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Old January 30th, 2008, 17:26   #1
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High Speed setup

Changing my M4 from torque up to a high speed setup. Is there any parts i'm going to need to modify or can I just drop the parts in and go. I've seen a lot talk about piston modifications and such. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks
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Old January 30th, 2008, 20:22   #2
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For one, it really depends on the spring you're using. If you're using any kind of substantial power upgrade forget about speed through gears.
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Old January 30th, 2008, 20:35   #3
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Originally Posted by Drake View Post
For one, it really depends on the spring you're using. If you're using any kind of substantial power upgrade forget about speed through gears.
I understand that.....that's why the torque up gears are gone and replaced with high speed gears. I just hear about people swiss cheesing the piston and cutting teeth. Is this all necessary ?
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Old January 30th, 2008, 20:45   #4
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What spring were you running when you had the torque up gears and what spring are you using now? What do you mean when you say thats why the torque up gears are gone and replaced with high speed gears?
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Old January 30th, 2008, 20:50   #5
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I got an airsoft surgeon stage 3 spring now that's gettign replaced by a Guarder SP100. I'm replacing the torque up gears with high speed gears. Really what i'm getting at is, I've heard of people swiss cheesing or removing teeth on the piston. Do I really need to do this or am I fine with drop in and go.
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Old January 30th, 2008, 21:04   #6
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first part is about swiss cheesing. 2nd about angel piston
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Old January 30th, 2008, 21:11   #7
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High speed gears probably won't work that well with that spring. They really aren't recommended for anything above a Systema M100. Depending on the battery setup you have on the M4 it may not even cycle.

If you want to run an upgraded spring, forget the high speed gears and get a high speed motor and/or bigger battery and/or MOSFET. Removing teeth on the piston will help with speed, but will reduce power. Swiss cheesing seems futile since compression is going to be the real problem here.

If you're using some small battery, stick with the torque gears and find your speed elsewhere.
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Old January 30th, 2008, 22:19   #8
eel one
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M130, high speed gears, high torque motor and 12v battery pack do from experience work just fine. However it is not a setup I'll recommend.

Didn't OP just state that he would settle for a M100 spring?

Anyway, for a high speed setup, there are a number of places to gain ROF, some more advisable than others.

First rip out the old wiring and replace with 16AWG wires and deans connectors or MP-Jet 3.5mm connectors and while you are at it, put in a mosfet switch and get rid of the fuse (removing the fuse would be the one most people will dispute).

Settle for a bearing spring guide and remove the bearings from the piston assemble.

Get 7mm bearing bushings installed (Kanzen Series-L would be the preferred ones).

Get a new motor (Systema Magnum, G&P M160)

Remove the 2nd tooth from the piston and trim the 3rd down to half height.

Now before you stick a big battery to this, do test it with just a small pack. Do mind that some people get a ROF at 30/sec. on similar setups using a 7.2v pack.

Essentially yes, you could just stick in the parts you have mentioned and test it. If the result is not good enough go through the list of things to do. One of the easiest ways to gain ROF is by increasing the voltage which is fine up to about 14.4v, but then switch blocks begins to be a part that needs replacing regularly.

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Old January 31st, 2008, 17:31   #9
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Here's the setup i'm going with...
Guarder High speed gears
SP100 spring
Pro Arms lightweight piston
Guarder High Speed motor
9.6v battery
The SP100 spring is in the same range as the M100 so it will work just fine.
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Old January 31st, 2008, 22:38   #10
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I ran an M100, standard gears, SystemA turbo motor, 9.6V 4200mAh pack and my piston was torn to shreds because the spring couldn't return it in time.

I now run M110, HurricanE highspeed gears (rated for up to an M110), SystemA turbo motor, the deep fire polycarb piston with ALL titanium teeth (not just the last two), and 9.6V 4200mAh pack. I can empty a 600rnd AK hicap in around 12 seconds so something around 50 rounds/second. I have not modified the piston, nor have I installed a sector gear clip.

This is in a Kraken AK FYI, so a ver.3 mechbox, not ver.2.
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Old February 1st, 2008, 00:04   #11
Not Eye Safe, Pretty Boy Maximus on the field take his picture!
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Turning your piston into swiss cheese is fine, the hardcore hong kong guys use TM pistons because they're real durable to begin with. It won't affect compression, because the compression happens on your piston head, not the sides of your piston
It's just a real hassle to do.
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