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Tokyo Marui FN P90 And The Mystery Of The Melting Battery


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Old August 25th, 2008, 02:23   #1
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Tokyo Marui FN P90 And The Mystery Of The Melting Battery

I bought a used Tokyo Marui FN P90. I've gamed it twice, and used it around the house a handful of times. Up until today, the only battery I've ever used in it is this -
A 1700 mAh NiCd Sanyo battery. Up until today, nothing unusal about it.

I have a universal smart charger, that can charge either NiCd or NiMh batteries. I've had it for years.

So here's the fun part -

I wait until I get to the field to connect my battery. The moment I do connect it, before I even close the back of the P90, I can smell burning plastic. I get my face down closer to my P90, and I can actually hear something sizzling. Wasting no time, I disconnect the battery from the gearbox and use a screwdriver to pull out the battery. It's twisting around on the dirt, sizzling - plastic covering melting, the cell connectors are fizzling. Even after being disconnected, it's still smoldering for a good twenty minutes.

Okay, so my question is - what the hell? I've never had a battery do this to me. Now it looks like I set it on fire. The connectors can only connect one way, there's no place for metal to make contact with any conductive part of anything else inside my P90. A couple minutes later, I put in my backup battery, and my gun worked fine. It worked fine for the rest of the day.

All I did to mod the P90 to fit the battery was the same, standard stuff you'd see here, at Arnie's -

Has anyone else run into the same sort of problem when modding their P90 for the J-shaped batteries?
Nabisco Lobstrosity

Last edited by Nabisco_Lobstrosity; August 25th, 2008 at 02:28..
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Old August 25th, 2008, 03:02   #2
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Just a bad battery I'd say. Or it got too old maybe?

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Old August 25th, 2008, 03:08   #3
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how good is the wiring job on the battery?
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Old August 25th, 2008, 03:12   #4
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Originally Posted by Styrak View Post
Just a bad battery I'd say. Or it got too old maybe?
I use an J-shape battery as well and never had an issue to date (2 years of service) with my P90. But it sounds to me the battery had an short somewhere and burnt up.
When you mention putting the other battery in and having nothing happen but an working gun, just proves your other battery may have been bad and finally went. Good thing you got the battery out before you burnt up the back end of the P90, nothing worse playing in the field with an stinky gun!
That's what you said last time, Then look what happened!

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Old August 25th, 2008, 03:27   #5
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im using one of those sanyo brand large types in my ak. hope yours was just faulty and not brand related.
id hate for that shit to happen to mine. ive had that happen with crappy batteries before where they not only melt themselves but also the wires and connectors in the gun
Originally Posted by MillerBRo View Post
dont let the elitist gun snobs who only clicked on your post to thread shit tell you other wise (they are OHHHH so helpful here- they wont offer you any help but will be self rightous pricks cause they are CLEARLY 'pros' who overpaid for their guns roflmao)
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Old August 25th, 2008, 03:35   #6
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Faulty Battery, Most likely a Short. A 1700mah Sanyo JBatt melted (Brand new out of the box) or at least started to when i plugged it into my p90. I managed to get it out b4 it melted too much and saved my p90 from damage (however i had to replace the rear buttplate as it melted the latch closed)

Sanyos are one of the best batteries you can get, but sometimes they are faulty and you really cant get a warrenty or anything on them. I had to bite the bullet and take 70$ loss on 2 batts going up in smoke this way (P90 and Cranestock batt). They are expensive, but dispite the bad luck ive had, all my other guns MP5, p90, C8, C9 etc all use Sanyos. Theyve served me very well over several years time and dont die as fast as cheap batts like intellect and other batt companies.

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Old October 1st, 2008, 23:53   #7
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it's probably faulty connector on the battery, is it a tamiya or deans ultra? I notice sometimes that the pins in the tamiyas bend if not lined up 'properly' with the other end- which could lead to the plastic part breaking causing a short b/w the pins.
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Old October 2nd, 2008, 00:14   #8
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I have a Sanyo 9.6V custom nunchuck-style battery that uses those same cells. It's never caught fire on me, but the solder points are all pretty weak.
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Old October 3rd, 2008, 18:42   #9
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Do you know that Intellect batteries, let's say some 4200mAh, can run up to 120$ for a 7.2v pack.

Theses are NOT cheap batteries.

If you buy then off eBay for 10$, sure it is crap.

Get a good, decent pack and you will not have problems, whatever the brand is.

I am using Tenergy brand, but I get them right from the manufaturer instead of eBay. They never failed me, bought over 20 so far.

My friend bought the SAME battery off ebay. 2 packs. Both leaked when charging the first time.

You get what you pay for.
Originally Posted by Drake View Post
Damnit, don't make me add "no discussing temporal paradoxes" to the rules or I'll go back in time and ban you last week.
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Old October 3rd, 2008, 20:20   #10
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Got a nunchuck style battery and had to resolder wires (battery was already used)

But I think you just had a short with your battery.
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