comparison.

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Old December 1st, 2007, 16:56   #10
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The 204 Tactical and Propper have been washed once each. The others are all new. How you wash it and what you use in the process may have an effect as well. I'm pretty certain that with real Crye and Crye-licensed fabrics, fading will not really be an issue. But with clones, who knows?
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Old December 1st, 2007, 16:57   #11
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I had to pass on the new stuff Huang is bringing in but, I did manage to snag these off Ebay for $150.00.

The seller of these pants I believe got them from here...

Ops pants claim to be made with real CP fabric, I must say the pants I have now are really well made and fit very nice.
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Old December 1st, 2007, 17:17   #12
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I just bought some MC from Dropzone here in Edmonton. Excellent material and cut. The pattern is darker and is less acceptable to fade. BUT, you will pay for it.

They are testing a acid dye for Multicam, but dont cross your fingures yet. I can only imagine the dollar price for a acid dye MC BDU.$$$$!

( For those new to ACID DYE, it doesnt fade and usually comes with a life time replacement/repair guarantee from Drop zone.)

Another note that I just found out and I sent my oder in with is:

The RCMP special forces, has made MC their uniform. Kinda cool if you ask me... They just sent in a huge order of 1000 uniforms to made up, and I was able to get into the order. Top and bottom, (with a discount) came to $288.00. Not bad for what I feel is a good quality BDU. But get it when you can, they are going to be short stocked for a while. The US companies need to catch up with the shortage, after a factory fire in mid spring 2007. They got up and running again in September, but are behind. ( obviously )
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Old December 1st, 2007, 18:25   #13
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My experience with multicam is this: I have Drop Zone Recce Smock, OPs pants and shirt. THe material doesn't 'fade', literally it gets hairy which makes it look faded. In other words, tiny fibers from the cotton stand up making it soft, but it also collects light making the pattern seem like it' faded, when it hasn't.

I bought a MC shirt from The Cat last year, and within three to four washes and dries it faded pretty badly. Hence my washing my Crye stuff then putting it in the dryer for only 10mins with other clothes to warm the moisture up, then pull it out and hang dry it.
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Old December 1st, 2007, 20:52   #14
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Originally Posted by CDN_Stalker View Post
My experience with multicam is this: I have Drop Zone Recce Smock, OPs pants and shirt. THe material doesn't 'fade', literally it gets hairy which makes it look faded. In other words, tiny fibers from the cotton stand up making it soft, but it also collects light making the pattern seem like it' faded, when it hasn't.

I bought a MC shirt from The Cat last year, and within three to four washes and dries it faded pretty badly. Hence my washing my Crye stuff then putting it in the dryer for only 10mins with other clothes to warm the moisture up, then pull it out and hang dry it.
Strange, thats exactly what coveralls that have been treated with flame retardant will do, when you dry them with those fabric softener sheets in the machine.

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Old December 1st, 2007, 21:05   #15
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Originally Posted by mcguyver View Post
The 204 Tactical and Propper have been washed once each. The others are all new. How you wash it and what you use in the process may have an effect as well. I'm pretty certain that with real Crye and Crye-licensed fabrics, fading will not really be an issue. But with clones, who knows?
Yes I am aware how you wash it can affect the colouring but the replica MC fades much faster. At least with the first set that I got, it was almost white within 5 washes. After which I picked up a set of Daves Surplus custom cut MC (which is made with real material, used for over a year) and like what CDN_Stalker said it hasn't really faded. I find that the edges are a bit softer but it still pretty vibrant.

Recently picked up a set of Propper MC but I've only washed it once so I can't confirm if that happens with the Propper MC too.

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