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Official I hate Canada postal service thread!!!



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Old March 4th, 2009, 13:31   #16
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Originally Posted by gpassfield11 View Post
Yeah you don't have to be too bright to work for Canada Post
CP isn't directly the problem. The problem is they contract out parcel delivery to the lowest bidder, and those companies have basically zero accountability.

"Someone in a Prius tried to race me at a stop sign the other day. I couldn't believe it. I had him for the first 100 feet or so but I can only walk so fast."
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Old March 4th, 2009, 13:40   #17
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Originally Posted by kalnaren View Post
CP isn't directly the problem. The problem is they contract out parcel delivery to the lowest bidder, and those companies have basically zero accountability.
My comment was in response to Submachinehead's situation. who's problem was more than likely do to an incompetent Canada Post Employee ie delivered it to the wrong address and someone accepted the package or it was scanned as delivered on the truck but never really left the truck lol or whatever the case may be.

But you're right...Canada Post is not really the problem with the original situation here. The problems likely occurred prior to the package arriving in the hands of CP.
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Old March 4th, 2009, 14:16   #18
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What did you order? There's a chance you could have ordered something restricted and instead of burning it the decided to return to sender.

Ehobby will give you a complete refund.
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Old March 4th, 2009, 14:21   #19
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Ehobby is amazing with shipping and customer service.

this is CP fault for being duche bags as always.
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Old March 4th, 2009, 15:41   #20
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I had the same thing happen with a package from uncompany a few years ago. Followed the status until it said it was out for delivery but never showed up. Later that day it was marked refused at the door and sent back to HK. I know I didn't refuse it because I was the only one home. I called them and they said there was nothing they could do as it was already on it's way back to HK. When I had uncompany reship it (at my cost) I had them print out my address so it took up an entire 8x11 sheet of paper and tape it to the front of the box. it showed up a week later with the huge address page on it.


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Old March 4th, 2009, 15:43   #21
Mister Donut
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I ordered some mags from Ehobby and got them within 6 days. That being said, it was a good thing I was at home at the time because CP just knocked on my door and left the package on the ground. I opened the door and saw the postal worker walking towards his van. He didn't even bother to verify if anyone was home or not, just left the package in front of the door. If I wasn't home, someone could have just come by and grabbed it.
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Old March 4th, 2009, 15:59   #22
Hash Vapor
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I've had many of the problems here happen to me as well. Packages left outside on the ground. Tracking says out for delivery, no one shows up, package marked for pickup, post office losses package even though their own computer tells them they have it.

I'm so tired of the delivery guy not even trying to make the delivery or even leaving a notice. Twice this winter I received my package only because the post guy got his shitty little post van stuck in the snow out front of my house trying to leave without even making a reasonable effort to knock on my door, and twice I got out of bed ran down and pushed him out. My dumb ass should have just grabbed the package and left him there. :banghead:
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Old March 4th, 2009, 16:02   #23
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Originally Posted by Hash Vapor View Post
I've had many of the problems here happen to me as well. Packages left outside on the ground. Tracking says out for delivery, no one shows up, package marked for pickup, post office losses package even though their own computer tells them they have it.

I'm so tired of the delivery guy not even trying to make the delivery or even leaving a notice. Twice this winter I received my package only because the post guy got his shitty little post van stuck in the snow out front of my house trying to leave without even making a reasonable effort to knock on my door, and twice I got out of bed ran down and pushed him out. My dumb ass should have just grabbed the package and left him there. :banghead:
haha that's actually kinda funny. If it helps any, I'm betting even a douche like that would feel stupid after treating a customer like crap and then accepting help from him later on.
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Old March 4th, 2009, 16:04   #24
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A money order of mine was lost for about 10 or so weeks last year.

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Old March 4th, 2009, 17:49   #25
a.k.a. Palucol
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Originally Posted by Amos View Post
What did you order? There's a chance you could have ordered something restricted and instead of burning it the decided to return to sender.

Ehobby will give you a complete refund.
I dont think I ordered anything restricted because it had cleared the customs.... But if it could help you, I ordered a G&P crane stock (+9.6v battery) , a G&P assembly switch and a magpul PTS pistol grip.....
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Old March 4th, 2009, 20:51   #26
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If ever I missed a package, it would be held at a post office for pickup for like 1 week and a notice will be posted by the CP guy noting a failed delivery on my door though usually they're just too lazy to even knock on the door and just post the damn notice or leave the package with out a signature, even if requested (now if only they did that with stuff needing COD, I'd be happier). I'm finding it weird even for CP to have totally bypassed that step. With your case, I'm not sure if a delivery issue needs to be raised from either you as the receiver or by EHobby as the shipper, you'll have to contact Post about that. Sorry to hear about these troubles man, I know some of your pain. I also bought off EHobby a few days before Christmas and paid extra for Xpress shipping. Didn't get my package in for just over a month, about a week after I emailed EHobby to raise start an issue case on my package. Wasn't anything big or restrictive either (G36 hand guard, some BBs, and a battery).
"Hey I'm the first one to say its a great country but its a straaaaange culture. This is a place where gun store owners are given a list of stolen credit cards but not a list of CRIMINALS and MANIACS. And now they're thinking of banning toy guns...AND THEY'RE GONNA KEEP THE F**KING REAL ONES!"
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Last edited by HeadlessChicken; March 4th, 2009 at 20:53..
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Old March 4th, 2009, 20:59   #27
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Originally Posted by Palucol View Post
I dont think I ordered anything restricted because it had cleared the customs.... But if it could help you, I ordered a G&P crane stock (+9.6v battery) , a G&P assembly switch and a magpul PTS pistol grip.....
whoooaaaa....I was gonna order the same Crane Stock...LOL...
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Old March 5th, 2009, 01:14   #28
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This is why i contact everyone i buy and tell them (to tell CP) they MUST get my signature. doesn't matter if my brother, mother,wife or son get it it MUST by my sig. and they have it on file.
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Old March 5th, 2009, 01:22   #29
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Unhappy canda post horror show

hi well mi horror story with cp was with a paint ball gun from here in canada knew of cp's rep so was working on front of house outside had my security cam running to do a test on it my area used to suck real bad ... tracking number said out for delivery .. saw the van drive by had it on video driving by it slowed but didn't stop oh a note i have over sized numbers on my house .. i thought well maybe more than one but got his plate in worry when nothing showed i called the next day and they said the driver had tried my door bell several times but i didn't answer the door now i know i had gone in for a bathroom break but with the camera i knew i didn't miss. guess what happened the next day as couldn't pick it up as they were trying to redeliver it .. same thing slowed but didn't stop so i called right away .. told them what happened that i was pissed they called the driver and told him to get his ass back to my place .. and drop off the package same truck shows up noow the driver is pissed at me tosses the package over the fence and tells me to fuck off and have a great fucking day .. and leaves .. i guess he got in trouble and was mad at me .. ?? sigh .. damn that reminds me i forgot to tell splinter to set the package up for pickup (just bought his g36) .. :banghead: i'm an idiot .. oh well hope they hold it if not home sigh .. dumb dumb dumb ..
I play with guns and pretend to make war to remind myself and others how easy it is to die in real life, so I honour the sacrifice others make on our behalf even if I do not agree with the policies that send them where they go, so I work to bring them home so that no one may ever forget what was done this and every other day and not to be just swept away as many people wish it would stay.
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Old March 5th, 2009, 01:25   #30
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Does anyone know why they give MY packages to MY NEIGHBOURS instead?

Good thing I have nice neighbours
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