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Old April 28th, 2008, 15:05   #46
Official ASC "Dumb Ass"
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Originally Posted by Rumpel Felt View Post
Holy shit, I didn't know these types actually existed....I thought they were just a rumour that I heard passed around a few times when I was out HAVING FUN playing.

Milsim supremist?? Uber 1337 our-way-or-the-highway airsoft??

Get a fucking grip. You are playing a GAME with TOYS whatever way you look at it.

Persoanlly, I think anyone who goes out to play with their toys and dresses up in $5000 worth of stuff and struts around acting like KING shit looks pretty fucking GAY.

And how "Milsim" is Milsim anyway. They have milsim paintball you know. Does that make it any less of a GAME. Last time I checked, any army advancing on you from any country around the world WOULD NOT sound like a convoy of sewing machines coming to stitch your ass. The unrealistics go on and on....

Airsoft is not defined as MILSIM. It's merely just a way more kick ass alternative to paintball or....reality, in which I am pretty sure respawns are turned off. Any situation where a real gun would be used can be enacted with airsoft guns for FUN. The object is not to be "able" to afford it's the highest bloody level. I think decked out Armalites with no carry handle and all sorts of crazy retractable stocks are ugly as fuck. So I choose to play as....someone you'd find in a movie, or video game, or just some random guy on the street.

I fully support individuality in this hobby and frown at those who shit upon others that are just out for the real purpose of airsoft; which is fun!

King, go and continue on with your uber 1337, fresh outta Iraq(ie. computer chair/basement) look with your hand motions and your radio communications and blah blah. But just remember you're playing a game for FUN.

Five Fingers, whatever floats your boat. I personally would shit my pants if I were to meet you around a corner like that haha! It's looking crazy, outstanding and unique and I'm likin' that. (I confess, I have vommited at the sight of others' creations such as any AK with rails, etc., but those are crimes against the real manufactures hehe )

Oh and King, I'm sure a BB from his gun will hurt just as much as one from yours regardless of whether of not he radio'ed like 20 guys and used a $1000 scope to take the shot.

+1 but remember, as much as FF has the right to wear a goalie mask, KING has the right to wear his $5000 worth of gear sameway, we should all live and let die and since this is an airsoft forum and since we're throwing out challenges, ynot organize a milsim vs freelance operator game?
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Old April 28th, 2008, 15:47   #47
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You guys kill me, someone has the audacity not to play in your happy bunny house by your rules....and your world falls God.
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Old April 28th, 2008, 16:14   #48
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Originally Posted by Rumpel Felt View Post
Holy shit, I didn't know these types actually existed....I thought they were just a rumour that I heard passed around a few times when I was out HAVING FUN playing.

Milsim supremist?? Uber 1337 our-way-or-the-highway airsoft??

Get a fucking grip. You are playing a GAME with TOYS whatever way you look at it.

Persoanlly, I think anyone who goes out to play with their toys and dresses up in $5000 worth of stuff and struts around acting like KING shit looks pretty fucking GAY.

And how "Milsim" is Milsim anyway. They have milsim paintball you know. Does that make it any less of a GAME. Last time I checked, any army advancing on you from any country around the world WOULD NOT sound like a convoy of sewing machines coming to stitch your ass. The unrealistics go on and on....

Airsoft is not defined as MILSIM. It's merely just a way more kick ass alternative to paintball or....reality, in which I am pretty sure respawns are turned off. Any situation where a real gun would be used can be enacted with airsoft guns for FUN. The object is not to be "able" to afford it's the highest bloody level. I think decked out Armalites with no carry handle and all sorts of crazy retractable stocks are ugly as fuck. So I choose to play as....someone you'd find in a movie, or video game, or just some random guy on the street.

I fully support individuality in this hobby and frown at those who shit upon others that are just out for the real purpose of airsoft; which is fun!

King, go and continue on with your uber 1337, fresh outta Iraq(ie. computer chair/basement) look with your hand motions and your radio communications and blah blah. But just remember you're playing a game for FUN.

Five Fingers, whatever floats your boat. I personally would shit my pants if I were to meet you around a corner like that haha! It's looking crazy, outstanding and unique and I'm likin' that. (I confess, I have vommited at the sight of others' creations such as any AK with rails, etc., but those are crimes against the real manufactures hehe )

Oh and King, I'm sure a BB from his gun will hurt just as much as one from yours regardless of whether of not he radio'ed like 20 guys and used a $1000 scope to take the shot.

Eh? So how is what you're saying to King any different than what he said to FF?
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Old April 28th, 2008, 16:19   #49
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Originally Posted by King View Post
So if a guy asks for opinions we are only allowed to tell him it's I wish I could live in your happy little world...and I really don't care what you think either...retards flourish around here. Fuck we had a grown man show up to our field dressed like Cobra commander once....he thought he looked great, he was happy, but not what I would call MILSIM. Cheap guns and cheap gear rule nowadays.


Posing in a living room vs pick
BTW the bottom pic is 363 and my team just outside of Montreal
Great Game DOW!!!
Heh, MILSIM you say? That looks like a Canadian load out to me, but what the hell is with the AK47S? Not to mention that the CF has NEVER had any of the AK line or any of their variants. You know, Fivefingers load out is actually more useful then the guy in the pic above, simply because if in a MILSIM game of Counter Terrorist versus Terrorist at least Five Fingers looks like a bad guy.

Having ALL the gear does not make someone play "MILSIM", having the guts and glory to RUN out and get the bloody job done no matter the odds IS. In the real world, not everyone you fight is uniform. They range from people with balaclava's to people with full blown custom body armor suits and flame throwers, to rednecks with several fifty-cal sniper rifles in an armored bulldozer raining terror on an entire city! If you want true MILSIM you need guys that put on what ever they can get their hands on, and put them on the bad guy team. But at the same time, I can throw on blue jeans, a clean press-shirt and throw my gear over it and with a badge it would be MILSIM.

FiveFingers, the mask looks great, and not only does it look great, the idea is inspiring as for CQB that could possibly save a lot of teeth. Also, IF I recall, there are bomb squads that have something similar to these that go under the full face blast shields to offer more protection against fragmentation bombs? I know I've seen masks of these design that claimed to be bullet-proof before, just don't remember where; and it was before Army of Two.

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Old April 28th, 2008, 16:21   #50
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Originally Posted by Molson View Post
Eh? So how is what you're saying to King any different than what he said to FF?
I will have to agree to that. Bitching about us liking our milsims hardcore is no different than us bitching about people not taking it seriously enough.

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Old April 28th, 2008, 16:27   #51
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Originally Posted by Molson View Post
Eh? So how is what you're saying to King any different than what he said to FF?
read what I wrote, I think RF said that because of King's attitude towards the whole issue, thats all
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Old April 28th, 2008, 17:02   #52
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since people didnt notice


thank you and have a nice day
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Old April 28th, 2008, 17:04   #53
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Originally Posted by FiveFingers View Post
if you say so... look you may not like them but it's fun to look scary... i would have tried to keep that comment to myself. negativity is a real downer' next time by a plane ticket to montreal and say it to my face
You posted pictures on a board to be criticized, either positively or negatively. If you can't handle one difference of opinion after a page of compliments, the internet isn't really for you. I find it amusing you resorted to threating a person so quickly as well, someone is a big tough guy.
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Old April 28th, 2008, 17:11   #54
Rumpel Felt
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I'm not saying what King does is wrong, it's all good and I'm sure he does it for FUN.

But then to come and say someonelses preference is "gay" and then call it "freedom of speech" when you're really just being a damn elitist asshole is kind of a shitty thing to do. It's more of the motivation behind why someone would bash this in that way. Just because it's not his way and he thinks he owns the whole sandbox....

As for the picture, nevermind the AK....why would a "real" soldier allow himself to get caught over knee deep in water right out in the open?? Seems like a needless risk to me. He's not gonna hunker down either....or his mechbox is fried!

Now look, you never hear what I shall call "free-softers" or (more deliciously) "contract-softers" bashing on Milsim types, so why should it be granted the other way around? We're all equally "silly" after all.

Last edited by Rumpel Felt; April 28th, 2008 at 17:14..
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Old April 28th, 2008, 17:38   #55
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Fighting on the internet...

(somebody finish the quote)
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Old April 28th, 2008, 17:48   #56
A-56 aka Mr.Hitman
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Originally Posted by Non Credo View Post

Fighting on the internet...

(somebody finish the quote)

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Old April 28th, 2008, 18:00   #57
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Originally Posted by King View Post
So if a guy asks for opinions we are only allowed to tell him it's I wish I could live in your happy little world...and I really don't care what you think either...retards flourish around here. Fuck we had a grown man show up to our field dressed like Cobra commander once....he thought he looked great, he was happy, but not what I would call MILSIM. Cheap guns and cheap gear rule nowadays.
no, you just dont go on bashing him,

you go on like something like this,

Thats nice, but not me at all.

or, you SHUT THE **** UP and not post. usually, when no one posts in your thread, its because they dont care.


Nice pic Mr. Hitman, why are you wearing a US flag? i thought you were canadian,
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Old April 28th, 2008, 18:09   #58
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Originally Posted by Sergeantmajor View Post
no, you just dont go on bashing him,

you go on like something like this,

Thats nice, but not me at all.

or, you SHUT THE **** UP and not post. usually, when no one posts in your thread, its because they dont care.


Nice pic Mr. Hitman, why are you wearing a US flag? i thought you were canadian,
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Old April 28th, 2008, 18:10   #59
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everyone has the right to their opinion. i answered back in a totally disrespectful way. i was just in a bad mood at the time. but it still not coll to disrespect other peoples shit too. if you don't like something you got the right to but i feel it should be done in a respectful manner.

the end...

save your aggression for the field guys it's all good...
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Old April 28th, 2008, 18:14   #60
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Originally Posted by manchovie View Post
it's hard for me to read through these posts but after skimming i didn't see anyone say anything about the carry handle mounted to the scope. why did you do that? like how did your brain come up with that idea?
it's not on there when i played last sat. i just did't want to lose it till i get my rail attachment for the carry handle. lol i know it looks weird

sorry for the double post
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